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Thomas Nelson - What Does the Bible Say About...

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Thomas Nelson What Does the Bible Say About...
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This Ultimate A to Z Resource applies biblical insight to hundreds of contemporary topics ranging from:

  • Addiction
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  • In this handy, portable index, you can easily locate any topicfrom the broad (conflict resolution, anxiety, and companionship), to the very specific (contracts, debt, and pornography). Each entry contains a summary of the topic, theological/biblical considerations, and verse references to point you directly to the larger scriptural context.

    The Bible may be 2,000 years old, but it has relevant and wise words on just about any subject, ancient or modernit is the Living Word of God, and this quick guide is one great way to familiarize yourself with its contents...one topic at a time.

    Also contains illustrations from Christian cartoonist Jonny Hawkins.

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    Copyright 2001 by Thomas Nelson Inc All rights reserved Written permission - photo 1

    Copyright 2001 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .

    All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this book, except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles.

    Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson, Inc .

    Most of the material in this book originally was published in another form in The Word in LifeStudy Bible, copyright 1993, 1996 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .

    Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible, copyright 1979, 1980, 1982, 1990 by Thomas Nelson, Inc .

    Illustrations by Jonny Hawkins.

    ISBN 978-0-3101-4490-8 (eBook)

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data is available from the Library of Congress.

    What does the Bible say about...

    ISBN 978-0-7852-4270-3

    18 RRD 11


    It seems there is no end to books written about the Bible. We can learn about its organization, its historical sources, and its human writers. We can enter into the ongoing debate about when and where certain portions were written. We can even delve into the ancient languages in which it first was inscribed on parchment.

    If we believe, however, that the Bible is Gods message to humanity, we must turn our attention to what the Bible says about the matters and issues of our daily lives. This book was conceived and produced to shed specific light on that question. Hundreds of brief articles, almost all of them tied to one or more Scripture references, have been collected under topics that clearly relate to modern life. Each article seeks to help the reader find a biblical solution to questions arising from contemporary living experiencesoften with some rather pointed questions.

    You may read this book from cover to cover, gathering a wide variety of insights along the way. Or you may check the Contents for a topic of interest and find the article(s) related to that. A listing in the back of the book includes all the topics and every article by title under each topic. The alphabetic sequence of both lists makes it easy to find the topic you want.

    An extra bonus can be found at the very back of the book in the Scripture Index. Here you can look up a particular passage and be directed to specific articles that deal with the issues it raises. Not every passage is addressed (we had less than 500 pages to work with), but we trust that every reader will find a number of articles of interestand challenging for daily living.

    Other Titles in Nelsons A-to-Z Series

    Where to Find It in the Bible

    ISBN 0-7852-1157-8

    Who Was Who in the Bible

    ISBN 0-7852-4240-6

    I Never Knew That Was in the Bible

    ISBN 0-7852-1378-3

    Find It Fast in the Bible

    ISBN 0-7852-4521-9

    Coming Soon: Who, What, and Where in the Bible

    ISBN 0-7852-4600-2


    (see Forgotten)

    Abortion and the Bible

    The contemporary debate over abortion usually pits pro-life advocates against those who hold to the pro-choice position. To prolifers, life in the womb begins at the moment of conception. This life, like all human life, should be respected as a gift from God. They speak of the fetus as an unborn child, and they see abortion as the killing of that child.

    Pro-choicers, on the other hand, do not recognize the fetus as a person until it becomes viable (able to live on its own) or until the moment of birth. Thus the fetus has no rights apart from the woman. Only the woman who carries the fetus has the right to decide whether it will be born or not. If carrying the fetus to full term will have a negative effect on her physical or emotional health, abortion may be medically warranted.

    There are other considerations in the abortion issue that need to be taken into account along with the when-does-life-begin question. Many people of faith cite biblical principles that they believe speak directly to this controversial subject.

    1. Human beings are made in the image of God. Genesis 1:27 declares, So God created man in His own image. We are more than a batch of random cells thrown together in haphazard fashion. As human beings, we reflect the eternal God, who called us into being with design and purpose. Each person, even the unborn, has the right to achieve the potential for which he was created.

    2. Children are a blessing from God. The psalmist declared, Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is His reward (Ps. 127:3). Parents cooperate with God in bringing human life into the world. We have the right to participate in the creative process but not to take the life of the innocent unborn.

    3. Life is sacred to God. Because life is sacred to God, we are commanded not to murder (Ex. 20:13). No life is to be taken without a justifiable reason. God is the Creator and giver of life. Only He has the sovereign right to take life away.

    The Creators Craftsmanship

    Psalm 139 speaks of Gods intimate knowledge of each individual. He has that knowledge because He has created each person from the womb (Ps. 139:13).

    The Hebrew word translated formed (or created in some translations) is not bara, which conveys the idea of creation from nothing (compare Gen. 1:1), but qanah, which has to do with ownership. God knows us intimately because He owns us. He is like the inventor who carefully designs and builds a device and then becomes the owner of its patent.

    Paired with qanah is a word translated covered (or knit together). This language communicates the idea of a persons body and soul being intricately molded and crocheted together in the mothers womb. It is a process that involves time, skill, and craftsmanship.

    People are not thrown together haphazardly, even less do they come together through random processes. Rather, God intentionally and masterfully creates human life in the womb. He works everything together into a whole, according to His will.

    The same God whose mind and power fashioned the stars, the seas, the animals, and all other human beings has carefully, intentionally, and individually crafted you. That means you are unique. No one else has been given exactly the same makeup as God has given you.

    (see Standards; Truth)

    Saying No with a Purpose

    Abstinence is the voluntary self-imposed, and deliberate denial of certain pleasures, such as food, drink, and sex. The noun abstinence is found only once in the KJV (Acts 27:21), where the apostle Paul is described as having experienced long abstinence. The verb abstain is found six times in the KJV (Acts 15:20, 29; 1 Thess. 4:3; 5:22; 1 Tim. 4:3; 1 Pet. 1:11).

    Abstinence is basically of two kinds: (1) a total abstinence involving an absolute renunciation of a forbidden thing, such as in a

    Nazirite vow; and (2) a temporary abstinence as, for example, the mutual consent of husband and wife to give up sexual relations for a time, in order to give themselves to fasting and prayer (1 Cor. 7:5).

    The Israelites were commanded to abstain from eating meat that contained blood (Gen. 9:4). They were to refrain from eating certain animals (Leviticus 11). Priests could not drink wine while exercising their holy ministries (Lev. 10:9). Others abstained from drinking wine (Jer. 35:6).

    The apostle Paul taught that Christians live by the laws of love and freedomand that they should voluntarily abstain from food sacrificed to idols if it caused a weaker brother or sister in Christ to stumble (Rom. 14:123; 1 Cor. 8:113). The believers body, said Paul, is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19) and should not be polluted by unclean things.

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