Using Expository Preaching in Spiritual Warfare
Dr. Angulus D. Wilson
Copyright 2012 Author Name
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To the Called Men of God, engaging in Spiritual Warfare each week as you preach the word of God! Stand victoriously in the full armor of Christ and set the captives free.
1Expository Preaching as Spiritual Warfare
2Preaching with a purpose
3Preaching and Spiritual Warfare
4Warfare preaching and its effects
5The biblical mandate for preaching
6Warfare preaching and the great awakening
7The principles of warfare preaching8About the author
To the Great Pastors of the Baptist Pastors Conference of Fresno and Central California. Thank you for your brotherhood and tireless effort to proclaim truth in a wicked world.
Warfare Preaching is expository preaching, and as a
weapon in Spiritual warfare it focuses predominantly on the text(s) under consideration along with its (their)
context(s). Exposition normally concentrates on a single
text of Scripture, but it is sometimes possible for a
thematic/theological message or a historical/biographical
discourse to be expository in nature. An exposition may
treat any length of passage.
One way to clarify expository preaching is to identify
what it is
1. It is not a commentary running from word to word and
verse to verse without unity, outline, and pervasive
2. It is not rambling comments and offhand remarks about a
passage without a background of thorough exegesis andlogical order.3. It is not a mass of disconnected suggestions and inferences
based on the surface meaning of a passage but not
sustained by a depth-and-breadth study of the text.
4. It is not pure exegesis, no matter how scholarly, if it lacksa theme, thesis, outline, and development.
5. It is not a mere structural outline of a passage with a few
supporting comments but without other rhetorical and
sermonic elements.
6. It is not a topical homily using scattered parts of the
passage but omitting discussion of other equally
important parts.
7. It is not a chopped-up collection of grammatical findingsand quotations from commentaries without a fusing of
these elements into a smooth, flowing, interesting, and
compelling message.
8. It is not a Sunday-school-lesson type of discussion that has
an outline of the contents, informality, and fervency but
lacks sermonic structure and rhetorical ingredients.
9. It is not a Bible reading that links a number of scattered
passages treating a common theme but fails to handle
any of them in a thorough, grammatical, and contextual
10. It is not the ordinary devotional or prayer-meeting talk that combines running commentary, rambling remarks,
disconnected suggestions, and personal reactions into a
semi-inspirational discussion but lacks the benefit of the
basic exegetical-contextual study and persuasive
Warfare preaching is concise, it is biblically based and it
challenges and confronts evil doctrines, theology and demonic influence, temptations and unbelief. In the
following chapter we will examine the personal
encounters of a pastoral practitioner using Warfare
preaching in the three different context of ministry.
The goals and objectives of this study is to
empower members the Church of Jesus Christ with an
understanding of how they can have victory over the
Devil, the world and the sinful nature. Through carefulexegetical study and thoughtful biblical preaching, the
saints will be encouraged and equipped for the work of
the ministry.
In every local congregation there is evidence ofspiritual warfare, the works of the sinful nature,
temptation, moral failures, adultery, divorce,
pornography, and an increase in substance abuse that
causes members to act out of their Christian character.
The warfare with the flesh if not exposed can effect their
ministry commitment, integrity, and holiness of living,ultimately causing the work of the ministry to suffer.
This project created a preaching series that uses warfare preaching totrain Christians for spiritual warfare. This 6-week sermon series covers spiritual
warfare and the sinful nature. This project was designed to equip and educate
Christians on how to live the Christian life in the midst of spiritual warfare. The
preaching series exposes the believers sinful nature, Satan and his strategies and
Gods response to them so that the church can better understand what takes place
when a believer gives in to sin.
Exegetical, biblical preaching as a weapon in spiritual warfare is what God uses to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Utilizing Scripture to
combat the sin nature opposes the carnal behavior of the believer. It stands
against false doctrine, heresies and other temptations believers face.
Warfare preaching is a primary catalyst in the Scriptures for spiritually
forming the church. God uses preaching to speak to the hearts and minds of His
people and to redirect behavior. As shown in chapter 2 of this project, preaching
has encouraged and equipped the saints for the work of the ministry throughout
the history of the church. God uses it to rebuke, to correct, to challenge, and to
instruct all who have been called unto Himself (Heb 4:12).
Warfare Preaching is designed to rescue and recover those whom God
had called but whose sin nature had discouraged them so that they had rebelled
against God. The project was designed to assist believers to stand against the
attacks, temptations and influences of the wicked one and the sinful nature. Thissermon series uses exegetical, biblical preaching that is strategically aimed at thesinful nature and spiritual warfare.
This project created a preaching series that uses warfare preaching to
train Christians for spiritual warfare. This 6-week sermon series covers spiritualwarfare and the sinful nature. This project was designed to equip and educate
Christians on how to live the Christian life in the midst of spiritual warfare. The
preaching series exposes the believers sinful nature, Satan and his strategies and
Gods response to them so that the church can better understand what takes place
when a believer gives in to sin.
Exegetical, biblical preaching as a weapon in spiritual warfare is what
God uses to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Utilizing Scripture tocombat the sin nature opposes the carnal behavior of the believer. It stands
against false doctrine, heresies and other temptations believers face.
Warfare preaching is a primary catalyst in the Scriptures for spiritually
forming the church. God uses preaching to speak to the hearts and minds of His
people and to redirect behavior. As shown in chapter 2 of this project, preaching
has encouraged and equipped the saints for the work of the ministry throughout
the history of the church. God uses it to rebuke, to correct, to challenge, and to
instruct all who have been called unto Himself (Heb 4:12).
Warfare Preaching is designed to rescue and recover those whom God had called but whose sin nature had discouraged them so that they had rebelled
against God. The project was designed to assist believers to stand against the
attacks, temptations and influences of the wicked one and the sinful nature. This
sermon series uses exegetical, biblical preaching that is strategically aimed at thesinful nature and spiritual warfare.