Publisher Imprint
Published by
Proactive Press
Falcon Drive
Cardiff Bay
CF10 4RU
+44 (0) 2071 177 173
First edition published in 2012.
2012 Tony Buzan, ThinkBuzan Ltd
ISBN 978-1-908934-02-4
Tony Buzan asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.
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To my beloved mum, Jean Buzan, who lived a Von Restorff of a life!
Introducing the Authors
Tony Buzan
Known to millions as the inventor of Mind Mapping, Tony Buzan has helped people around the globe to unlock their creativity, improve their memory and boost their thinking skills. He is a prolific author and has written over 100 books on the brain and thinking, translated into 33 languages in over 150 countries.
Lecturing around the world to schools, universities, corporations and governments, Tony has been the instrumental driving force behind global mental literacy.
Tony is the founder of the World Memory Championships, World Speed Reading Championships and The Brain Trust Charity and in 2008, he was honoured to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Creativity Association (ACA).
In this completely new work, Tony reveals how a simple understanding of memory and its improvement can instantly and dramatically change our lives and the lives of those around us.
Jennifer Goddard
Jennifer is a Master Trainer in iMindMap, the Director of the Buzan Centre: Australia/NZ and co-founder of Mindwerx International. An expert in the area of creativity and innovation, Jennifer works with a wide variety of organisations and schools in Australia, NZ, USA, South Africa, Middle East, UK and Asia.
One of only a handful of Master Trainers in Buzans Mind Mapping and other Advanced Learning Techniques, including Speed Reading and Memory.
Jennifer has a passion for mental literacy, whole brain thinking, our multiple intelligences and works with Tony Buzan around the world.
Interestingly, Jennifer is the convenor of the Australian and Thailand Memory Championships, the Senior Arbiter at the World Memory Championships and was crowned Memory Maven by Australian Anthill Magazine.
Jorge Castaneda
Jorge Castaeda is President and Managing Director of Buzan Latin America, a leading company in the fields of Intellectual Capital Development and Value Creation methodologies.
Jorge has been an international consultant and speaker for more than 20 years in the areas of Innovation and Creativity, Root Cause Analysis, Strategic Focusing, Project Management, Cultural Transformation, Neuroeconomics, Risk Management, Analytics and Intellectual Capital Development. He has also been a World Bank consultant for the Mexican Government in Process Transformation and Risk Management.
Jorge is the inventor of the Root Cause Systemic Mapping methodology for root cause analysis which is widely used in government institutions in Mexico.
The Prime Executive Summary
The Most Important Graph in the World is an eye-opening and energising book for anyone curious about that all-important universal subject - the mind and how to make best use of its learning powers. It transforms the traditionally dry and arid representation of Hermann Ebbinghauss work on Memory and Recall During Learning into a vivid and vibrant Formula For Life that is applicable, in multiple ways, to every aspect of personal, family, professional, community and global life.
The Most Important Graph in the World introduces 7.5 new Laws of Memory and Behaviour :
- The Primacy Effec t - an Effect that shows that we remember, other things being equal, the information at the beginning of a learning experience.
- The Recency Effect - an Effect that shows that we remember, other things being equal, the information at the end of a learning experience.
- The Von Restorff/Imagination Effect - an Effect that shows that we remember, other things being equal, anything which is outstanding, different or unique . (Worth an extra 0.5)
- The Association Effect - an Effect that shows that we remember, other things being equal, whatever is linked or connected, especially to ourselves and our own worlds.
- The Understanding and Misunderstanding Effect - this Effect demonstrates that it is possible to remember accurately that which never happened. This relates to the brains phenomenal ability to imagine, daydream, create and associate. An awareness of this effect leads to a deeper understanding of the nature of understanding and misunderstanding.
- The Interest Effect - Interest is like a sleeping giant. When it is awakened, it is as if a massive turbine has been switched on in your brain and all Learning, Thinking, Memory and Creativity improve in one immediate, giant leap.
- The Effect of Meaning - Meaning and insight become part of the memory and learning process as your brain takes in bits of information and pieces them together to create a holistic picture.
A deeper and in-depth analysis of this confirms Leonardo da Vincis assertion that everything in some way connects to everything else. This then leads to profound insights into the potential of human creativity and the brain, and of the future probabilities for survival of the Human Race.
The Most Important Graph in the World is a book that can truthfully claim to do the following:
- Reveal the secrets of all the great memory systems ever used by the worlds multiplicitous societies, as well as the secrets of Grandmasters of Memory, National Memory Champions and World Memory Champions.
- Uncover the secret formulas that people such as USA President Barack Obama and Richard Branson have used to make themselves successful.
- Explain the secret essences of Creativity and how to unleash this infinitely potent force.
- Give insight into the worlds greatest all-round genius, Leonardo da Vinci, his thinking, and how you can learn to think like him.
- Explain the theoretical foundation for the use of Mind Maps, why they are so powerful and why they can be applied to all thinking tasks.
- Provide new, exciting and profoundly important research that confirms the rhythms of your memory.
- Offer new insights into Learning How to Learn and explanations of how these insights can be applied to all the worlds educational systems.
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