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Elfed Vaughan Roberts - Historical dictionary of Hong Kong & Macau

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In 1997 the British colony of Hong Kong reverted to the Peoples Republic of China after over 150 years under British control. Two years later, in 1999, the Portuguese-administered territory of Macau will be reunited with the mainland. How did these two c

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title Historical Dictionary of Hong Kong Macau Asian Historical - photo 1

title:Historical Dictionary of Hong Kong & Macau Asian Historical Dictionaries ; No. 10
author:Roberts, Elfed Vaughan.; Ling, Sum Ngai.; Bradshaw, Peter.
publisher:Scarecrow Press
isbn10 | asin:0810825740
print isbn13:9780810825741
ebook isbn13:9780585192253
subjectHong Kong (China)--History--Dictionaries, Macau (China : Special Administrative Region)--History--Dictionaries.
publication date:1992
lcc:DS796.H757R64 1992eb
subject:Hong Kong (China)--History--Dictionaries, Macau (China : Special Administrative Region)--History--Dictionaries.
Edited by Jon Woronoff
1. Vietnam, by William J. Duiker. 1989
2. Bangladesh, by Craig Baxter and Syedur Rahman. 1989
3. Pakistan, by Shahid Javed Burki. 1991
4. Jordan, by Peter Gubser. 1991
5. Afghanistan, by Ludwig W. Adamec. 1991
6. Laos, by Martin Stuart-Fox and Mary Kooyman. 1992
7. Singapore, by K. Mulliner and Lian The-Mulliner. 1991
8. Israel, by Bernard Reich. 1992
9. Indonesia, by Robert Cribb. 1992
10. Hong Kong and Macau, by Elfed Vaughan Roberts,
Sum Ngai Ling, and Peter Bradshaw. 1992
11. Korea, by Andrew C. Nahm. 1992
12. Taiu'an. by John F. Copper. 1992
Hong Kong Macau and Canton Page i Historical Dictionary of - photo 2
Hong Kong, Macau, and Canton
Page i
Historical Dictionary of Hong Kong & Macau
Elfed Vaughan Roberts
Sum Ngai Ling
Peter Bradshaw
Asian Historical Dictionaries, No. 10
Historical dictionary of Hong Kong Macau - image 3
The Scarecrow Press, Inc.
Metuchen, N.J., & London
Page ii
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication data available
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Roberts, Elfed Vaughan, 1946
Historical dictionary of Hong Kong and Macau / Elfed
Vaughan Roberts, Sum Ngai Ling, Peter Bradshaw.
p. cm. (Asian historical dictionaries ; no. 10)
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-8108-2574-0 (acid-free paper)
1. Hong KongHistoryDictionaries. 2. Macao
HistoryDictionaries. I. Ling, Sum Ngai. II. Brad
shaw, Peter. III. Title. IV. Series.
DS796.H757R64 1992
951.25 '003dc20 92-20816
Copyright 1992 by Elfed Vaughan Roberts, Sum Ngai Ling, and Peter Bradshaw
Manufactured in the United States of America
Printed on acid-free paper
Page iii
To Dorothy, Elizabeth and Mo Kwan
and to the memory of
John William Roberts
Page v
Editor's Foreword,
by Jon Woronoff
Hong Kong
The Dictionary
Picture 4
Introductory Essay
1. General
2. History
Picture 5
2.1 General History
Picture 6
2.2 Pre-Colonial Period
Picture 7
2.3 Colonial Period (1841-1898)

Page vi
Picture 8
2.4 1898-1941
Picture 9
2.5 Japanese Occupation (1941-1945)
Picture 10
2.6 1945-1997
3. Politics and Administration
Next page

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