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Victoria Parker - Incest Schoolgirls

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Victoria Parker Incest Schoolgirls

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Victoria Parker

Incest Schoolgirls


Chapter 1

It was her Uncle Dave who got Sue O'Riley wondering about things. He was spending the night at her house in the suburbs.

Dave had the guest room. No one had stayed in the room since last year when Sue's girlfriend, Jamie Johnson, had spent a weekend. That was back when Sue and Jamie were cheerleaders in school. They had spent one night going through tons of pictures that showed them cheerleading, going through them for the yearbook they were putting together.

Sue was a ravishing slip of a girl, then, just over five feet, her body tight and trim, not an ounce of fat, and her hips were lush and girlish. Her ass was a work of art, full-blown, and her tits were already ripe and big as oranges.

This combination of perfection, her youth plus sexiness, would have been enough to drive most men mad, but Sue was also beautiful.

She had dark skin, brown eyes, and brown hair that she wore in bangs on her square-cut face. Her lips were like juicy slices of watermelon.

Her face radiated youthful, innocent beauty, but under her young facade there was something about her face that was like a magnet-a turn-on.

She could have been the subject of any boy's wet dream or any man's.

Sue awakened in the middle of the night and slipped out of bed to go to the bathroom. She had on pink bikini panties and a pink nightie top.

She was walking sleepily down the hall to the toilet, when she noticed the light slivering into the hall from beneath the guest room door.

Her uncle was up. Sue thought he might be reading, but as she passed the room, she heard strange sounds. Sounds like she'd never heard before. It sounded as if her uncle was sick.

Sue stopped and listened.

"Oh, oh, ohhhh, God!" Uncle Dave groaned.

Sue had no idea what was going on. There was a rhythmic noise coming from the bedroom, as though someone was making love on the bed.

Sue had to peep.

She dipped to one knee before the bedroom door, winked one eye, then peered through the keyhole with the other.

She gasped with shock.

Her uncle was lying nude on the bed!

He had a great erection, and he was playing with it!

Sue saw his hand clutching the long stalk. She watched him pump his cock.

"Gawwwwwd, shit!" she whispered softly, her heart racing, a sizzle of excitement simmering through her, a feeling racing through her that felt wild, new and thrilling.

The sight of her uncle, lying nude on the bed with a hard-on in his hand, got Sue hotter than she had ever been before, and there had been times when she had masturbated when she had felt as if she was on fire.

But now, it was her uncle who was masturbating.

Then she saw that her uncle had found the cheerleading pictures of Sue and Jamie, which Sue had left in the dresser drawer next to the bed. He had a picture in his hand, and he was jacking off to it.

"Gawwwwwwd!" Sue drawled, amazed.

She watched him pump his prick as he looked at the picture.

"That's the one of me bending over, my butt out! Shit, he's masturbatin' to my picture."

Her little cunt spritzed creamy goodness. She got all wet between her legs. She had never seen such an exciting sight, never dreamed it even in her wildest masturbation fantasies. Her uncle was jerking himself off to a picture of her cheerleading.

"Jeez, wait'll I tell Jamie!" Sue whispered.

She slid her hand down into her pink panties and slicked a finger into her tight pussy.

She started screwing herself as she peeked through the keyhole and watched her uncle masturbating to a picture of her in a cheerleading pose, skirt drawn high, showing a patch of blue panties under the white pleats of her cheerleading skirt.

Her Uncle Dave attacked his prick savagely, pounding harder and harder, as he thumbed through the photos of the lovely young darlings.

"I think he's doin' it to Jamie now!" Sue whispered.

Then she saw her uncle find another picture of herself bending over, showing off her remarkable ass.

He pumped. He jerked. He gave himself a masterful hand-job, and Sue watched with excited intrigue at the way her uncle jacked off.

She'd never seen a man masturbate this was a new forbidden pleasure for the young lass. She was excited about it, yet she was confused. She was frightened, but as her finger pleasured her young pussy, she felt, most of all, elated!

She fingered her cunt, her hand deep in her panties.

Her uncle came! His cock shot loads of cream, big splats of cum, high in the air huge gobs of jizz splashed out, then came splattering down on his belly.

Sue climaxed. Her body shivered. She thought she was going to die she felt so good. She grabbed the doorknob for balance.

Her hot uncle heaved up off the bed as he pounded off to Sue's cute picture. She was on one knee, peeking through the keyhole, fucking her finger into her cunt.

There was no question about it. It was the best she'd ever felt in her whole life.

She got up quickly and walked to the toilet.

Her hand was still down in her panties as she walked, still diddling her virgin cunt.

Chapter 2

The next day at Hidden Valley High, Sue met up with Jamie Johnson, her best friend. They had some time to kill between two classes.

They were headed for the bathroom.

Sue wore a black mini that hugged her curves, a pink sweater drawn equally tight against her precious titties, and a pair of pink tennies.

Jamie, a honey blonde, had on stone-washed jeans. She looked good in them. They cradled her fine little ass like a big scoop of jello. She had on a black tank top that was drawn so tight that it was like tape around her chest. Her tits, two sweet plums, stuck out like they were ripe for picking.

Jamie had beautiful blue eyes, her hair was long, parted in the middle and swept along the sides, then flared to her shoulders a perfect frame for her round, angelic face, pouty lips, and apple-fresh cheeks.

"Come on," Jamie said. "You're kiddin' me."

"No, I'm not," Sue said.

"Your uncle?"


"You actually saw him jacking off?"


The lovely lasses slipped into the bathroom. It was empty. They went into a toilet stall and locked the swinging door.

Jamie unbuttoned her jeans, pushed them down on her thighs, then thumbed the waistband of her white panties. She tugged them around her knees, then sat down on the toilet. Her hand slid between her legs. She petted her pussy lovingly, her finger slicking into the tight slit in slow, lewd slushes.

Sue leaned against the side of the bathroom stall. She hiked her black mini into ripples around her waist, then pulled her pink panties down to her knees, setting her legs apart and fingering her cunt.

"You saw him jack off."

"Yes," Sue said, "but I didn't tell you he was masturbating to those cheerleading pictures of us. You and me."

"Huh? What?" Jamie huffed, her eyes widening.

"Yes, jerkin' off to our pictures."

"Oh, gawwwwwd!" Jamie gulped. "He did?"

Sue finger-fucked her little pussy. "He was too. Lookin' at our pictures and doin' it!"

"Shit! Wow!" Jamie panted, fucking into her cunt with a hot hand-dance.

"Yeah, he musta found the pictures we left in the drawer by the bed. I peeked through the keyhole and watched him look at the pictures and masturbate."

Jamie slid down on the toilet seat. Her pretty young face was impassioned with erotic excitement.

"Oooooo, gawd!" Jamie gasped. "Jackin' off to us?"


"Did he squirt and stuff?"

Sue fingered faster. "Yes, all over!"

"Oh no! Oh shit! Shit, Sue!"

"Musta shot off a quart."

"Was his peter big?" Jamie asked hotly.

"Yeahhh, wow! Real big and long, thick too."

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