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Danielle Steel Believes
Discover more about the Queen of Romance
I - From Differences to Avoiding Trends
Danielle Steel believes in Differences, Present, Talking, Summer, Chocolate, Dreams and Avoiding Trends
DanielleSteel believes in Differences
Thatis what touches me most. When somebody says: you really made adifference.
DanielleSteel believes in Present
Sometimes,I think one should only live in the present. The past is only aheavyburden to carry with you. And yet its so hard to let them goto forget to move.
DanielleSteel believes in Talking
It'sdifficult to talk to people... I walk into a room and I'm DanielleSteel, and whatever I say is going to be taken apart.
DanielleSteel believes in Summer
Ilike summer. I like warmer weather and long days. I'm one of thosesilly people who still enjoy lying in the sun - my children arehorrified!
DanielleSteel believes in Chocolate
I'ma terribly irresponsible eater - I love soft-boiled eggs andchocolate. I never met a chocolate I could not eat.
DanielleSteel believes in Dreams
Neversettle for less than your dreams, somewhere, sometime, someday,somehow, you'll find them
DanielleSteel believes in Avoiding Trends
Idon't buy trends, because the pieces don't last and I wind up neverwearing them. That's why I like to shop with my children; they'llalways tell me the truth.
II - From Common Issues to Future
Danielle Steel believes in Common Issues, Destinies, Being Great, Destinies, Thinking, Open Mind, Right Man and Future
DanielleSteel believes in Common Issues
Itry to write about the stuff that torments us all.
DanielleSteel believes in Destinies
Ihad learned firsthand that tragedy and disappointment can strikeanyof us at any time.
DanielleSteel believes in Being Great
Inever wanted to settle for good enough. I wanted great ornothing.
DanielleSteel believes in Destinies
Maybesome people just aren't meant to be in our lives forever. Maybesomepeople are just passing through. It's like some people just comethrough our lives to bring us something: a gift, a blessing, alessonwe need to learn. And that's why they're here. You'll have thatgiftforever.
DanielleSteel believes in Thinking
Ibelieve in love at first sight for houses - but not forpeople.
DanielleSteel believes in Open Mind
Life,a good life, a great life is about "Why not?" May we neverforget it.
DanielleSteel believes in The Right Man
You'dbe surprised how fast things happen when the right man comesalong.
DanielleSteel believes in Future
Sometimeswe have to face the things that hurt us most. Maybe you wont healtill you do. You havent yet.
They both knew that was true. Youcant move ahead until you bury the past.
III - From Feelings Issues to Right Time
Danielle Steel believes in Feelings, Love is Hard, Intimacies, Hope, The Right Time and Being Different
DanielleSteel believes in Feelings
Peopledo strange things sometimes, when they feel hopeless.
DanielleSteel believes in Love is Hard
Loveis quite violent. It is so painful at times, so devastating. Andthere is nothing worse or better. We find the highs and lowsequallyunbearable. But then again, the absence of them is more so.
DanielleSteel believes in Intimacies
Long-distancerelationships are another way of avoiding intimacy.
Danielle Steel believes in Hope
Neverlose hope, and if you can, find the courage to love again.
DanielleSteel believes in Being Differe nt
I'mone of them. The weirdos and the freaks. My point was that it's oktobe different, and from now on we'd better be, if we're going tomakesomething of ourselves. It's the one thing I learned in school.Different is ok.
Danielle Steel believes in Right Time
Don'tworry about it. The right thing will come at the right time.
DanielleSteel believes in Difference
Thatis what touches me most. When somebody says: you really made adifference.
IV - From Love Issues to Responsibility
Danielle Steel believes in Love, Discover, Kindnesses, Moving, Take Risks, Needs and Responsibility
Danielle Steel believes in Love
Lust is temporary, romance can be nice, but love is the mostimportant thing of all. Because without love, lust and romance willalways be short-lived.
Danielle Steel believes in Discover
I used to think when I had children that somebody else hadthe rule book and they hadn't given it to me, and everybody elseknew how to do it right except me. I find the same thing inwriting: you think that everybody knows what they're doing and thatyou don't.
Danielle Steel believes in Kindnesses
Sing Me no songs tell me no tales cry me no tears, butremember me kindly.
Danielle Steel believes in Moving
... It's hard to make changes. Things get so comfortable andyou don't want to move. Maybe it would do you good to be a littleuncomfortable for a while, and do something different...
Danielle Steel believes in Take Risks
Sometimes, if you aren't sure about something, you just haveto jump off the bridge and grow your wings on the way down.
Danielle Steel believes in Needs
I don't need a man to be happy. I had a great one , that wasgood enough. I don't expect to find another one like him, and whysettle for anything less? I'm going to be perfectly contentalone.
Danielle Steel believes inResponsibility
Remember me? I'm back to my old self again. Noresponsibilities, no attachments, no encumbrances. I don't want toown anything, love anyone, or get too attached to people, places orthings. It's a rule that seems to work well for me.
V - From Opportunities to Hope
Danielle Steel believes in Opportunities, Destiny, Not Being Afraid, Differences, Aging, Love Is Messy, Freedom, Shoes and Hope
DanielleSteel believes in Opportunities
Ifyou let life pass you by now, it won't ever come back. You don'tgetanother chance
DanielleSteel believes in Destiny
Youcould never predict what would happen. There was an element ofdestiny in everything that one could never account for.
DanielleSteel believes in Not Being Afraid
Don'tmake decisions out of fear. They never get yo anywhere you want togo.
DanielleSteel believes in Differences
Whatintrigues me is the difference in how women experience power, andhowmen do.
DanielleSteel believes in Aging
I'mnot an aging gracefully type. But I do believe in aging withgrace.
DanielleSteel believes in Love Is Messy
Loveis messy. If you really love someone, you can't avoid the pain.People die, people leave, things change, but sometimes it allworks
DanielleSteel believes in Freedom
Noman can take your freedom from you. They can limit your mobility,butthat's about all they can do
DanielleSteel believes in Shoes
Ihave a few obsessions in life, and one is shoes! I'verarely met a shoe I didn't like.
Danielle Steel believes in Hope
Itry to give people hope. Even though life is bleak, there's hopeoutthere.
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