Conchita Sarnoff
The illustration on the cover is a Rape Tree. Rape Trees or Rape Bushes mark the spot where sexual assaults and gang rapes occur along the United States and Mexico border. The childs undergarments are thrown on the branches as markers to intimidate the victims and convey to Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials that traffickers have successfully committed a sexual crime within the U.S. border. Rape Trees instill fear in the victims and deter potential witnesses from coming forward to the police.
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Printed in the USA by
Copyright 2016 by Conchita Sarnoff
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.
First Edition: May 2016
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN: 978-1-68273-599-2
Table of Contents
Many people made this book possible. This book is dedicated to each and every one of you. Thank you. If your name is not mentioned, you know why.
To my publisher, Victor Ostrovsky, the only man who had the courage to publish this manuscript. Thank you for your encouragement, guidance, patience and generosity of spirit. To my wonderful editors who shall remain nameless, thank you for the many hours you invested in this project. Your remarkable patience and encouragement allowed me to move forward in the darkness. To my friends who read the manuscript in its various incarnations, thank you for your time and guidance.
I wish to express my deepest gratitude to the many lawyers, law enforcement officials, journalists, friends and colleagues who in the course of six years stood by me every step of the way. Three insightful and extraordinary agents worked diligently to see this project to fruition although they were held back. Andrew Stuart, principal at the Andrew Stuart agency in NY who represented me in 2010 and 2011. Four years later, Alex Hoyt and Alfred Regnery represented me in 2015 and January 2016. Thank you for your time, guidance, trust, and the many generous hours invested in this project.
To Renee and Carlos Morrison their friendship, grace, and generosity will be forever in my heart. Sally Fitz Morrison, thank you for believing in me, this story and providing shelter during the cold days. I cherish your friendship. To Lisa and Rick Moreno, true friends are hard to find and impossible to forget. Fausto Sanchez, my earth Angel. Thank you for your loving kindness. Jorge Castaneda, Mexicos former Foreign Minister, thank you for your friendship and taking care of me in Mexico during the investigation. Larry Leibowitz, an extraordinary friend and man. I am blessed to have you as my friend. Thank you for your support and guidance. Three extraordinary and steadfast friends guided me to the finish line: Sergio Balsinde, Richard Kramer, and William von Raab, thank you for your faith and nuggets of wisdom and guidance. Vivien Weisman, thank you for friendship when it was most needed. William Stadiem, an extraordinary author, loving friend and dedicated son, thank you for your many pearls of wisdom. Two extraordinary men taught me the reality of modern day politics: my late father, Pedro Suarez, former Minister of Public Works, Havana, Cuba (1948) and Jose Maria Aznar, former Prime Minister of Spain (1996-2004). Thank you Jose Maria for taking me on an exhilarating journey into your world and showing me what political power can achieve when the goal is to improve the human condition.
My everlasting gratitude and respect goes to the survivors and thousands of unsung heroes, abolitionists, police officers, district attorneys, law enforcement agents, NGO leaders and opinion leaders fighting at the frontlines. Your courage, faith, tenacity, hard work and generosity have laid the groundwork for my book, the foundation and provided the strength to carry on. To the countless others who shall remain nameless, thank you for your incredible behind the scenes work, tenacity and faith. The time will come when the truth shall be revealed.
This book reflects my opinion about the challenges facing the U.S. government and the Department of Justice while prosecuting high profile human trafficking cases. In 2006, when I began investigating the issue of modern day slavery, specifically child sex trafficking, the business was fast becoming a global industry. In 2014, Time magazine reported, Inside the Scarily Lucrative Business Model of Human Trafficking, and assessed the business of human trafficking at over $100 million dollars.
Several reasons might help explain the increasing figures and unending surge: greater demand; greater accessibility to child pornography online; increased distribution routes; the risk/reward ratio of child prostitution; and the limited enforcement of Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) in some states.
The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) is a federal law that helps to protect victims and prosecute human traffickers. TVPA was passed, in 2000, under President Bill Clinton, reauthorized under President George W. Bush, and reauthorized once again under President Obama.
Anti-child pornography laws and the challenges facing law enforcement while prosecuting pedophiles remain in the early stages of enforcement. In 2009, as a result of my extensive fieldwork and research, I began to write this book. Most of the information included in this book was discovered between 2008 and 2016. After my first Epstein report was published in The Daily Beast in 2010, the story went viral.
Given the recent figures, 20.9 million, reported by the International Labour Organization (ILO), representing the number of trafficked victims worldwide, this book aims to help support The Abolitionist Movement and promote the universal message that human trafficking must stop now. Federal laws that prosecute traffickers must be enforced in every state. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act is an important federal law that needs enforcement in every state.
When I started this journey the most effective way to help rescue survivors was to provide long term safe houses for victims. That fact remains true today. With this goal in mind, I established a foundation with a group of talented and like-minded community leaders. It took approximately two years to identify the board members. By mid October 2013 we joined forces and created the Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking (, a bipartisan organization in Washington D.C. Our mission is to help stop child sex trafficking and our dream is for ATRVT to live on long after we are gone so that we may continue to help survivors.
The information contained in this book was partly derived from my own observations and conversations taken from official records, court documents, testimonies, written communication, interviews, e-mails, and media reports. The facts and certain anecdotes were taken directly from court files, depositions, police records and hundreds of hours of interviews and conversations conducted over a considerable period of time with countless collaborators, Wall Street insiders, government officials, law enforcement agents, prosecutors, private investigators, lawyers, numerous victims, a victims mother, accountants, journalists, banking officials, NGOs, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Alan Dershowitz, a number of their attorneys, and hundreds of media reports.