Dorothy Guerra is a registered prenatal yoga teacher and a registered birth coach (doula) who is pursuing a midwife degree. She owns two yoga studios, teaches the Yoga Birth Method to couples, and trains instructors and hospital staff in prenatal yoga across North America. Guerra frequently speaks at conferences and hosts the television program Yoga Life in her home city of Toronto, Canada. She is also an ambassador for Birth Project USA and an advocate for womens rights for safe birth in developing countries.
The creator of the Yoga Birth Method, Guerra certifies prenatal yoga instructors, doulas, childbirth educators, and other prenatal care professionals to use her method. For more information, visit
Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
Copyright Information
The Yoga Birth Method: A Step-by-Step Guide for Natural Childbirth 2013 by Dorothy Guerra.
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First e-book edition 2013
E-book ISBN: 9780738737263
Book design by Rebecca Zins
Cover design by Ellen Lawson
Cover photograph: Tetra Images/SuperStock
Interior illustrations by Lynn Shwadchuk
Cover model used for illustrative purposes only and may not endorse or represent the books subject.
YBM logo is owned by Dorothy Guerra and cannot be reproduced or used without the user obtaining instructor certification. Contact the Yoga Birth Method Organization at or 14-30 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 258, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5R 0C1.
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Llewellyn Publications
Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
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Woodbury, MN 55125
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Please Note
This book is a hands-on method of pain management using a natural approach with yoga techniques. If you have a high-risk pregnancy or your medical doctor has diagnosed you with a medical risk, this book may not cover those risks in detail. By using the Yoga Birth Method, you do so of your own free will and at your own risk. The author, publisher, and the Yoga Birth Method Organization assume no liability or responsibility for any complications that may arise during your pregnancy or labor.
This book is dedicated to my children, Antonio and Alessia, for teaching me the beauty in giving birth and the joy it brings forever after.
To all women who have had the joy of using yoga birthing and to all those who will.
To my dear friend Tania and my sisters, Ida and Julie, for giving me the wisdom to make everything possible. To my mother, for every reason that words can never fully express.
To everyone that helped me pull this together and get it out to the world.
Finally, to every women that is empowered in childbirth through my method.
A special thanks to April Kurtyka, Sarah Townson, Danielle Downey, and Lisa Khera for sharing their Yoga Birth Method experiences in this book.
. The Yoga Birth Method Overview
. Yoga During Pregnancy
. Demystifying the Fear of Childbirth
. Managing the Big Day
. How to Have an Enlightened Birth
. Its Yoga Birth Time!
. Making Informed Decisions
. Partner Support in Labor
. Preparing Your Birth Plan
Yoga Poses
Assisting Cat/Cow,
Assisting Childs,
Assisting Crescent Lunge,
Assisting Downward Dog,
Assisting Frog,
Assisting Pigeon,
Assisting Squat,
Assisting Triangle,
Assisting Warrior II,
Assisting Wide-Angle Forward Bend,
Balancing Table,
Crescent Lunge,
Downward Dog,
Extended Puppy,
Happy Baby,
Lord of the Dance,
Reclined Hand to Big Toe,
Reclined Lord of the Dance,
Seated Wide-Angle Forward Bend,
Side Plank,
Warrior II,
Wide-Angle Forward Bend,
The Yoga Birth Method (YBM) is a way to use yoga in labor to manage a natural and calm birth experience. This method is effective and powerful. It gives you motivation to stay connected to your child as you make informed decisions toward a natural birth. I will teach you how to apply yoga philosophy during your labor to remain mindful and in control of your experience, and how to incorporate the practice of postures and breathing techniques to manage progression and pain. If you have never practiced yoga, dont worry; this method is safe for everyone and can be practiced daily or as often as you wish, even before the baby arrives. The best part is that I will even teach you how to get your partner involved to encourage a daily practice and to be hands-on during the big day.
The Yoga Birth Method can be used by every woman wanting to have a positive childbirth experience no matter what her level of yoga understanding is. The techniques are simple and easy to use. If you have never taken a yoga class in your life, dont feel intimidated. Once you read through this eight-step pathway in chapter 5, you will feel comfortable using it to prepare for labor as well as using it throughout your entire labor. You may even decide to keep it up permanently after your baby is born to help you get into pre-baby shape and help you relax and enjoy your new family life.
If you have a regular practice already, this method will deepen your understanding of prenatal yogas safe poses for pregnancy and encourage you to practice poses that are beneficial to labor. Ultimately, you will bring your practice into your labor as a way to manage your attitude, pain, and energy physically and mentally. As you read, you will notice labor is not black and white; there is no textbook description of how your labor will unfold for sure. Labor is described in a grey scale and is mostly dictated by the choices you make and the needs of your baby. All you can do for sure is be informed of all the grey matter and have an action plan to manage your mind, body, and spirit on the big day.
I assume you are reading this book because you want to birth naturally. You might even be wondering, What is the difference between natural and medicated births? Natural birth is when a woman goes through the entire labor without any medication administered to her body. She relies on breathing and her own birth strategy to fully complete the labor to delivery. A medicated birth is when the labor needs to be intervened by using medications to either start the labor, progress the labor, assist in pain management, or ensure the safety of mom and baby.