Copyright 2018 Shoshi Herscu.
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ISBN: 978-1-9822-0855-4 (sc)
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Balboa Press rev. date: 07/25/2018
Dedicating the Book to Liz Halevy, my best friend ever and like a surrogate mother to me
First, I would like to express my sadness and gratitude for one of my best friends, if not the best, since the age of thirteen until her passing three years ago. Someone who is unfortunately gone, will not see this manuscript, and would probably be ecstatic about it, the late Liz Halevy R.I.P. You were more like a wonderful second mom, more than a friend was. I love you and miss you so much. I wish you were here to see this. I will never ever forget your kindness, your wit, and amazing tomato soup. You were the best!!!!
John Nelson, my editor, who guided me through the process of writing this book and made it possible from an idea to a complete manuscript a miracle
My amazing 93-year-old auntie Mali Malbina Meshulam (Mali for us in the family) who always believed in me when I wrote the book and saw me as successful even when there was no proof for it and I was just beginning writing this manuscript. Im so grateful for her presence in my life and uplifting my spirits when I need it badly.
My friends and lightworkers and other independent journalists worldwide who also research the truth about our reality. Nir (alias, not his real name), who helped me discern vast amounts of information, taught me how to do so, helped me connect the dots, provided evidence for his conclusions, and most importantly, has so much patience in replying my endless questions on these topics (especially on geo-politics and finances topics). Thank you, Hector Guerra, my friend and a brother from a different mom in Latin America for providing me support and having faith in me in writing this book. Your patience with me is invaluable.
Justin Nexus Booth you gave me a glimpse as to what six degrees of separation is about. We started talking about people that we both admire and found out that youre a close friend of few of them (as Michael Tellinger, the founder of the Ubuntu Liberation Movement). Thank you for the great information that you provided me and the amazing shift in consciousness that you embody in all the activities that youre involved in.
His moving words:
my pleasure to be connected and help each other grow my dear
Its much more
we are all creating New Earth together
Im doing it by words, research and speaking youre doing it your way which is amazing too
Im thrilled and excited to be part of this huge global movement
this is sort of like our umbrella conscious corporation that assists us in sharing information with the masses
your heart and your minds eye will take/guide you exactly where you need to be when you need to be there
everything happens in divine timing my soul sista
My friends who are always there for me.. Dorit Scheter, who is my friend since weve been 11 years old in Africa and my big sister from a different mom (although she was born 3 months after me), my very dear cousin and friend Iris Tyroler, you are my rock whenever I feel in turbulent waters (which is quite often), Matt Polani who makes me laugh when Im concerned and sad and always believing in me; and sincere flattery always helps, of course.
Im grateful for my parents who provided me support throughout the last lean years. I couldnt make it without you. Thank you very much Adela and Nathan Herscu.
I would also like to mention my source of inspiration Lisa Nichols (featured in the Secret movie and the CEO of Motivating the Masses). I admire your courage, perseverance, and kindness I still keep your emails. For me, youre an incredible role model for what you managed to do in your life, for saving the lives of so many youths (from committing suicide) and their parents too and for the life that you created for you and your son Jelani. Youre unforgettable. Youre my Shero, Lisa. Your truly big fan from Israel.
Nicu Constantin who sent me invaluable information; especially on the protests in France. Brilliant man and highly spiritual. Thanks, my friend.
Tory Smith (R.I.P), who was abused as a child, continued to suffer from such abuse into adulthood and in spite of his suffering he chose to expose the crimes of the elite and other entities war/agenda against humanity and earth. I mention him here as he was the one who revealed to me what is going on in regards to perhaps the most horrifying crime against humanity: ritual sacrifices and the related subject of human trafficking, especially children. Thank you, Tory for your fearless struggle against these inhumane atrocities that you suffered so much.
My name is Shoshi Herscu, a 47-year-old woman and an independent journalist from Haifa, Israel, who survived a childhood growing up in three different countries: Romania, Israel, and the Ivory Coast where my father relocated us as he worked as a construction engineer for the Sonitra company. Growing up in such varied countries and cultures imbued me with an appreciation for their great diversity and an abhorrence for the mono-culture that is being engineered in todays world, especially in the West. And although, like most of us, I came to trust my parents and their surrogateseducation, church, and governmentI sensed at an early age that I was being sold a bill of goods, or a certain life perspective and wanted to choose my own.
Living in Africa with its earthy population more in touch with primal instincts allowed me to develop and trust my intuition about people and agendas. After returning from Africa, I travelled extensively with my parents in Europe at a time when traditional cultures were giving away to the Americanization of the world. I was a very curious child in general, reading a lot (a real bookworm) and developing a different perspective from the people around me. I just love learning about new places, tasting new cuisines, and meeting new and different people from all over the world all the time. Im just intrigued by the diversity and new experiences to have.
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