Einstein For Dummies
by Carlos I. Calle, PhD
Einstein For Dummies
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About the Author
Carlos I. Calle, PhD, is a senior research scientist at NASA Kennedy Space Center and the founder and director of NASAs Electrostatics and Surface Physics Laboratory. He holds a doctorate in theoretical nuclear physics from Ohio University. He is the recipient of numerous NASA awards, including the Spaceflight Awareness Award in 2003 for exceptional contributions to the space program. With his laboratory staff, he has developed new testing techniques for the Space Shuttle Thermal Control System and for the thermal shrouds on the International Space Station modules.
Calle has been working on the physical properties of the lunar and Martian soil and is currently designing and building instrumentation for future planetary exploration missions. As one of the world experts on the electrostatic properties of the lunar and Martian dust, he has been working on methods to keep dust from the space suits and equipment being planned for the lunar exploration missions.
Calle is the author of Superstrings and Other Things: A Guide to Physics, a book on physics for the general reader. He has authored over 100 scientific papers in nuclear physics, relativity, particle electrostatics, the properties of the Martian soil, and the lunar surface dust.
He has lectured on physics and relativity at several colleges and universities and is a regular speaker at the physics department at Florida Institute of Technology.
When he is away from his lab at NASA, Calle likes to spend his time drawing, painting, and sculpting, usually from life. He is married to Luz Marina Calle, also a NASA scientist. Their son and daughter-in-law, Daniel and Emily, are software engineers.
To my wife and fellow NASA scientist, Dr. Luz Marina Calle. Your constant support and encouragement truly made this book possible.
Authors Acknowledgments
My warm thanks go first to my editor, Joan Friedman, for her invaluable and efficient editing of this book. Her intelligence, her insightful remarks, and her attention to detail enhance the clarity of the book.
I also wish to thank Joyce Pepple at Wiley and the outstanding team that she put together for this book. Kathy Cox, acquisitions editor at Wiley, believed in the project and provided support and editorial assistance; Lisa Reed created the beautiful and accurate illustrations; and Heather Dismore provided helpful editorial support. Finally, Dr. Brian Murphy of Butler University reviewed the entire manuscript and provided helpful insights, suggestions, and corrections.
I wish to acknowledge also the professional reviews of Dr. Scott Hyman at Sweet Briar College and Dr. Jim Mantovani at Florida Institute of Technology. Their important and helpful suggestions improved the book.
Many other people, directly or indirectly, made possible the completion of this book. I am grateful to my agent, Susan Protter, for her support throughout the project. Special thanks to my son, Daniel, and to his wife, Emily, for their enthusiasm and support. Thanks also to Dr. Dominique Leveau and to Tanya Leveau for their warm understanding.
Publishers Acknowledgments
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Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Project Editor: Joan Friedman
Acquisitions Editor: Kathy Cox
Technical Editor: Brian Murphy, PhD
Editorial Supervisor: Carmen Krikorian
Editorial Manager: Michelle Hacker
Editorial Assistants: Hanna Scott, Melissa S. Bennett
Cover Photos: Abbie Enneking/2005