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About this eBook
This book w as made with Fo rest Stewardsh ip Council certied papero ne small step in DK s commitment to a sustainable future . For mor e inform ation go t o www .dk .com/o ur-g reen-pledge Editors Michael Clark , Joa nna Edwar ds, Miezan van Zyl Senior U S Editor Kayla Du gger Senior Design er Ali Sc rivens Assistant Ed itor Emily Kho Managing Editor Angeles Gavira Managing Art Editor Michael D uy Production Editor Kavita V arma Senior Prod uction Contro ller Meskerem Berhane Jacket Design Dev elopment Manager Sophia M. T.T. Jacket Designer Akiko Kato Associate Publishing Director Liz Whe eler Art D irector Karen Se lf Publishing Di rector Jonathan Metc alf First American E dition, 2022 Published in the United S tates by DK Publishing 1745 Broadway , 2 0th Floor , N ew Y or k, NY 100 Copyright 202 2 Dorling Kindersley Limit ed DK, a Division of Pe nguin Random House LLC 22 23 24 25 26 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 001325062Dec/2022 All rights reser ved. No part of this pu blication may be reprod uced, stored in or int roduced into a retri eval syst em, or transmitt ed, in any form, or by any m eans (elect ronic, m echanical, photoco pying, r ecording , or other wise) , witho ut the prior w ritten permission of the copy right owne r. A cata log recor d for t his book is available f rom the Library of Cong ress. ISBN 978-0-7440-6011-9 Printed and bound in China For t he cur io us www. dk.com CONSULT ANT Rita Carter is the aut hor of ma ny boo ks about the human bra in, includ ing DKs The Brain Boo k . She ho lds a d octora te in brain science from Leuven Univers ity, Belgium. CONTRIBUTORS Liam Drew is a sci ence writ er and journalist. A former neurobio logist, h e now writes feature sto ries and books about neuro science, b iomedical r esearch, and evolut ionary biology . Alina Ivan works i n mental health res earch at the Inst itute of Ps ychiatry , Ps ychology & Neuroscien ce (IoPPN ), King s Coll ege London. She is also a scien ce prese nter and devel ops part nerships for the me ntal health platf orm Augmen tive. She holds degrees from the U niversity of Exe ter. Susan Wa tt is a sci ence writ er and editor . She hold s postg raduate de grees in psych ology and philosoph y and ha s written widely a bout psy chology research, with spe cial inte rests i n reasoning and ADHD. Emma Yhnell is an award winning science communicator a nd a sen ior lect urer at Cardiff Univers ity in Wales . She l oves teaching a nd has p ublished r esearch i nto Huntingtons disease as well a s blogs and books f or public audiences.
INTRODUCTION THE HUMAN BRAIN WHAT IS A BRA IN? T he human brain TWO HAL VE S The cerebral hem ispheres THREE MAIN P ARTS Regions of the brain COMPLEX CORTEX The cerebral cor tex GENERAT ING RESPONSES The limbic system SURVIVA L MACHINE Ensuring safety BRAIN CE LLS Neurons MAKING CONNECTIONS Synapses PASS ING MESSAGES Signals to the br ain TYPES OF BRA IN WA VES Neural acti vity TRAINING THE BRA IN Neurofeedba ck THE ADAPT AB LE BRAIN Neural plastici ty MAPPING THE BRAIN MRI scans TRAC KING ACT IVITY Magnetoencephalog raphy THE SENSAT IONAL WORLD S ENSING THE WORLD The senses VISUAL P ATH WAY S Seeing FALSE P ERCEPTIONS Hallucinations GOOD VIBRA TIO NS Hearing COCKT AI L PAR TY EFF ECT Filtering sounds UNDER PRESSURE Tou ching DETECTING FL AV OR Tas ting O N THE SCEN T Smelling BLENDED SENSES Synesthes ia CONTENTS MOODS AND EMOTIONS H OW DO YO U FEEL? What are emoti ons? EMOTIONAL RA NGE Typ es of emot ion I N A MOOD What are moods?
GENERAT ING EMOTIONS Emotions and the brain HIDDEN FEELINGS Unconscious emot ions FEELGOODS Positive emot ions FEELBADS Negative emot ions ARTISTIC COMMUNI CAT ION Visual art and reect ion M USIC AND THE BRAIN The eects of music STORING MEMORIES Storage RECALLING MEM ORIES Recall I DENTIFY ING THE FA MILIAR Recognition mem ory W HY WE FORGE T Memory loss I MPROVING Y OUR MEM ORY Memory aids FALSE ME MORIES Memory dis torti ons M EMORIES THA T ARENT FORGOTTEN Habits INDIVIDUALI TY N AT URE VS. NU RTURE Genetics and the environme nt T HE CHANGING BRAIN Development M ORE ALIKE TH AN DIFFERENT Male and female brains G ENETIC BLU EPRINT Genes NEW CONNECTIONS Molded by exp erience EVOLV ING CHARA CTERIST ICS Personality W HO ARE YO U? Personality types MEMORY AND LEARNING T YPES OF MEMORY Memory cate gories COMMUNICAT ION T HE LA NGUAG E BLUEPRI NT Is language hardwired ? T AK ING IT ALL IN Understanding VERBAL AND NONV ERBAL Speaking and sign language S PEAKING W ITHOUT WORD S Body language T HE WRITTE N WORD Reading and writing
THE BRAIN AND ACTION ORGANIZED MIND Body maps PHANTOM SEN SAT IONS Phantom limbs DISTORTED R EFLECTION Dysmorphia C ONTROL AREA S Cognitive netw ork M AKING A MOV E Action planning K NOWING YO UR PLA CE Propriocept ion and kinesth esia C OORDINAT ION AND FINE-T UNING Gross and ne mot or skills R EADING OT HERS Mind reading M ONKEY SEE , M ONKEY DO Mirror neurons F EELING WITH Empathy A DEEP CONNECT ION Bonding A RE WE JUST SH EEP? The herd instinct T HIS FEELS WRONG Morality A LL BY MYS ELF Loneliness L OVE ON THE B RAIN Romantic love B ORN THIS WA Y Gender and se xuality NEURODIVERSITY W ERE N OT ALL THE SA ME Neurodiversi ty DIFFICUL T PAT TERNS P ersonality disorders BRILLIANT MINDS Genius A MISSING CONS CIENCE Psychopath s A LOSS OF RE ALITY Schizoph renia A VARI ED SPECTRU M Autism THE SOCIAL BRAIN D O I KNOW YO UR FACE ? Facial recog nition T HE OTHER S PERSP ECTIVE Theory o f mind
THE RAT IONAL BRAIN I NTUITION OR REASON? What is rational? SPLIT-S ECOND PROCES SING Gathering evid ence W HAT GRABS YOU? Editing the fac ts DOUBLE-E DGED THINKING Judging and decidi ng ISSUING ORDERS Tak ing action C HOOSING A P ATH Making decisions T HE BIRTH OF IDEAS Creativity A NEW STA TE OF MIND Hypnosis QUIETING THE BRA IN Meditation THE CONSCIOUS BRAIN WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS? Consciousness UNLOCK THE UNCONS CIOUS Unconsciousness FINDING CONSCIOUSNESS The science of co nsciousness ARTIFICIAL I NTELLIGENC E Machine consciou sness FRAMES OF CONSCIOUSNESS Altered s tates T IME AND THE B RAIN Body cloc ks GRABBING Y OUR A TT ENTION Atten tion NECESSARY REST Sleep T YPES OF SLEEP Sleep cyc les STRUGGLES W ITH SLEEP Sleep disorder s DREAM WORLDS Dreaming THE DREAMING MIND Dream consci ousness FALSE A WAKE NING Lucid dreaming Index Acknowledgment s