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Kathy Harris - Horny virgin daughter

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Kathy Harris

Horny virgin daughter


Hank Richards woke up with an enormous hard-on, just as he had been doing every morning for a long time now. He had gone to bed a little horny, and then he had had his usual erotic dream about his daughter, Wendy, a dream that tightened his balls into aching globes of lust.

He had jerked himself off just as he had done every morning for a long time now, ever since he had first begun to lust after his young daughter.

But, even though he always stroked himself to orgasm, his cock quickly grew hard again, springing back into a full-blown hard-on, a hard-on that only fucking his little girl could cure.

He groaned now, thinking about Wendy, with her big, bobbing tits and tight little ass. She was young, young, beautiful and ripe.

Hank sensed that his gorgeous teenaged daughter was feeling pretty horny herself these days, and that she was about ready for her first fuck. As it was, there was already a steady string of young boys panting after Wendy like bees buzzing around a flower, all dying to get their cocks into her little pussy.

Hank flushed with anger, thinking about some pimply-faced adolescent punk fucking his beautiful little girl. He'd be damned if he would let that happen. He knew that none of those boys really cared about Wendy. They just wanted to get their rocks off inside her virgin cunt.

But Hank was crazy about his daughter. He could give her a first-rate fuck that she would always be grateful for, a virgin fuck-session that she would never forget. If he could only be lucky enough to have her as hot for him as he was for her!

He rubbed his hard-on now as he imagined Wendy's temptingly curved hips under his own and his big cock sliding into her golden patch of pussy hair.

With a groan of lust, Hank quickly jerked himself off. Then showered, slipped into a loose-fitting robe, and went downstairs then to put on the coffee.

He was hunched over the table, nursing his second cup of strong, black coffee when Wendy suddenly bounced into the room.

"Hi, Daddy!" she cried exuberantly. Hank stared at his daughter, his eyes widening. Wendy was wearing a robe, too, the sash tied loosely, barely puffing the fronts together. The robe gaped open sexily and Hank found himself staring at the creamy mounds of Wendy's two huge tits, their coral colored nipples just barely covered by the fabric. He swallowed hard, discovering that his mouth was suddenly very dry.

"Good morning, honey," he finally managed to say, trying to keep his voice steady. "You're up early, Wendy."

"Well, you know what they say, Daddy," Wendy said, grinning at her beloved father. "The early bird gets the worm!"

She moved forward slightly and her robe parted, revealing her golden cunt hair. Hank swallowed hard again, feeling his cock swelling.

"Anyone else awake?" he asked hoarsely, squirming uncomfortably.

His prick was hardening and throbbing, tenting his robe outwards. He tried to move closer to the table in an attempt to hide its still growing bulge from his daughter.

"Nope, just you and me," Wendy said saucily, grinning at her father again.

Suddenly, the young girl glanced down and gasped, noticing her father's hard-on for the first time. She could see that his cock was huge, straining its bulk against the robe in jerking motions. Her tongue slid out and circled her lips erotically, very slowly and knowingly. She smiled, realizing that she just might be about to get her secret wish to have her daddy fuck her!

"Oooh, Daddy," Wendy said softly, still staring at the man's hard-on meaningfully. "I think that this little early bird here has just found its worm!"

Now it was Hank's turn to gasp. He felt a hot, lewd excitement course through him at his daughter's words. Her lust-filled gaze burned against him as she continued to stare at his crotch.

Hearing the gorgeous young girl give voice to the desire that had been haunting him for months sent a shock wave of lust through his tensed body.

"Wendy!" he cried, needing to be sure that they both wanted the same thing. "Do you know what you're saying?"

Wendy's eyes moved to her father's and he saw that her eyes were filled with young, unashamed passion. Her lovely face was already beginning to twist and contort with fuck-lust.

"Oh, yeah, Daddy, I know just what I'm saying! Don't worry about that. I know exactly what I want what I've always wanted," she murmured.

"My God, Wendy! I can't believe what I'm hearing! You're so young just a kid, really!"

Hank protested slightly, still trying to struggle against his own emotions although his will was rapidly weakening beneath his daughter's steady, passionate gaze.

"A kid? You think I'm a kid?" Wendy cried, feeling insulted. Her hands gripped the gaping edges of the robe and pulled them wide apart. "Ever see tits like these on a kid, Daddy?"

"Oh, God, Wendy." Hank cried again.

He stared at her, his lips working soundlessly, drinking in the erotic beauty of his daughter's huge, perfectly shaped tits, their coral nips jutting up and outward. The desire in his loins became an inferno of need far his little girl's pussy. And the sooner the better!

"Oh, Wendy," he gasped. "Please, baby!"

With a grin, knowing that she had the situation in control, Wendy loosened the sash and let her robe swing open all the way, baring her flat tummy and the thick tangle of golden fur where her prominent pussy mound displayed its narrow slit.

She placed her fingers on each side of the pussy triangle, pressing and pulling until the cleft showed her moist, pink cuntlips. Then, she rotated her slender hips erotically.

"I dare you to tell me that you don't want my pussy," she said teasingly.

"Oh, my God!" Hank gasped.

His hands were clenching and unclenching on the table top, his eyes riveted to his daughter's damp pussy. He couldn't believe the way she was acting. He knew that she was still a virgin, for he had overheard her confess that very fact to her best friend just the day before. Yet, here she was acting like a bitch in heat, like a wanton whore, and the rare combination of lust-filled whorishness and virginal innocence was heady, making Hank feel as if he were intoxicated. He had wanted to fuck his little girl long before this, but how he was desperate to fuck the holy shit out of her!

"Come on, Daddy. Just tell me that you don't want to fuck me. Tell me that you don't want to pop my cherry for me, and I'll go right back upstairs to my room. Okay?"

"Oh, God, Wendy, are you sure?" Hank sputtered, unable to think clearly.

"For God's sake, Daddy!" Wendy cried, stamping her bare foot impatiently. "Will you just tell me that you want to fuck me?"

And, with that, the young girl slipped out of her robe and moved closer to her father, standing naked before his wide-eyed stare now.

"Oh, yes, baby, I want to fuck you all right! I want to fuck your hot little cunt like I've never wanted anything before in my life!" the man cried, finally gathering his wits about him.

"Tell me again," Wendy teased. "I want to hear it again, Daddy!"

She twisted the curls of her pussy hair around both sides of her gaping pussy slit, which she was holding open once again for her father.

"Damn you, you little prick-tease!" Hank groaned. "Yes, I want to fuck you! I want to ram my big cock up that little wet pussy of yours and pop your cherry! I want to fuck the shit out of you!"

"Ohhh, Daddy, you don't know how long I've waited to hear those wonderful words!"

Wendy moaned as she ran into her father's arms and he pulled her naked body against his. Her knees slipped between his muscular legs and her lower thighs pressed against the huge shaft of his swollen cock rod.

Hank buried his face in the valley between his daughter's tits and his lips parted in a wet, lewd kiss, his tongue licking the soft female flesh while his fingers clutched at the quivering firmness of her asscheeks.

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