![This book is written in a way that accesses a universal innate knowledge it is - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/59452/images/00001.jpg)
![This book is written in a way that accesses a universal innate knowledge it is - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/59452/images/00002.jpg)
This book is written in a way that accesses a universal innate knowledge; it is multi-layered and can lend itself to different perspectives. It could be a light read, with the technical or scientific concepts playing a supporting role, or one can choose to bring those concepts to the forefront and build the reading experience around them. These approaches are distinct, yet complementary, and the book offers a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
![Picture 3](/uploads/posts/book/59452/images/00003.jpg)
Trademarks & Intellectual Property:
BioGeometry and BioSignatures are registered trademarks of BioGeometry Consulting Ltd, BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd. & Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim.
All BioGeometry materials, including but not limited to methodologies, techniques, terms, patterns, designs, equipment or products are not to be used for commercial purposes without express written consent. BioGeometry Consulting Ltd, BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd. & Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim claim and reserve all rights and benefits afforded under patent, trademark, copyright, industrial design and trade secrets law and international treaties.
2007-2010 Dr. Ibrahim F. S. Karim.
First course edition 2007, (ISBN 978-9776232013)
First limited event (hard cover) edition Nov. 09, (ISBN 978-9776232013)
First edition March 2010 (ISBN 978-1449963958)
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.
This book is published by
BioGeometry Consulting Ltd
Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim.
In Egypt
BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd
Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim.
ISBN 1449963951
ISBN 978-1449963958
Kindle ISBN: 978-1-61550-737-5
LCCN 2009913653
First Edition
![Back To a Future for Mankind BioGeometry - image 4](/uploads/posts/book/59452/images/00004.jpg)
In memory of my father
Dr. Sayed Karim
who shared my vision of the future of BioGeometry, which was to him the soul of his beloved Ancient Egypt.
![Back To a Future for Mankind BioGeometry - image 5](/uploads/posts/book/59452/images/00005.jpg)
I also dedicate this book to the memory of
my mother Doreya
who implanted Truth at the core of my being.
![Back To a Future for Mankind BioGeometry - image 6](/uploads/posts/book/59452/images/00005.jpg)
This dedication must also include
Rawya my wife
the invisible warrior who believed in me and was my partner every step along the way.
Only with this three-fold dedication do I feel true to what I owe them. God bless all three.
Ibrahim Karim
This book is a collection of topics that provide a deeper insight into the worldview of BioGeometry from a different perspective than that in the teaching of BioGeometry. The topics have been selected from different lectures and meetings and arranged to give a certain structure and flow whenever possible.
A collection of topics will never have the coherence of a book, which is not intended in this case, but they will still convey the worldview of BioGeometry. Most of these topics take a look at different aspects of Ancient Egypt through the eyes of BioGeometry to bring out relevant wisdom to our modern way of life. The initial topics were based on a transcript of a seminar in Holland, to which other topics from later general lectures were added to give a complete picture of the BioGeometry way of thinking.
I had given some lectures in Egypt to a Dutch group that visited us and who then went on to become the first group of BioGeometry students in Holland. This group of people who had by now attended our BioGeometry courses wanted to spend time with me to elaborate on some of the things we dealt with in their last visit to Egypt that were not part of our seminars. We arranged to spend the weekend in the serenity of an old monastery in Neijmegen that had been transformed into a conference center. This interaction created a certain energetic atmosphere that promoted an activation of what is referred to as right-brain consciousness, a state which is very important for an overview of holistic relationships behind everyday interactions.
It is difficult to try to recreate this atmosphere in a book. If we do too much editing to have it in the proper literary form of a book, we might lose a lot of the energy quality. Our goal is difficult. We have to be content with a compromise between literary excellence, which would have needed a completely new book, and keeping the atmosphere of the meeting such that the latter, hopefully, can still be felt as a stimulus to the intuitive part of the readers brain. We therefore kept the restructuring of the topics to a minimum to reflect the spontaneity of the interaction. In order however, to provide a holistic view of BioGeometry, some important additions had to be made:
- An introduction to give an overview and mission of the book.
- An entry from Dr. Karims journal describing the long journey of knowledge of the Three Friends along the Way.
- An introduction to the ancient links between Architecture, Earth Radiation, and Sacred Power Spots.
- A new energy-based theory of the Great Pyramid in Egypt as an introduction to a new way of understanding new aspects of Ancient Egyptian monuments.
- Qualitative Harmonics as part of the BioGeometry design Language.
- An Overview of the BioGeometry Design Language.
- Excerpts from the official report on the Hemberg Project in Switzerland.
- An introduction to BioSignatures.
- BioGeometry: Knowledge & Application.
A collection of pictures is included to illustrate several different aspects of BioGeometry.
The choice of language for a science of qualities that bridges the gap between science and spirituality is very difficult, because it should follow a scientific way of thinking while dealing with qualitative interactions that are experienced by everybody in their everyday life. The scientific language that we use academically in post-graduate studies of BioGeometry would be completely out of place in an introductory book about the subject for the general public. This book is written in a simple language, which is usually the way we deal with BioGeometry in our non-academic seminars and television programs.
For more information about our work please visit our official website.
Thanks to the work of Johan von Keijser who introduced BioGeometry to Holland and transcribed a seminar I held there, and to Johan von Vulpen who replicated the sketches, the first (unedited) book with the title BioGeometry, Ancient Egypt, and Pythagoras was produced. It served as a seminar document for BioGeometry students. The positive feedback from our students all over the world made us take the decision to make a book out of it (with a revision of the main concepts that were sometimes lost in translation) and to introduce the general public to BioGeometry through the familiar grounds of Ancient Egypt and Pythagoras.
Yasmeen Abd El Baky who is practically family and is our assistant deserves special thanks for her relentless effort. Dahlia Khidr worked on the text in liaison with the publisher and Ehab Anwar did most of the graphic design work. Several people helped with editing and proof reading: Gihan Awad, Suzanne MitchellEgan, Mary Lou Williams, Rozalia-Maria Tellenbach and Anthony Cowan. Our dear friends Mona Hosny and Omar Fayed, reviewed the manuscript, Shahira Kamel provided input in the cover design and Zeinab Hamdy our office director coordinated the printing.
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