Marie-Claire Carlyle Broad-Davies, 2012
The moral rights of the author have been asserted.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or otherwise be copied for public or private use, other than for fair use as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews, without prior written permission of the publisher.
The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual wellbeing. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN 978-1-78180-042-3 in Mobipocket format
ISBN 978-1-78180-042-3 in ePub format
Publishers note
Research has shown that establishing a habit requires 21 days practice. Thats why Hay House has decided to adapt the work of some of its most prestigious authors into these short, 21-day courses, designed specifically to develop new mastery of subjects such as becoming a money magnet.
21 Days to Master Becoming a Money Magnet draws from Marie-Claire Carlyles bestselling How to Become a Money Magnet (Hay House, 2010).
Other titles that will help you to explore further the concepts featured in the 21-day program are listed in at the end of this ebook.
Authors note
Many of the exercises in the days that follow need to be done on paper, so I recommend that you keep a pad of paper or a notebook and a pen or a pencil handy as you use this book.
Thank you for choosing this ebook. Congratulations, too, on acknowledging your desire for more money and your intention to change your reality.
In an era when the greedy are receiving their comeuppance and when doing things just for the money is no longer acceptable, it is easy to believe that money is a dirty word. When we believe that money is a dirty word, we shy away from it and, in so doing, we turn our backs on our full potential.
This book is about how money is simply a reflection of our value, both our self-value, and the value that we are providing to others.
You have found this book because you have no doubt reached a point where enough is enough! You are ready to take full responsibility for the amount of money you attract. You recognize a true desire for more money in your bank account and you are ready to do something different in order to change your financial circumstances, now!
In taking the first step and reading this book you are sending a clear sign to your subconscious that you are ready for significant change in your life. You are ready to welcome in wealth. You are ready to be truly happy.
If you have already read some books on money management, abundance, or the Law of Attraction, and nothing has changed in your financial status, dont worry. Relax.
Everyone has a turning point, a breakthrough moment, and having watched so many people find it on the How to Become a Money Magnet! workshops, I have every reason to anticipate a shift in your fortunes as a result of this book. Mind you, the book does work best when you follow my suggestions!
This book has been written in an ordered sequence, starting with the theory of how to become a Money Magnet, and looking at your current circumstances. Next, we investigate how you can start to attract more money into your life immediately, by following some basic steps. Then we lay the foundation required for you to become a lifelong Money Magnet.
Its best to read the book in the order it was written and you will receive maximum benefit if you make time to do the exercises as they arise. The original How to Become a Money Magnet! workshop worked because the participants did all the exercises.
Throughout the book you will discover some repetition. This is intentional. It is part of the process of transforming you into a Money Magnet!
Congratulations again on reading this book. Its the first step in taking responsibility for the amount of money you attract into your life.
The money is already there. The only thing preventing you from being rich is you.
Day 1
What Do We Mean By Money Magnet?
We are going to start today by exploring what we mean by the term Money Magnet.
Attracting money can be incredibly easy. There are basically two main steps: understanding the scientific theory, then applying it to your own circumstances. (OK, its not quite that simple, but you still need to know the theory!)
Have you ever noticed how some people always seem to fall on their feet, while others have a different complaint each week? Have you noticed how people with money find it easy to attract more, while people with little money seem to get less? Have you noticed that when you feel happy, good things start to happen to you? Have you ever had a morning where you wake up late, snag your stockings, and spill your coffee on your new white blouse ... and you just know that youre going to have a bad day?
These are all examples of the Law of Attraction at work. Just like the law of gravity, the Law of Attraction is a natural law of our universe, and so there is no escaping it. The Law of Attraction states like attracts like. If you are feeling grumpy, you will attract more reasons to be grumpy. If you are celebrating some good news, you will attract more good news. If you are feeling rich and grateful for all that you have, you will attract more reasons to feel rich and grateful for all that you have.
You are already a magnet, attracting whatever you think about into your life. If you are worrying about the size of the bills you have to pay or whether you can afford to go on vacation this year, you will attract more reasons to worry. Money is likely to become more of a problem. If you feel that life is unfair, it will be unfair.
The good news is that once you understand the very simple Law of Attraction, you understand how you can attract more good things into your life. The Law of Attraction simply means that like attracts like.
By thinking happy and grateful thoughts, you will attract reasons to be happy and grateful. To be rich, you need to feel rich.
In other words, to attract more wealth into your life, you need to be giving off the vibe of a wealthy person ... and no, this doesnt mean going to buy the latest plasma screen TV on your credit card!
At this point, you may be tempted to buy a lottery ticket and spend the rest of the week with a big smile on your face as you practice feeling rich. (Dont worry this is what most people are tempted to do when they first encounter the Law of Attraction.) Unfortunately, you are unlikely to win the lottery. This is because more than 80 per cent of your thoughts are subconscious, and most people have an ingrained limiting belief system about winning lotteries. We will look at limiting beliefs later on in this book.
In order to be a Money Magnet, your thoughts and feelings need to be both consciously and unconsciously aligned to the belief that you easily attract money.
Rather than focusing on how you will attract money, for example via a big lottery win, it is wiser to focus on feeling wealthy within yourself. Allow yourself to attract money from wherever is easiest for it to reach you. Feeling wealthy within means having high self-esteem and knowing that you are worthy of wealth.
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