The Complete Guide To Learn Expert Concepts. Advanced Python Programming To Learn And Effectively Understand Python Programming
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Pthn n open source, hgh-lvl rgrmmng language dvld b Guido vn Rum n the lt 1980s nd presently administered by Pthn Sftwr Fundtn. It m frm the ABC lngug tht he hld rt rl n n h rr. Pthn is a wrful lngug that you n use to rt games, wrt GUI, nd develop wb ltn. It a hgh-lvl lngug. Reading nd wrtng d in Python is much lk reading and writing regular English ttmnt. Bu th are nt wrttn n mhn-rdbl language, Pthn programs need t b processed before machines n run thm. Python is an ntrrtd lngug. This means that every time a rgrm run, t ntrrtr run thrugh the d and translates it nt mhn-rdbl bt d. Pthn n bjt-rntd language that llw ur t manage and control data structures r bjt t create and run rgrm. Evrthng n Pthn is, in ft, frt l. All bjt, dt t, functions, methods, nd l tk ul tn in Pthn.
Prgrmmng lngug are created t tf th nd of rgrmmr nd ur for n fftv tl t develop applications that mt lives, lftl, nm, and t. Th help mk lives bttr b nrng rdutvt, enhancing mmuntn, nd mrvng ffn. Lngug die nd bm obsolete whn th fail to live up to xttn nd r replaced nd urdd by lngug tht r mr wrful. Python a programming lngug that has td th tt f tm nd has remained rlvnt r ndutr nd bun and mng programmers, nd ndvdul users. It a lvng, thrvng, and highly uful lngug that highly rmmndd a frt programming lngug fr th who wnt t dive nt nd xrn programming.
Advantages of Ung Pthn
Hr are reasons wh u wuld rfr to lrn nd u Python vr thr hgh lvl lngug:
Pthn programs use lr, simple, nd n instructions tht r easy to rd even by th wh hv n ubtntl rgrmmng background. Prgrm wrttn in Pthn r, therefore, r t mntn, debug, or nhn.
Higher rdutvt
Cd ud n Pthn r ndrbl shorter, mlr, and less verbose thn other highlevel programming lngug such as Jv nd C++. In ddtn, it h wll-dgnd bult-n ftur nd tndrd lbrr as wll to thrd rt modules nd ur lbrr. Th ftur mk rgrmmng in Python mr ffnt.
L lrnng time
Python relatively t lrn. Many fnd Pthn a gd frt language fr lrnng programming bu t u ml ntx and hrtr codes.
Run r dffrnt ltfrm
Pthn wrk n Wndw, Lnux/UNIX, Mac OS X, thr rtng tm nd mllfrm dv. It l run n mrntrllr ud n appliances, toys, remote ntrl, mbddd devices, nd thr mlr devices.
Intllng Pthn
Installing Python n Wndw
T ntll Python, u mut first dwnld the ntlltn kg f your preferred vrn from th link: htt://www.thn.rg/dwnld/
On th g, u wll be asked t h between th tw ltt vrn for Pthn 2 and 3: Pthn 3.5.1 and Pthn 2.7.11. Altrntvl, if u r lkng for a f rl, u n rll down the g t fnd dwnld links fr earlier vrn. You wuld nrmll t t dwnld th latest version, whh Pthn 3.5.1. Th w rld n Dmbr 7, 2015. Hwvr, u m t for th latest version f Python 2, 2.7.11. Your rfrn wll usually dnd on whh version wll b mt usable fr ur project. While Pthn 3 is th rnt nd futur of th lngug, u such thrd rt utlt r mtblt m require u to download Python 2.
Installing Pthn n M
If ur using a Mac, you n dwnld the ntlltn kg frm th link: htt://www.thn.rg/dwnld/m-x/
Running th Installation fl:
On ur fnhd with the download, you n proceed t ntlltn b lkng n th downloaded .x fl. Stndrd ntlltn wll nlud IDLE, , nd dumnttn.
In th chapter ull run ur first Pthn rgrm, . Frt, ull need t hk whthr Pthn is ntlld n your mutr; f t nt, ull ntll it. Yull l install a txt editor t wrk wth your Python rgrm. Txt dtr recognize Python d nd hghlght sections as you wrt, mkng it t understand th trutur f ur code.
Sttng U Yur Prgrmmng Environment
Pthn differs lghtl n different rtng systems, ull nd to keep a few ndrtn in mind. Hr, wll lk t th tw mjr vrn f Python currently n u and outline th t t t u Python on ur tm.
Python 2 nd Pthn 3
Td, two versions f Pthn r vlbl: Pthn 2 nd the nwr Pthn 3. Evr rgrmmng lngug vlv as nw d and th-nlg mrg, nd the dvlr f Python hv ntnull made the language mr vrtl nd wrful. Mt hng r nrmntl and hardly ntbl, but n some d wrttn fr Pthn 2 may not run properly on systems with Pthn 3 ntlld. Thrughut th bk Ill nt ut r f significant difference between Pthn 2 nd Python 3, whichever version u u, ull b bl t fllw th ntrutn.
If bth vrn r ntlld n ur system r f u nd t ntll Pthn, u Pthn 3. If Pthn 2 th only vrn n ur tm nd ud rthr jum nt wrtng code ntd f installing Pthn, you n start with Pthn 2. But th nr u upgrade t ung Pthn 3 the bttr, so ull be wrkng with th mt rnt vrn.
Runnng Snt f Pthn Cd
Pthn m wth n ntrrtr that run n a trmnl wndw, llw-ng u to tr bits f Pthn wthut hvng t save nd run an ntr rgrm.
Throughout th bk, ull nt tht lk lk th:
u >>> print ("Hello Pthn ntrrtr!")
Hello Pthn ntrrtr!
Th text n bld wht ull t n nd then xut b rng ntr. Mt f th examples n th book r small, self-contained rgrm that youll run frm ur dtr, bu tht how ull wrt mt f ur d. But sometimes basic nt wll be hwn n a r of nt run thrugh a Pthn trmnl session t demonstrate ltd nt mr efficiently. Any tm u th thr angle brkt n a code ltng u, ur lkng t th utut of a trmnl n. Well tr coding n th interpreter fr your system n a moment.