Cover Title Page Copyright Page A Abandoned to Ax B Baal to Busybodies C Calendar to Cyrus cylinder D Dairy products to Dysentery E Eagerness to Eyes F Faction(s) to Future G Gain to Guilt offerings H Habit(s) to Hyssop I I A M to Ivory J Jail breaks to Justification K Key(s) to Kosher L Labor to Lyre M Magi to Myth(s) N Nagging to Nutrition O Oath(s) to Ownership P Pacifism to Pursuit Q Quail to Quota R Rabbi(s) to Ruthless S Sabbath to Syrophoenicians T Tabernacle to Tyrant(s) U UFOs to Usurp V Vacillation to Vulnerability W Wages to Wrong/Wrongdoing Y Yahweh to Youth Z Zeal to Zion Back Cover
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Abandoned (forsaken, friendless, left alone, orphaned, rejected) When you are left to your own resources or devices and feel as if no one cares about you; when you withdraw your support from a person or a cause Deuteronomy 4:31. He will never abandon you. Deuteronomy 31:6. He goes ahead of you wherever you go. Joshua 1:5. He will never abandon you.
Joshua 24:20. A warning against abandoning the Lord Psalm 27:10. A place to go, even if those closest to you abandon you
Abase/Abasement (humbled, rejecting prestige, giving up pride) A lowering of rank; voluntarily humbling yourself for the sake of someone greater Genesis 18:12. Abrahams abasement Ezra 9:5. Ezras self-abasement Philippians 4:12.
Abhorrence (disgust, hatred, repugnance) A feeling of disgust or repugnance for a person or object Leviticus 26:11.
Abhorrence (disgust, hatred, repugnance) A feeling of disgust or repugnance for a person or object Leviticus 26:11.
God will not abhor His people. 1 Chronicles 21:6. Joabs abhorrence for Davids command Job 19:19. Jobs friends abhorrence for him Psalm 119:163. Lying is an abhorrence to God. Isaiah 66:24.
What happens to the disobedient
Ability(ies) (gift, talent) The quality of being able to do something Exodus 28:3. God gives people abilities. Deuteronomy 8:1718. Dont count on your abilities; count on God. 1 Chronicles 26:8. Our abilities help us serve.
Proverbs 18:20. Abilities help provide for your life Daniel 5:12. Some abilities are special. Matthew 25:15. Given money according to abilities
Abolish (destroy, do away with, end, set aside) When you annul or end something, i.e., a law, a kingdom Isaiah 2:18. God promises one day to abolish idols.
Daniel 11:31. A prophecy of the future describes the end of daily sacrifices. Hosea 2:18. God will one day abolish war. Micah 5:14. God will abolish sites dedicated to idols.
Matthew 5:17. What Jesus did not come to do
Abomination (disgusting, unclean, unholy) An item of disgust Genesis 43:32. Some food is an abomination to others. Exodus 8:26. An abomination to the Egyptians Leviticus 11:10. What not to eat Daniel 9:27.
Abomination of a future ruler Matthew 24:15. Jesus confirms Daniels message.
Abortion (killing, life, murder) The termination of a pregnancy that results in the death of the fetus Genesis 1:26. Made in Gods image Genesis 4:810. Innocent blood calls to God. Exodus 1:16.
Murder is the same before or after birth. Exodus 21:22. It is a crime to destroy life before birth. 2 Chronicles 28:3. God judges nations that kill children. Psalm 139:1316.
Alive and loved in the womb Isaiah 49:1, 5. Called and known by God Jeremiah 1:5. God forms the child.
Abound (abundant, increase) To flourish; to increase in number Genesis 1:20. Let the creatures increase. Psalm 4:7.
Joy comes when resources abound. Psalm 72:7. Increase of peace 2 Corinthians 9:8. Grace abounds. Philippians 1:9.
Abrahamic covenant (promise) A series of promises God made with Abraham and his descendants Genesis 12:2.
Abrahamic covenant (promise) A series of promises God made with Abraham and his descendants Genesis 12:2.
First promise Genesis 12:7. Second promise Genesis 13:15. Third promise Genesis 15:45. Fourth promise Genesis 17:28. Fifth promise Genesis 18:10. Sixth promise
Absent (away, dead, not present) The state of being away from a group; dead or imprisoned Proverbs 10:19.
Sin is not absent. 2 Corinthians 10:11. Pauls defends his actions when present and absent. 2 Corinthians 13:2. Warnings during absence Philippians 2:12. Paul reminds the Philippians to remain obedientnot just when Paul is present.
Colossians 2:5. Absent in body, present in spirit
Absolute (unlimited, unrestricted) Not limited or restricted Psalm 147:5. Unlimited understanding Song of Solomon 7:6. Absolute beauty Ezekiel 43:12. Absolute holiness Matthew 20:25. Absolute power John 5:22.
Absolute authority to judge
Absolutes (moral thinking, complete in itself, perfect, set apart, ultimate) A belief system that adheres to a moral code; the ultimate basis of thought; something completely independent of something else Genesis 18:19. Do what is right. Deuteronomy 5:20. There is truth. John 14:6. 1 Timothy 5:12. 1 Timothy 5:12.
Morally pure 1 John 4:8. God is love.
Absolution (seek or grant forgiveness, make peace) To absolve a wrongdoing; seeking forgiveness through an offering made Exodus 29:14. Seek absolution with an offering Exodus 30:10. Aaron seeks absolution for Israels sins. Leviticus 4:3.
Absolution for a priest Numbers 19:17. Red cow as absolution for sin 1 Samuel 15:25. Saul begs Samuel for absolution.
Abstinence (avoidance of indulging, resistance) To abstain from sex, drinking, or drugs Exodus 19:15. Abstinence is a must when preparing to go before the Lord. Numbers 6:3.
Nazirites must abstain from wine. 1 Samuel 1:14. Eli warns Hannah to abstain from drinking. Song of Solomon 3:5. Keep away from premarital sex. Acts 15:20.
Warnings from the apostles
Abundance (plentiful) Something that is great in number; an increase Genesis 41:29. Abundant harvest in Egypt Deuteronomy 33:19. Abundance God promises 1 Chronicles 29:16. Offering abundance to God Psalm 49:6. Wealth in plenty John 10:10. The abundant life
Abuse (mistreatment) Hurting or injuring someone with words or actions Deuteronomy 28:33.
Promise of abuse to come Proverbs 9:7. When offering correction Proverbs 22:10. How to stop abuse Amos 4:1. Amos rebukes abusive women. 1 Corinthians 4:12. What to do when verbally abused ![Picture 18](/uploads/posts/book/49244/Images/arrow20px.gif)