For Bill Lewisfitness guru and tremendously
special friend. Thank you.
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
W hile sitting back (on my fitness ball, of course) and reviewing this book before it goes off to press, I reflect on the generous support and expert efforts that so many people provided in bringing this book to fruition. Thanks first go to Bill Lewis, my medical rehabilitation exercise specialist, who got me back on my feet after many surgeries and injuries and, as a result, introduced me to the powers of fitness balls. Thank you, Bill, for your expert rehab training, warm encouragement, and great friendship. My huge thanks go to Alisa Bauman whose tremendous writing, organizational, and creative efforts made this book a reality. Youre the best, Alisa. Thank you to Marlia Braun, whose advice and expertise on the nutritional analysis was so valuable.
During this project, I learned that vivid and concise photos are a must. And in a fitness book such as this a great deal of work goes into the planning and execution of the photographs. The photography in this book is excellent, and I thank Liz Reap for such a superb job. Her keen eye, fast finger-clicking, and patience made for truly great photos. And so many thanks go to her assistant Ryan Hulvat for his help and expertise and to his assistant Gary who painstakingly kept the wrinkles out of my outfits during each photo. Jennifer McKeever, who did the make-up and styling, did a fabulous job. I also thank Nikes Womens Technical Training and Studio line as well as Sugoi for wonderful clothing and shoes worn in the photos. And many thanks to Ball Dynamics International, Inc., for their generous support of the photo shoot and for supplying the heavy balls and fitness balls throughout the development of my program and book.
My warm thanks also go to the many friends and fitness-minded folks who tried out my Bounce Your Body Beautiful program and provided me with great feedback: Kris Clark, Karen Schelegle, Karen Galbreath, Susan Munn, and Stu Kahnthe head coach for Davis Aquadart Swim teamamong many others.
So many more people assisted me with this tremendous effort, including my literary agent Laurie Harper, who had great vision and passion about my program. My assistants Jessica Callaghan and Jennifer Bergfeld did nothing short of miraculous work in helping me meet deadlines. They also graciously dealt with every crisis (of which there were a few!)thanks so much to the two of you. Prior to the books release, a Web site ( was set up by the talented designer Glenn Hughes. Thanks Glenn for bringing so much excitement to this book. Thanks also go to my editors at Prima, Denise Sternad and Tara Joffe, who not only pulled this book together but also share my enthusiasm about the benefits of fitness balls. And thank you Grant, Natalie, Mark, Millie, and Rocko for your support and caring.
Why I love fitness balls, and why youll love them, too!
I bought my first fitness ball during the 1980s when my son, Grant, experienced difficulty learning to walk. Our family doctor and physical therapist recommended exercises with a large, vinyl, air-filled ball to help Grant improve his balance and muscle coordination.
At the time, fitness balls were used exclusively to help children improve their neurological skills. I began with Grant by draping his tiny body over the ball and using one hand on his back to steady him and the other to move the ball from side to side. Grant loved it and smiled and giggled as he did his workout. He soon advanced to standing on the ball as I twisted it from side to side.
Then, one day, at 20 months, Grant walked.
I kept that large green ball in our living room for a few years as a symbol of Grants achievement until at age 5 Grant challenged the ball to a sword fight. As you can imagine, the old ball didnt stand a chance. Just one jab with Grants play sword, and that ball was history.
I didnt give the use of fitness balls another thought until about twelve years later when I was recuperating from shoulder surgery. By that time, exercises incorporating fitness balls had become the standard rehabilitation treatment for almost every injury, from shoulder pain to back woes. They were also coming into use for physical fitness. They had come out of the closet and were in just about every gym, promoted as the latest way to sculpt rock-hard abs.
Called everything from the Swiss ball to the stability ball to the balance ball to the gymnastic ball to the fit ball, fitness balls had become mainstream. They can now be found all over, in gyms, stores, and homes.
My physical therapist told me that my exercises with the fitness ball would not only help me retrain the muscles in my injured shoulder but would also help me get in the best shape of my life. I was skeptical. Before my shoulder injury, I had stayed fit with a hardcore program of chin-ups, push-ups, bench presses, and other traditional gym exercises. I also swam, ran, and cycled almost every day. With this complete regimen, I doubted that exercises using a fitness ball and light resistance could do as much or more for me.
I have a doctorate in nutrition with a specialization in exercise physiology, I teach nutrition at the University of California, Davis, and I consult with NBA and NFL teams. I decided to treat the ball as a fitness experimentone that I assumed would serve as entertaining fodder when teaching or counseling athletes. I never imagined that Id soon find myself suggesting the fitness ball program to all, including students, athletes, and friends.
By the end of my shoulder rehab program, I was fitter and more svelte than Id been in my life. Thats saying a lot, given I competed as a professional triathlete during my twenties and early thirties.
Every time I looked in the mirror, I was amazed at how toned I had become, even though I am in my forties. Over time, I slowly eased my way back into the swimming pool and realized how my improved balance and coordination were helping me swim with a more efficient stroke and do more powerful flip turns. Not only did I swim like a pro, but I also looked and felt fantastic.
I never went back to my old fitness equipment. My son inherited my set of dumbbells, and I began hanging wet towels on my free-standing chin-up bar as I walked through my garage. One day, Ill donate my barbell weight plates to charity, but for now I use them to hold my fitness ball in place when Im not using it.
Meanwhile, friends were noticing my improved physique as well as my great attitude. When I credited the fitness ball with my renewed strength, toned muscles, and energy, they couldnt believe it. They had seen these balls at their gyms and at stores, but they didnt know their purpose or what to do with them. So I invited a few friends over and showed them some exercises.