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Middleton - Complete Plays and Poetry of Thomas Middleton

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Middleton Complete Plays and Poetry of Thomas Middleton
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    Complete Plays and Poetry of Thomas Middleton
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The Jacobean playwright Thomas Middleton stands with John Fletcher and Ben Jonson as one of the most successful and prolific playwrights of his time. Middleton achieved equal success in comedy and tragedy, producing a diverse range of dramatic and poetic works. This comprehensive eBook presents Middletons complete plays and poetry, with numerous illustrations, rare texts appearing in digital print for the first time, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (Version 1)

  • Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Middletons life and works
    • Concise introductions to the famous plays
    • All 32 plays, with individual contents tables
    • Includes rare attributions, available in no other collection
    • Images of how the plays were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts
    • Excellent formatting of the play texts
    • Features Middletons complete poetry available in no other...
  • Middleton: author's other books

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    The Complete Plays of THOMAS MIDDLETON 1580-1627 Contents - photo 1

    The Complete Plays of



    Contents Delphi Classics 2016 Version 1 The Complete Plays of - photo 2


    Delphi Classics 2016 Version 1 The Complete Plays of THOMAS MIDDLETON - photo 3

    Delphi Classics 2016

    Version 1

    The Complete Plays of THOMAS MIDDLETON By Delphi Classics 2016 - photo 4

    The Complete Plays of


    By Delphi Classics 2016 COPYRIGHT Complete Plays of Thomas Middleton First - photo 5

    By Delphi Classics, 2016


    Complete Plays of Thomas Middleton

    First published in the United Kingdom in 2016 by Delphi Classics.

    Delphi Classics, 2016.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form other than that in which it is published.

    Delphi Classics

    is an imprint of

    Delphi Publishing Ltd

    Hastings, East Sussex

    United Kingdom

    Contact: sales@delphiclassics.com


    Parts Edition Now Available!

    Love reading Thomas Middleton Did you know you can now purchase the Delphi - photo 6

    Love reading Thomas Middleton ?

    Did you know you can now purchase the Delphi Classics Parts Edition of this author and enjoy all the novels, plays, non-fiction books and other works as individual eBooks? Now, you can select and read individual novels etc. and know precisely where you are in an eBook. You will also be able to manage space better on your eReading devices.

    The Parts Edition is only available direct from the Delphi Classics website - photo 7

    The Parts Edition is only available direct from the Delphi Classics website.

    For more information about this exciting new format and to try free Parts Edition downloads , please visit this link .

    Explore Elizabethan and Jacobean theatre with Delphi Classics

    For the first time in publishing history Delphi Classics is proud to present - photo 8

    For the first time in publishing history, Delphi Classics is proud to present the complete works of these writers, with beautiful illustrations and the usual bonus material.



    When reading the plays and poetry on your eReading device it is recommended to - photo 9

    When reading the plays and poetry on your eReading device, it is recommended to use a small font size and landscape mode to allow the formatting of lines to show correctly.

    The Plays

    Elizabethan London Middletons birthplace Map of Westminster in Elizabethan - photo 10

    Elizabethan London Middletons birthplace

    Map of Westminster in Elizabethan times Another view of Elizabethan - photo 11

    Map of Westminster in Elizabethan times

    Another view of Elizabethan Westminster Middletons father owned property - photo 12

    Another view of Elizabethan Westminster

    Middletons father owned property adjoining the Curtain Theatre in Shoreditch - photo 13

    Middletons father owned property adjoining the Curtain Theatre in Shoreditch


    The Phoenix was written c 1603-04 and first performed by the acting company - photo 14

    The Phoenix was written c. 1603-04 and first performed by the acting company The Children of Pauls, one of the most prominent theatre troupes during the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras. Though St. Pauls Cathedral had featured a boys choir since the 12th century, it was not until the 16th century that they formed a dramatic group. The troupe quickly became a popular choice of the Court, until they were banned from performing for a decade between 1590 and 1600. They began acting again in productions at the start of the 17th century, only to cease to be active by 1606. Children of Pauls performed Middletons play at Court before King James I on 20 February 1604, but it was not entered into the Stationers Register until 9 May 1607. The first quarto was published by the bookseller Arthur Johnson in late 1607 and more than twenty years later Richard Meighen issued a second quarto.

    The play is often categorised as a City comedy: a genre of satirical drama based on ordinary London life, revealing the metropolis as a place of vice, degradation and idiocy; such plays often parody certain theatrical conventions such as characters in disguise and noble and honourable sons wishing to regain their fortunes from unscrupulous family members. While Middletons play lacks London as its location, the characters tend to exhibit similar behaviours to those present in dramas set in the capital in the early 17th century. The first City comedies appeared at the end of the 16th century and continued to be staged until the closing of the theatres in 1642 at the start of the English Civil War.

    The Phoenix opens with the Duke of Ferrara proposing that his virtuous son and heir, Phoenix, should be sent away to travel in order to gain the necessary experience for him to rule after his fathers demise. Phoenix confides in his loyal servant, Fidelio, that he intends to remain in the kingdom, but disguise himself so he can learn the truth about the vices and abuses committed by the subjects. The young man and his servant soon discover much dubious and immoral behaviour, including Proditors plan to murder the Duke and his son, the Captains attempts to sell his wife and the corrupt justice of the peace Falsos many troubling schemes and endeavours. Middletons work particularly lampoons and satirises the nefarious manner in which the legal system could be abused and corrupted by unscrupulous people that wished to increase their personal wealth.

    Thomas Middleton CONTENTS Dramatis Person The DUKE of Ferrara INFESTO a lord - photo 15

    Thomas Middleton

    Dramatis Person

    The DUKE of Ferrara
    INFESTO, a lord
    LUSSURIOSO, a lord
    PRODITOR, a lord
    Prince PHOENIX, the Dukes son
    FIDELIO, his servant
    NIECE to Falso
    THREE SOLDIERS of the sea
    The CAPTAIN, Castizas husband
    CASTIZA, Fidelios mother
    The GROOM of an inn
    SUITORS to Tangle
    TANGLE, a lawyer
    The JEWELLERS WIFE, Falsos daughter
    Her BOY
    The KNIGHT
    His LACKEY
    SUITORS to Falso
    FALSO, a justice
    LATRONELLO, his servant
    FURTIVO, his servant
    TWO GENTLEMEN, friends of Falsos brother
    SERVANT to Proditor
    FUCATO, Falsos servant
    QUIETO, a reformed lawyer
    Quietos BOY
    MAID to the Jewellers Wife

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