Carnivore Cooking for Cool Dudes
The incredible new nose-to-tail eating strategy to lose excess body fat, improve performance, speed recovery, and heal inflammation and autoimmunity
2020 Brad Kearns, Brian McAndrew, and William Shewfelt. All rights reserved.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2019914852
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7326745-5-4 eBook ISBN: 978-1-7326745-7-8
Publisher: Bradventures LLC
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Editor: N/A (first draft was perfect)
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Cover photo: Jane Meadows
Dudes cooking photos: Natalie Brenner (
Recipe photos and testing: Sarah Steffens (
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Spot illustrations: Caroline De Vita
Fabulous kitchen hostess at her fabulous kitchen: Devyn Sisson
Other photos: Steven eWildlife Photo Kobrine, Brian McAndrew, Grace McAndrew, Brad Kearns, William Shewfelt, Chelsea Bandini, Alan Hurt Jr., Gregory Pappas, Josh Willink, Tatiana, Rawpixel, Robert Acurin, Veeterzy
DISCLAIMER: The ideas, concepts, and opinions expressed in this book are intended to be used for educational purposes only. This book is sold with the understanding that the authors and publisher are not rendering medical advice of any kind, nor is this book intended to replace medical advice, nor to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, condition, illness, or injury. It is imperative that before beginning any diet, exercise, recipes, or lifestyle program, including any aspect of the methodologies mentioned in Carnivore Cooking for Cool Dudes, you receive full medical clearance from a licensed physician. If you are currently taking medication for health conditions, are pregnant or a growing youth, or have a current or past condition such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or other serious health condition, major dietary changes should be considered with extreme caution and the guidance of a trusted medical professional. The authors and publisher claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the material in this book. If you object to this disclaimer, you may return the book to publisher for a full refund.
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The nose-to-tail carnivore strategy enables you to enjoy maximum nutrient density in your diet, with minimal exposure to plant antigens that can cause serious problems for sensitive people. In my psychiatry and functional medicine practice, I have seen many examples of remarkable spontaneous healing from chronic autoimmune and inflammatory conditions prompted by a carnivore eating strategy.
psychiatrist and functional medicine physician, author of The Carnivore Code
The idea of a carnivore diet is gaining more credibility every day, especially for sufferers of chronic autoimmune or inflammatory conditions. In my promotion of the Primal Blueprint lifestyle, I have prided myself on maintaining an open mind and being willing to revise my position when new information comes to light. The carnivore premise is extremely compelling and worth investigating further for all ancestral health enthusiasts.
Primal Kitchen kingpin
I have been following a carnivore-style diet for nearly two decades in my quest for peak performance in bodybuilding and power lifting. If you want to get lean quickly, and boost your recovery with superior nutrition, carnivore is a proven effective strategy. Naysayers can say what they want, but a six-pack doesnt lie. Try carnivore if you are interested in a body composition breakthrough and a more nutritious diet.
bodybuilding legend and inventor of the amazing Sling Shot training aid
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Our ancestors most certainly were omnivores, but they likely ate plants mostly as a strategy against unsuccessful hunting. If our ancestors were able to bring down a prehistoric wooly mammoth, that estimated three million calories would have fed the band lavishly for months!
orthopedic surgeon, carnivore expert, co-host of Performance Outliers podcast, world-record indoor rower at age 51
Hey dude, hows it going? Welcome to the exciting world of the carnivore diet. The premise of the carnivore diet is simple: You consume predominantly (or entirely) animal foods with a nose-to-tail strategy. You strive for maximum variety (especially with nutrient powerhouses like organ meats) and the highest-quality choices in each food category (grass-fed beef, pasture-raised eggs, wild-caught fish, etc.) to maximize nutritional benefits.
The novel concept of eating exclusively animal foods has taken the ancestral health world by storm because enthusiasts are achieving an assortment of truly amazing results. Chief among them is a reliable and rapid reduction of excess body fat when going carnivore for even just 30 days. Those suffering from chronic autoimmune or inflammatory conditions discover immediate improvement in symptoms that largely resist mainstream medical intervention. Others report improved athletic performance and recovery, particularly a reduction in post-exercise stiffness and inflammation after switching to carnivore.
Dont be influenced by naysayers trashing carnivore as a Burger King binge. The evolved carnivore approach is far from the Standard American Diet pattern of eating objectionable CAFO products (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, featuring hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, and environmentally objectionable practices) and focusing almost entirely on muscle meatswhich have an inferior nutritional profile to organ meats. Instead, youll indulge in exotic, colorful, and incredibly nutritious foods: the intense orange hues of pastured eggs and salmon roe, teeming with important vitamins and minerals; the rich burgundy of liver (perhaps the most nutrient-dense food on the planet) and other organ meats; steaming mugs of bone broth (a great source of hard-to-find agents like collagen and glycosaminoglycans that boost connective tissue health); the omega-3 powerhouses in the oily, cold-water fish SMASH hits family (Sardines, Mackerel, Anchovies, Salmon, Herring), and much more. Its an adventure deep into the foods that nourished human evolution for 2.5 million years.
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