Motorcycling For Dummies
by Bill Kresnak
Motorcycling For Dummies
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About the Author
Bill Kresnak is a popular motojournalist with more than 35 years of experience riding all types of motorcycles, from dirt bikes and cruisers to some of the fastest sportbikes on the planet. He currently is the government affairs editor for American Motorcyclist magazine, the magazine of the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), which is the largest motorcycling organization devoted to rights, riding, and racing in the world. Kresnak is intimately familiar with safe motorcycle riding practices through his work at the AMA, but he also has toured many parts of the country by motorcycle and has reported on some of the biggest motorcycling events in the nation. Before becoming a motojournalist, Kresnak worked for almost 20 years as a reporter in Honolulu, where he covered government and politics first for United Press International and then for The Honolulu Advertiser. He earned his journalism degree from Michigan State University in 1978, and he currently lives in Reynoldsburg, Ohio.
For my young children, Adrian Samantha and Joshua Enoch Keoki, and their mom, Sheryll, who all still find a remarkable wonder in each day; for Cindy Shultz, my muse who convinced me to sit down and write when I really wanted to go out and ride; and for all my friends, who are also my colleagues, at the American Motorcyclist Association; they are the most knowledgeable, dedicated motorcyclists in the world who do a tremendous job of fostering motorcyclists rights, riding, and racing.
Authors Acknowledgments
My heartfelt gratitude goes to the following individuals for their help in making this book possible:
Kevin Foley, Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA
Garrett Kai, American Suzuki Motor Corporation
Jan Pressler, Kawasaki Motors Corporation
Mike Morgan, Harley-Davidson Motor Company
Bruce Mullins, Skunkworx Custom Cycles
Jon Row, American Honda Motor Corporation
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