A Lawyer Presents the Case for the
Victor James Zammit
My special thanks to my sister, Carmen, for her portrait of William and to Dmitri Svetlov for his very kind assistance in editing and formatting this edition.
My other special thanks goes to the many afterlife researchers, empiricists and scientists, gifted mediums and the many others - too many to mention - who gave me, inspiration, support, suggestions and feedback about the book.
17. Proxy Sittings refute the allegation of mind reading 131
28. Closing statement: summing up the objective evidence 213
Answer this. There are many people on the earth vibration who live in ignorance that there is another dimension to dwell within after what is known as death.
There are many people that live upon the earth vibration in a state of unhappiness, in a state of desolation within the heart.
And of course, by proving to people that life exists beyond death, the greater purpose is to bring about a realisation that life upon the Earth vibration can be far different to what it is at this moment.
But of course, if the Earths vibration can be changed by proving to the wider world that life exists beyond visible death, just think, my friend, what the difference would be upon your vibration.
And let me tell you this: the purpose of individuals coming together like yourselves is for the purpose to prove the existence of the human soul, to alleviate suffering, to alleviate despair, to bring light to the multitudes of individuals that live in complete ignorance of what there is for each living person.
Tell me this, how can any self respecting individual that has the proof of the continuity of life deny bringing this wonderful revelation to many other individuals?
Any reader who picks up Mr. Zammits book will see by his empirical evidence, his truth, his honesty and his clarity of mind that he has taken the time to investigate the true purpose of the human souls transition from the state of living within the Earth vibration to the state of what is known as the next life.
There is much information contained within these pages that readers, be they novice or learned in the understanding of life after death, will find interesting.
This book can surely change the inquirers mind to understand that [whereas] once they thought that death was the end, that their mind will be released of the bondage of uncertainty and that they will surely see that life exists beyond the grave.
William Cadwell
1. Opening statement
Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, but to weigh and consider.
Sir Francis Bacon
There is undeniable scientific evidence today for the afterlife. I am a former practicing attorney-at-law formally qualified in a number of university disciplines. I am also an open-minded skeptic.
The argument that follows is not just an abstract, theoretical, academic legal argument. As an open-minded investigator, I set out to investigate the existing evidence for survival after death and, with others, to test claims that communication with intelligences from the afterlife is possible.
After many years of serious investigation, I have come to the irreversible conclusion that there is a great body of evidence which, taken as a whole, absolutely and without a doubt proves the case for the afterlife. I will not be arguing that the objective evidence has high value as proof. Nor am I suggesting that this evidence be accepted beyond reasonable doubt. I am stating that the evidence taken as a whole constitutes overwhelming and irrefutable proof for the existence of the afterlife.
There have been millions of pages written about psychic phenomena and scientific research into the afterlife. Using my professional background as an attorney, and my university training in psychology, history and scientific method, I have very carefully selected aspects of psychic research and afterlife knowledge that would constitute objective evidence. This evidence would be technically admissible in the Supreme Court of the United States, the House of Lords in England, the High Court of Australia and in every civilized legal jurisdiction around the world.
When the objective evidence - modern materializations, neardeath experiences, out-of-body experiences, after-death contacts, voices on tape, psychic laboratory experiments, the best mediums, the cross correspondences, The Scole Experiment, proxy sittings, poltergeists and all of the other evidence contained in this work - is seen collectively, the case for survival after death is absolutely stunning and irrefutable.
The evidence presented in this work also proves the existence of so-called psychic phenomena, which are interconnected with the afterlife and can only be explained satisfactorily by survival of the individual soul and personality after death.
In absolute terms the evidence presented in this work will convince the rational and intelligent open-minded skeptic or the genuine searcher about the existence of the afterlife.
Why dont more people know about the evidence?
For many years there has been hostility towards psychic science in the mainstream media, in universities and in some of the churches. The discoveries of serious scientists working to prove the afterlife have been misreported, distorted and censored with the result that members of the general public know very little about the great body of scientific research that has been accumulated.
Many people who are genuinely seeking to explore this fascinating area have not been able to access unbiased factual information because they may not have the money, skills or the time to purchase, read and analyze the huge number of technical books and articles available on this subject, many of which have not been translated into multiple languages (see Bibliography). In some societies these books are still simply not available because of formal and informal censorship.
Knowledge which is subjective includes all information which cannot be independently substantiated. This includes personal beliefs: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism and other religions. Subjective information also includes closed-minded materialist skepticism (modern usage: a strongly held belief that the afterlife does not exist) because in context of the afterlife, no skeptic can use science to objectively prove that closed-minded skepticism is scientific or that nothing exists in the afterlife.
The original meaning of skepticism referred to the critical examination of a phenomenon without accepting or rejecting it. The original meaning of skepticism had nothing to do with completely denying the afterlife or the validity of psychic phenomena.
Like religion, closed-minded skepticism is a personal, subjective belief that is subject to fundamental errors and to complete invalidation. Because a personal subjective religious or skeptical belief does not have the substance of science, any subjective religious or skeptical belief inevitably can be invalidated.
Objective knowledge - science - is where the same results and the same cause-effect connection can be demonstrated over time and space. Science is regarded as objective in that any person who follows the scientific formulas, keeping variables constant, will get the same results. Sometimes I use the word empirical instead of science. Empirical relates to the use of scientific method to measure paranormal or afterlife evidence.
The studies of voices on tape (see Chapters 4 and 5) and mediumship have clearly showed this element of repeatability. Investigators working independently, in many different countries, have been able to duplicate each others work.
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