In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends. KOZUKO OKAKURA
the very finest treasures I ever helped to grow.
of true meaning, love and happiness.
THANK YOU This book of flowers really is the most special title Ive ever created. It took me decades to research and years to write, and I deeply appreciate the support and encouragement of those who made it possible. It is with much joy that I thank my family, friends and the supportive team at Rockpool Publishing who were there when it mattered most, and helped my dream to become a reality. Immeasurable thanks and love to every one of you who I have met online and in person and with whom I share my passion for nature and flowers. I have adored our conversations and blossoming friendships over the years, and I greatly appreciate the wonderful support you have given my work.
Also thanks to those of you who are holding this book now by doing so, you are helping me to continue my work with flowers now and into the future. I hope this book brings each one of you the bouquet of flower love, happiness and insight that you are looking for. Thank you all for keeping me growing.
Bunches of love,
INTRODUCTION A re you trying to find the right flower to say I love you, I like you, cheer up, get well, Im sorry, or congratulations? Perhaps you are planning an event and wish to infuse it with exactly the right emotion and atmosphere. Maybe you are gardening! Imagine creating an outdoor space that holds special meaning for you, or just knowing what the returning blossoms in your garden represent each season. Would you like to connect with the healing attributes of flowers and have a handy reference book to guide you? Did someone give you a bunch of flowers recently and you would like to know more about them? Do certain blooms seem to come to you in dreams, your daily life or thoughts? This book will tell you the meanings behind each flower. After a lifetime spent researching the incredible language of flowers and plants, I have decided to create a title I havent been able to find.
I have long wanted a flower dictionary and a prescription of meanings to refer to a flowerpaedia! A book I can carry with me and share with others, providing a quick and easy way to find the flowers that convey my intentions, a way to look up flowers and hear what they have to say. You have in your hands this little book borne of these wishes. I hope that it is helpful for you when you are gardening, selecting bouquets, planning floral decorations for events, creating artworks, crafting, working with healing modalities and even perhaps making a little magic. I am sure that you will find many more ways to share and benefit from understanding the language of flowers, too. May you always be a blessing to nature Cheralyn WHAT ARE FLOWER MEANINGS? I am a passionate gardener and lifetime student of ethnobotany, the exploration of the relationship between people and plants. What I have learned is that our botanical friends are very happy living their own lives, but they do connect with us and interact with us because we share the same ecosystem.
A very positive additional layer to this relationship for us is that we may find personal assistance with healing, emotional support, physical nourishment and connections, which are tied to our spiritual beliefs. How we can fully benefit from our relationship with nature and in turn assist her, is by understanding plant meanings. Flowers and plants describe the attributes that they hold through their form, function and behaviour. The way they grow and attract pollinators; the way they look, smell, taste, feel and even sound, are all indications of this. From closely observing these factors, we have an opening into the world of the language of plants. We humans have been translating this plant language into flower and plant meanings in order to pass the information down to each generation.
It benefits us because we learn which plants and flowers can heal, nourish, harm or delight us, and how we may care, in turn, for nature. Some of the terms we have used for plant language are The Language of Flowers, The Language of Plants and The Doctrine of Signatures, and there are thousands of verbal histories and folklore traditions the world over containing translation of these meanings. Sometimes meanings are created to suit a fashion, fad or popular interest, but they are not in keeping with the true language of plants. A few collections are very lovely, but they are more concerned with pleasing a market and creating myth than exhibiting nature as the purest form of the flowers and plants themselves. I personally enjoy some of these publications they are interesting from an ethnobotanical point of view as I explore the fascinating relationships between people and plants but I have not included any meaning that does not relate directly to the true nature of the plant. Within this book you will also notice that sometimes the various meanings seem to contradict each other.
This is because everything has a light and shadow and, on occasion, the shadow side is stronger in certain flowers and can manifest as the complete opposite of the more positive meaning it contains. The shadow inclusion is therefore important, but the intention and the meaning you are focused on must be very carefully considered. Finally, Im often asked, Does a plant still have the meaning of the flower even if it isnt in bloom? Yes, it does. The meaning is still there but it is tempered a little by the absence of the blossom. A bare rose bush still means love but it could also mean that, right now, love is in a different stage than that first flush of petals and whirlwind romance. Perhaps it is a quieter love, steadily growing.
The meanings of flowers are there, you just need to quieten yourself and listen. HOW TO USE THIS BOOK I t would be impossible to list all the flowers of the world and all their meanings in one book, certainly not one you could carry. I have selected one thousand of what I hope are the most well-known flowers as well as a good cross-section of others in the floral world. The meanings I have gathered are the strongest associations available. They are not complete, however, and probably never will be science and our own evolution opens us to more understanding of the natural world almost daily, and we are learning more and more through the generations. I would love you to add to this book, scribble in the margins, keep your own journal, and join me and many others who are passionate about flowers and plants.
Keep listening to and discussing the language of flowers, not only for yourself but for nature. Flowers are the most visual way plants communicate with each other, across species and with the earth. If we listen closely, we may be the blessing nature really needs right now. Understanding The Language Of Flowers I am looking for If you know the sentiment and energy you would like to convey, or a healing outcome you are seeking to achieve with flowers, look through and find the meaning/s that you feel best match this in SECTION ONE Meanings. You will find a list of flowers for each meaning. The botanical nomenclature (scientific name) is offered to ensure proper identification as common names do vary between areas, people and throughout history.