Copyright 2019 Wong Kam Luen. All rights reserved.
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This is the story of how I unblocked my 90%+ blocked arteries in 2013. My cardiologist and Cardiac surgeon recommended open heart bypass surgery. I found the bypass surgery very invasive and feared that the blockages might recur. So, I scoured through the medical literature to find a solution which could reverse my heart blockages permanently. I found it!
Basically the theory for my program was from the following four books and Dr Linus Pauling megavitamin C therapy concept. They are as follows:
1) NO to Heart Diseases by Dr Ignarro, Noble Prize for Medicine 1998
2) Reversing Heart disease by Dr Dean Ornish Strong Indian influence: Vegetarian food + Yoga
3) Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr Esselstyn : Vegan diet
4) The China Study by Dr Colin Campbell & Thomas Campbell. : Vegan diet
Books 2,3 & 4 essentially talked about how a vegetarian diet can prevent and reverse heart diseases by itself. It did not mention L Arginine at all. Dr Ignarro did mention that a vegetarian diet helped but you could also indulge in a bit of meat/fish. He thought that L-Arginine could do the job by itself. For academic purity, they insisted on mutual exclusivity. My interest was to clear the blockages in my heart and not on academic purity. So I combined both their theories and come out with the WONG KAM LUENS Program for unblocking my 5 blocked arteries. The book detailed my agonising journey and the readings and tests I took along the journey. At the end, you could say that I have succeeded! The angiogram said so! I have also summarised my experiences and suggested a shorter way to achieve my results. From my results, you can surmise that within three months on my program, you will definitely see vast improvements on your blood pressure, lipid levels and general well being. I hope that you can learn something from my journey and achieve the same miracle for yourself.
On 28 th of February 2013, I was lying naked in the operating room at Mount Elizabeth hospital in Singapore. My cardiologist, Dr Ann Chan, was giving me an Angiogram. She discovered that five of my arteries were blocked. One was completely blocked while four others were at least 90% blocked. When she told me what she found, my heart sank.
Section 1 - The Bad News
I was more or less expecting one or two partially blocked arteries as I was having a crushing pain in my chest when I exercised lately. I expected her (Dr Ann) or another cardiologist to put stents in my blocked arteries as I had done before. However, five blocked arteries ruled out that option. She said that with her experience of more than thirty years, she felt that the best course of action for me was to have multiple heart bypass surgery. There were just too many stents to be put in. I was then patched up and sent to the Intensive Care Unit to recover. My cardiologist told me to see her in a weeks time to check out the alternatives for my treatment which was mainly multiple heart bypass surgery.
Whilst in the Intensive Care Unit, I phoned my wife and told her the sad news. She was shocked! I then told my daughter, Jenny, as well. All my friends and relatives were similarly shocked on hearing the news. When I was allowed to return home the next day, I was very sad but I could not sit still and do nothing. I went to my computer to research on bypass surgery on YouTube. What I saw was frightening, to say the least. Heart bypass surgery was open heart surgery. This was major surgery and there were significant risks. It is very invasive. For those of you who want to know more, please go to YouTube to see the operation. There were a lot of post operation complications. The operation, even if it was successful, would have rendered one severely handicapped compared to ones previous self. I recently have two five-year-old twins to look after. I was very frightened that I would not be able to care for them after the bypass operation.
On the 5 th March 2013, I went to see my cardiologist, Dr Ann Chan, at the Paragon. She explained in detail where my blockages were. They were indicated in the CT Scan and the Angiogram reports.
Here is the summary:
~100% blocked at LCX-OM1 in the CT Scan and Angiogram |
~90% Blocked at LAD prox |
~90% blocked at LAD mid |
~90% blocked at PDA |
~90% blocked at another spot further down |
Actually, there were a number of places where the blockages were in excess of 50% and closer to 70%. All in all, my cardio vascular system was in a bad state. |
Angiogram reports by Dr Ann Chan
She said that for my case, she would recommend me to have an open heart bypass operation. She would recommend a Dr Eugene Sim, a very capable heart surgeon, to do the operation for me. She also recommended that I should have second or third opinions on this. I duly made an appointment to see Dr Eugene Sim on 27 th March 2013. Meanwhile she gave me the following prescription to tide me over.
They were as follows:
Vasteral 5 mg (for Angina pectoris) daily before breakfast |
Crategutt (Hawthorn extract) daily before breakfast |
Crestor (statin)10 mg daily after lunch |
Plavix 10 mg daily after dinner |
I went home and carried on with my routine. I went to see Dr Eugene Sim on 23 th March. He told me exactly what Dr Ann Chan said. I had five blocked arteries and open heart surgery would be best for me. He reassured me that the operation was rather safe with a 95% success rate. However, he could not assure me that the bypass operation would be good for more than ten years. Usually, complications of further blockages would develop after about five to eight years. I felt relieved that the success rate was rather high. I asked him how long a period would I have before I had to decide and whether there was a possibility that I would drop dead before the surgery. He said that I could drop dead or not dependent on the condition of the characteristic of my plaques. However, he suggested that I should decide as soon as possible so as not to put my life at risk. I found that he was the son of a friend of mine. He was most helpful. I would keep that bypass surgery as a last resort.
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