First and foremost, I wish to thank my dear mother, Georgina S. Royer, for her lifetime of help, guidance, and assistance. She is a remarkable lady, who fully deserves notice for her tremendous abilities and her steadfast faith in me.
Thanks to my literary agents, Greg Dinkin and Frank Scatoni. Greg is an accomplished author in his own right, and Frank a widely respected book editor. Through their agency, Venture Literary, they recognized the value of what I had to offer as an author of books on casino games and gaming. Without their efforts, this book, and the others in this series, would never have come to exist.
My thanks also to Bruce Bender, at Kensington Publishing Group, who has published this book and this series. He recognized that this series offers valuable insight into the casino games as they really are, and that this book will enable almost all players to finally realize a happy and profitable casino experience. I thank Bruce and the staff of Kensington for their help in this process, particularly my editors Richard Ember and Ann LaFarge.
I extend my gratitude and thanks to my longtime friend Tom Caldwell for the many things he has done to help me, and enrich my life. I also send my thanks to Norreta, Sean, and Brent, for reasons they all know.
Thanks also to Bob Dempsey, and his company in Las Vegas, Dempsey Graphics, for his help with many illustrations in my books. Bob, thanks also for making that videotape for me for Jay Leno and the Tonight Show .
To all my other friends and associates in the gaming business, from owners, managers, senior executives, hosts and supervisors, you all know who you are, and I thank you.
To my friends in Australia: Neil and his family, Lilli and little MRM (Mark); Ormond College, University of Melbourne; the governor of Victoria and my former Master, Sir Davis Mc-Caughey. Also his Proctorial Eminence R. A. Dwyer, Esq. (I still have the Swiss knife you gave me more than twenty years ago); the Alumni Association of the University of Wollongong, NSW, Department of Philosophy; and Professor Chipman. Also to the executive, editorial, and display advertising staff of The Age newspaper in Melbourne, Australia, and to Fairfax Press in Sydney, with whom I had the pleasure of being associated at one time.
My grateful appreciation I also extend to Laurence E. Levit, C.P.A., of Los Angeles, who has been my steadfast friend, accountant, and adviser for two decades, and whose faith in me and my work has never faltered. A truer friend a man rarely finds. Also to Mister Michael Harrison, attorney at law in Beverly Hills, California, whose expertise and help have made my life more secure.
Finally, to all those whose paths have crossed with mine, and who have for one reason or another stopped a while and visited. I may no longer remember your names, but I do remember what it meant to have those moments.
Thank you!
Powerful Profits From Poker
Powerful Profits From Tournament Poker
Powerful Profits From Poker
Powerful Profits From Internet Poker
Powerful Profits From Keno
Powerful Profits From Slots
Powerful Profits From Video Slots
Powerful Profits From Craps
Powerful Profits From Blackjack
Powerful Profits From Casino Table Games
Powerful Profits From Internet Gambling
Winning Strategies for Casino Games
Casino Gamble Talk
Available from Lyle Stuart / Citadel Press
V ICTOR H. R OYER, known as Vegas Vic, is the author of thirty-eight books. Mostly known for books, articles, and columns on casino games and gambling, he is also the author of The Great American Joke Book , as well as several forthcoming titles of fiction. Versatile and multitalented, Royer is the creator, producer, and host of the Web-TV show Great Casino Slots, now showing at . He also composes music and performs under the names Glenn Diamond, Pappy Jones, and Hans Dorfmann. For more information, please visit him at and . Sign up for a free casino newsletter at .
Poker Directory
I have traveled around the country and visited various casinos and am pretty certain I have visited just about every casino that now exists, at least as of the time of this writing. One of the things that I have always wondered about, particularly when reading books about poker and casino games, was why there was never any kind of a directory. Trying to find a casino, particularly a poker room, in the region you are visiting can be very difficult. Sometimes you can look up the casino in the local phone book, but then you have to call the place to find out if they have a poker room. At least in the Midwest it is a little easier, because there is a magazine called Midwest Gaming and Travel . This magazine is published in the Midwestern casino regions and is available by subscription and at every member casino. It publishes a directory of Native American and midwestern casinos, including riverboats. But one great feature is that it also lists which casinos have poker rooms. Unfortunately, this is not something that appears to be universally done by other magazines, and certainly not in any of the poker books I have read up to this point. One of the greatest assets that this book about poker can possibly have, therefore, is a list of some of the better poker rooms now available in the United States. I have therefore provided what I call the Featured Poker Rooms.
These are poker rooms that I have visited and have played in that I consider to be among my personal favorites; therefore, I put them in this book in a featured position.
I begin this section on featured poker rooms first by telling you about the online poker site As I mentioned in the previous chapter, I like to play there and I personally like it as among the best. I have won several HoldEm tournaments on that site, and I have played in many of the ring games. I again refer you to the previous chapter where I describe some of the features of this site in more detail. It is such a great place, I list it first. The remaining featured poker rooms are all land-based casinos, or card rooms operating with poker games, depending on jurisdiction.
Name: | Comstock Casino |
Address: | 125 W. 11th Street, Tracy, CA 95376 |
Phone: | 209-832-1111 |
Number of Tables: | 5-table card room |
Games: | Texas HoldEm, Omaha/8, California Blackjack |
Limits: | Structured (all amounts listed in dollars) |
Limits Range: | 15, 24, 48, 110 |
Tournaments: | Weekly tournaments offered. Call for details. |
Name: | Diamond Lils Card Casino |
Address: | 361 Rainier Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055 |
Phone: | 425-255-9037 |
Fax: | 425-227-0911 |
Number of Tables: | 9-table card room |
Games: | Texas HoldEm, Seven-Card Stud |
Limits: | Structured (all amounts listed in dollars) |
Limits Range: | 24, 48, 510, 816, 1020 |
Tournaments: | Weekly tournaments offered. Call for details. |
Name: | Arizona Charlies Decatur Hotel and Casino |