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Thomas Nelson - The King James Study Bible

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Thomas Nelson The King James Study Bible
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The best selling study Bible in the King James Versionnow updated, with added features. Trusted for 25 years, The King James Study Bible has dependable notes and annotations from scholars you can rely on, led by General Editor Edward Hindson. A clear presentation of conservative Bible doctrine, with the resources you need for knowing Gods Word.

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The King James Study Bible - image 1 The KING JAMES STUDY BIBLE Second Edition The KING JAMES STUDY BIBLE SECOND EDITION The King James Study Bible - image 2 NASHVILLE DALLAS MEXICO CITY RIO DE JANEIRO www.ThomasNelson.com The King James Study Bible, Second Edition Copyright 1988, 2013 by Liberty University How to Study the Bible, Between the Testaments, Harmony of the Gospels, Teachings and Illustrations of Christ, The Parables of Jesus Christ, The Miracles of Jesus Christ, Prophecies of the Messiah Fulfilled in Jesus Christ, Jewish Calendar, Prayers of the Bible 1975 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Gods Answers to Our Concerns 1983 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Monies, Weights, and Measures 1985 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Maps, indexes, and concordance 2013 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Produced with the assistance of the Livingstone Corporation (www.livingstonecorp.com). Project staff includes: Bruce Barton, Linda Taylor, Tom Shumaker, Larry Taylor, Andy Culbertson, Claudia Gerwin, Lois Jackson, Ashley Taylor, Joel Bartlett.

All Rights Reserved eISBN: 9781401679620 Contents

by Edward Hindson Th.D., D.Min., D.Litt., D.Phil. General Editor The Bible is the most amazing book ever written. In fact, it is a collection of sixty-six books which Christians revere as the very Word of God. It challenges the soul, informs the mind, and moves the heart of its readers because God Himself speaks through its incredible pages. It is still the best-seller of all time because the Bible alone is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works (). For these reasons, the Bible is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice.

Christians accept both the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) and the New Testament (Greek Scriptures) as the inspired Word of God. The Bible has been translated into more languages and has sold more copies than any other book that has ever been written. Of all these translations, the majestic tone of the King James Version has stood the test of time for over 400 years in the English-speaking world. In 1985, Dr. Jerry Falwell Sr. commissioned a team of biblical scholars at Liberty University in Virginia to begin writing a series of study notes for The King James Study Bible, which was published by Thomas Nelson publishers in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1988.

It was the first study Bible to include such unique features as personality profiles, archaeological notes, doctrinal keys, and in-text maps. These features, coupled with detailed and insightful comments in the study notes, have made it one of the best-selling study Bibles of all time with over two million copies in print. This second edition includes updated notes on critical issues and archaeological discoveries that have come to light in the past quarter century. It was my privilege to serve on the original editorial and design committee. From the very beginning, it was our desire to produce faith-affirming study notes that provide clear explanations of biblical passages to open their truths to the understanding of todays readers. We were also committed to answering the challenges raised by critical scholars and providing answers to the issues they have often raised.

More than anything else, it was then, and still is, our desire that men and women would come to faith in Jesus Christ the Savior as they read and study the Word of God for themselves. As the Ethiopian eunuch responded to Philips question about whether he understood the Scripture, he replied, How can I, except some man should guide me? (), so we desired this study Bible to point its readers to Christ, whom to know is life eternal. As you explore the treasure trove of information in the pages of The King James Study Bible, it is our prayer that you will begin the adventure of a lifetime of searching the Scripture, understanding its message, and knowing its Savior in a personal, meaningful, and life-transforming way. As you read, notice that the words of Scripture are bolded in the notes to distinguish what God has said from what the authors have written. Each contributor is a born-again believer with a deep personal commitment to Christ and belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. Each is a scholar in his own right, but each one of us realizes that it is only in the Scripture itself that we have also a more sure word of prophecy because holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost ().

Let God speak to you through His Word as you read it, memorize it, and meditate on its truths. Liberty University Lynchburg, VA We are pleased that you have chosen The King James Study Bible. It has been developed to provide conservative Christians with a reliable study Bible that is both scholarly and spiritually relevant. The King James Study Bible has been a labor of love for its dedicated team of scholars. The scholars involved have produced Bible-related materials that combine technical scholarship and practical application. The result is an excellent study tool you can depend on, one that will enrich your spiritual development as you use it from day to day.

Within the pages of this Bible, you will find many resources for your personal Bible study. Comprehensive book introductions and outlines give you an overview of each books authorship, dating, and content. Rather than thousands of brief notations on the Bible text, the study system has in-depth annotations that punctuate the text in over 5,700 places with useful insights on what the Bible authors are saying. These annotations include background information to help you put the Bibles events, teachings, and personalities into their proper setting. Three other important features are unique to The King James Study Bible: (1) . (2) Brief biographies of key men and women of the Bible are placed near the verses where they are mentioned.

Through these sketches, you gain insight into how these individuals were used by God to bring about His perfect plan for mankind. (3) The information in these notes zooms in on significant places mentioned in the Bible and archaeological findings surrounding them. These notes, too, are positioned near related verses to shed light on the passages as you read them. What else will you find in The King James Study Bible?- Forty-eight in the text, recompiled and redrawn for the new edition- Center-column references with notes including alternate and equivalent translations as well as explanations of unusual King James words and phrases- Additional special interest articles- to the annotations, doctrinal footnotes, personality profiles, and archaeological sites- New in this edition:- at the end of the Bible These components further enhance your study of Gods Word by placing at your fingertips a wealth of related information from which you can draw. We believe that the Bible is Gods message to men and women of all timethat it presents His plan for salvation and daily Christian living. We pray that this new edition of The King James Study Bible will increase your understanding of that message and will richly bless your spiritual life and growth for years to come.

GENERAL EDITOR EDWARD E. HINDSON, B.A., M.A., Th.M., Th.D., D.Min., D.Litt., D.Phil., FIBA. B.A., William Tyndale College; M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Th.M., Grace Theological Seminary; Th.D., Trinity Graduate School of Theology; D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary; D.Litt. et Phil., University of South Africa; Fellow of the International Biographical Association (Cambridge, England). CONTRIBUTING EDITORS WAYNE A. BRINDLE, B.A., Th.M., Th.D.

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