Ultimate Financial
Planning Guide
Personal Finance Demystified
Nikhil Kale
UltimateFinPlan.com One-Stop Financial Shop!
Copyright 2017-2021 by Nikhil Kale
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ISBN: 978-93-5281-134-2
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Ultimate Financial Planning Guide hereinafter referred to as Book is presented solely for educational and knowledge purposes. Nikhil Kale herein after referred to as the Author does not offer it as a legal, accounting, financial, investment advice or other professional services advice. While best efforts have been taken in preparing this Book, the Author makes no representations or warranties or guarantees or assurances of any kind and assumes no liabilities of any kind with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents and specifically disclaims all warranties and conditions with respect to the Book, either expressed, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy, of quiet enjoyment, and non-infringement of third party rights.
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An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
- Benjamin Franklin
Ultimate Financial Planning Guide is a simple, easy to understand and crisp guide to personal finance. This book is suitable for novice readers as well as for those who possess basic to intermediate knowledge related to personal finance. This book clarifies the myth that financial planning is just about investments. It is important to take control of household budget, manage your loans efficiently, protect yourself with adequate insurance cover, have a contingency reserve and assess your financial risk profile prior to planning for your important financial goals and investments. The book explains these key financial concepts and also details the process of comprehensive financial planning in a structured and simplified manner.
During my graduation, I came across many people who struggled with managing their finances and also were not in a position to afford paid financial services for this purpose. This was also one of the reasons I undertook further studies in finance and subsequently became a qualified financial planner. After being in the financial service industry for over a decade and having formulated over 1,200 comprehensive financial plans, I believe I have reached a level where I can pen down my thoughts to enlighten the people around me. My ultimate aim is to make everyone self-equipped to manage their own finances and achieve a secured financial life by providing end to end financial solutions.
For everyone who would be interested in taking this further, I have also designed Ultimate Financial Planner which is excel based comprehensive financial planning application. This application will enable you to easily formulate a personalized and comprehensive financial plan for yourself (sample report available at the end of this book). The application will help you keep a track of your Monthly Budget, manage your Loans, assess your Financial Risk Profile, assess your Insurance Cover requirement and most importantly plan for your key Financial Goals & Retirement. You may please visit the following link for more details about this application https://ultimatefinplan.com/ufp-application .
Risk Profiler is one of the key tools available in the above said Ultimate Financial Planner application. This particular Risk Profiler tool is provided as a complimentary offering to you along with this book . The link to download this Risk Profiler tool is available on the last page of this book. You may evaluate your Risk Profile with the help of the complimentary Risk Profiler tool which essentially assesses your capacity and tolerance of taking financial risk with the help of a psychometric questionnaire.
The contents of this book and Ultimate Financial Planner application are relevant globally . I am confident that with the help of this book and Ultimate Financial Planner application, you will easily understand the fundamentals of personal finance and also formulate your own detailed Financial Plan. Your time is the most important investment that you need to make, for securing your financial life. My best wishes for your Healthy and Secured Financial Life!
Warm Regards,
Nikhil Kale
I - Introduction to Financial Planning