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THE MESSAGE //REMIX: The Bible in Contemporary Language
Copyright 2003 by Eugene H. Peterson. All rights reserved.
THE MESSAGE Numbered Edition copyright 2005
THE MESSAGE//REMIX: PAUSE copyright 2006
Version 2.0
THE MESSAGE text may be quoted in any form (written, visual, electronic, or audio), up to and inclusive of five hundred (500) verses, without express written permission of the publisher, NavPress Publishing Group, providing the verses quoted do not amount to a complete book of the Bible and do not account for 25 percent or more of the total text of the work in which they are quoted.
Notice of copyright must appear as follows on either the title page or the copyright page of the work in which THE MESSAGE is quoted: Scripture taken from THE MESSAGE. Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.
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Cover design by www.studiogearbox.com
Interior design by BURNKIT
Additional content by Mark Tabb
Additional content editor: Laura Wright
ISBN 978-1-57683-843-3
Published in association with the literary agency of Alive Communications, Inc., 7680 Goddard St., Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920.
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Old Testament
New Testament
Knowing God begins with reading the Bible. You read. He speaks. What could be simpler?
Yet reading isnt always so simple. The two unequal halves known as the Old and New Testaments, including sixty-six books with hard-to-pronounce names, may leave you more than a little confused. You arent sure where to start or how all the parts go together.
Thats why the Bible you hold in your hand is arranged by days. Every day you will read selections from both the Old and New Testaments. The 312 daily selections will take you through the Bible in one year. Every seventh day is a time for reflection with no assigned reading. If that pace feels too quick, look for pause marks within every selection
that effectively divide each reading in half. There are also reflection questions in the middle and at the end of each days reading, indicated by
so you can stop regularly and think about what youve read. Sometimes the reflection questions ask you to review a Bible verse or passage and respond to its content. To help you easily find the verse, a
or a
appears at the beginning of the material. Altogether, the way The Message//Remix: Pause is structured gives you the option of reading through the Bible in one, two, three, or four years, whichever is right for you. If you want to read The Bible in one year, do not stop at the Pause marks. Conversely, if you want to read it in four years, stop at every Pause mark.
Pause includes several other features designed to help you get the most out of your journey through Gods Word. Weve included Eugene Petersons introduction to the Bible and to each individual book. The introductions set the stage for what you are about to read and will help you understand each books unique message. The books of the Bible are arranged to help you understand the overall story of the Bible. Certain books are paired to open your eyes to the connections between the Old and New Testaments. Weve also spread out the four stories of Jesus lifethe books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Johnover the entire year. This will remind you time and time again what God did to make a relationship with him possible.
Diving into the Bible every day is only the beginning. This Book is Gods Word. He spoke it into existence and he continues to speak through it as you read. When he speaks, God pulls you into a conversation with himself, a conversation unlike any youve had before. He doesnt just share words on a page. He shares himself. As you meet God in this conversation each day, you wont just learn about him; you will experience him more deeply and more personally than you ever thought possible.
The first step is to read. Read slowly. Read thoughtfully. Read daily. Just read.
How you read means as much as what you read. Many people approach reading the Bible as a religious duty or a way to get in good with God. Worse still, some believe God will send a horrible punishment if they dont dedicate at least a half hour to dutiful study of his Word. Gods Word gives life, not guilt. Coming to the Bible with so much religious baggage takes all the fun out of reading it.
Others read like they are preparing for a history test on European Socialism. But reading the Bible isnt simply a fact-finding mission. You dont come just to collect bits of trivia about God. Far from it. Rather, God gave his Word as the place where you meet him face-to-face.
And others read the Bible like its a treasure-hunting expedition with nuggets of knowledge hidden within the pages to make each day a little brighter, a little easier. But from the moment you read the first line of the Bible, you will discover this book isnt about you. Its about God. He permeates every page from beginning to end.
Eugene Petersons introduction to The Message, which immediately follows this section, will give you even more insight into how to read the Bible. Reading is the first step, and in some ways the most important step. You must immerse yourself in God by immersing yourself in his story.
You can skim through the latest issue of Sports Illustrated and never again think about what you read. While you could try to do that with the Bible, you wont want to. The stories stick with you long after the book is closed. Some parts will leave you scratching your head and wondering, Did I just read what I thought I read?! Other passages will flash through your mind like a life preserver to a drowning man, Gods promises and his words of reassurance carrying you through the difficulties of life. Still, other parts will make the difficult aspects of life even more difficult. This isnt a book of easy answers or quick formulas to happiness and success. Nor does it flatter you with empty words of praise. If it did, it wouldnt fit the broken world in which we find ourselves.
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