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Andres R. Edwards - Thriving Beyond Sustainability

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Table of Contents Advance Praise for Thriving Beyond Sustainability Andrs - photo 1
Table of Contents

Advance Praise for Thriving Beyond Sustainability
Andrs Edwards has given us a comprehensive, up-to-date, and highly inspiring guide to the pioneering initiatives and practices of individuals, organizations, and communities from around the world who strive to create a future that is ecologically sustainable and socially just. It is thoroughly researched, deeply contemplated, and yet eminently practical. I warmly recommend it to anyone concerned about the future of human civilization.
Fritjof Capra, Author, The Web of Life and The Hidden Connections

For those of you who have given up, who believe that making environmental change is too hard or too late, this book is not for you. For those ready to be inspired and energized, read this book right away. Edwardss latest book is chock-full of examples of real solutions, advanced by real people all over the globe solutions that can build a lasting path towards sustainability.
Annie Leonard, Author, The Story of Stuff

From sustainability to resilience is the theme of Andrs Edwardss new book...it is an inventory of grounded hope, practical inspiration, and achievable visions... exactly the kind of thinking, work, and doing that will bring civilization to safe harbor.
David W. Orr, Author, Down to the Wire

Andrs Edwards is a walking database of information on efforts to create sustainable societies, and his enthusiasm for the promise of sustainability is infectious. Read Thriving Beyond Sustainability and your belief in the prospects for human survival no, human thriveability will brighten dramatically!
Gary Gardner, Senior Researcher, Worldwatch Institute

Peppered with examples, Thriving Beyond Sustainability presents a delectable feast of people, communities, companies, and countries thriving by reducing energy and water use, waste, and cost.
David Blockstein, Senior Scientist, National Council for Science and the Environment

Thriving Beyond Sustainability challenges us to move from using a deficit model for thinking about sustainability to using a natural and human abundance approach to thinking about how society will thrive. Edwards provides the reader with both principles and examples from throughout the world. He gives concrete suggestions for action and provides an annotated resource list that supports taking actions. This is a welcome addition to the growing sustainability literature.
Paul Rowland, Ph.D., Executive Director,
Association for the Advancement
of Sustainability in Higher Education.

Thriving Beyond Sustainability is simply a must-read. It offers a concise, insightful and deeply thoughtful overview of the most hopeful and impor tant emergent trends and ideas driving the global sustainability movement. You will also find an eminently readable book that has shelf life. Edwards is sophisticated, and his nuanced analysis and discernment could not be more timely as green goes mainstream and everyone wants to know: What do we do?
Kenny Ausubel, Co-CEO and Founder of Bioneers

Thriving Beyond Sustainability captures the spirit of the people and organizations finding solutions that are creating a brighter future for all. In this important book, Edwards presents engaging stories about the positive impact that leaders are making in transforming their communities through green building, energy, agriculture and green business practices among others. A fabulous resource for those interested in learning about the challenges and opportunities before us.
David Johnston, Author,
Toward a Zero Energy Home and Green Remodeling

Edwards covers a breathtaking swath of world-changing stories, frameworks and tools that are essential knowledge for the sustainability advocate. You cant help but feel optimistic after reading this book.
Adam Werbach, Global CEO, Saatchi & Saatchi S
Thriving Beyond Sustainability - image 2
To my parents and siblings, with gratitude
Thriving Beyond Sustainability - image 3
The idea for this book emerged while I was in the midst of writing The Sustainability Revolution. At that time I realized I could illustrate the sustainability principles by sharing the stories of the people and organizations undertaking this important work. But in the interest of concluding my research within my timeline, that aspect was left for another time and another book. So here it is!
Much has changed since the publication of my last book. The field of sustainability is changing at lightning speed and I have counted on the guidance and insights of scores of friends and colleagues. They have collectively helped me focus on the essential points and have shared their subject expertise to ensure accuracy and relevance.
I would like to thank Gary Gardner, Rick Medrick and Linda Steck for their unwavering commitment to reviewing the entire manuscript. Despite their hectic schedules, their suggestions strengthened the string of the narrative and made the pearls (examples) more cohesive and integrated with the body of the work. Because of the broad topic areas, numerous colleagues assisted me in reviewing particular sections of the text. For this part of the work, I am indebted to: Debra Amador, Robert Z. Apte, Elizabeth J. D. Baker, Spencer Beebe, T. J. Blasing, Steve Bushnell, Gretchen Daily, Adam Davis, David Eisenberg, Will Elkins, Tom Fookes, John Garn, Pam Hartwell-Herrero, Christopher Heald, Stacey Iverson, Warren Karlenzig, Rebecca Klein, Mark Lakeman, Kory Lundberg, Susan Minnemeyer, Dave Rapaport, Bill Reed, Mark Samolis, David Schaller, Bill Schmidt, Rand Selig, Howard Silverman, Amelia Spilger, Mark Stefanski, Geof Syphers, Doug Tompkins, Marjorie van Roon, Kim Vicariu, Don Weeden, Paul Westbrook, Karin Widegren and Bob Willard. Their help in clarifying specific sections of the book is greatly appreciated.
Another important aspect of this book was researching and selecting the photographs. The assistance and perseverance of people from a wide range of organizations throughout the world helped me identify and retrieve high-resolution photographs that encapsulate the initiatives described in the text. I would like to thank those who were instrumental in securing the photos: Niles Barnes, Samuel M. Beebe, Kelly Blynn, Eden Brukman, Zoey Burrows, Joseph P. Campbell, Joel Catchlove, Jason Cox, Andrew Cuneo, Allison Deines, Danielle Engelman, Alan Ereira, Jim Estes, Dan Forman, Rikin Gandhi, Jackie Goneconti, Lasse Hejdenberg, Jamie Henn, Stacey Iverson, Mindee Jeffery, J. Stephen Lansing, Shavonne Lee, Stephanie Mohan, Carolina Morgado, Jennie Organ, Mary Paris, Frank Ryan, Emily Schlickman, Bill Schmidt, Rajesh Shah, Mark Steele, Lee Wakechon, Ruth Ann Wedel and Will Wilson. Special thanks go to Cheetah Conservation Botswana, Marin Farmers Markets and Tanzania Mission to the Poor and Disabled (PADI).
Over the years my research and ideas about sustainability have evolved through the exchange of views with friends and colleagues. I would like to thank the following for their openness to discussing topics of common interest: Tam Beeler, David Blockstein, Jana Boring, Josiah Caine, David Caploe, Geoff Chase, Lindsey Corbin, Kayla Cranston, Bruce Dickinson, Erik Dunmire, Elizabeth Durney, Shelley Flint, Tom Fookes, Pete Gang, Marya Glass, Nicky Gonzalez Yuen, Bruce Hammond, Randy Hayes, Trathen Heckman, Richard Heinberg, David Johnston, Bruce King, Miriam Landman, Jack Lin, Michele McGeoy, Charles McGlashan, Nancy Metzger, Ramsay Millie, Carol Misseldine, Mutombo Mpanya, Michael Murray, Jim Newell, Greg Newth, Pramod Parajuli, James Pittman, Susan Pridmore, Jeffrey Reynolds, Chris Schmidt, Tom Sebastian, Paul Sheldon, John Shurtz, Brian Staszenski, Mark Stefanski, Tom Tamblyn, Andrea Traber, Scott Valentino, Sim Van der Ryn, Judy Walton, Nils Warnock, Duane Warren, Barbara Widhalm and Mark Woodrow.
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