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Kathy Harris - Horny spread daughter

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Kathy Harris

Horny spread daughter


"Are you sure we're really safe here?" Terri Madison asked her husband, Craig, as they lay naked on a long, flat rock halfway up the mountain. "I mean, what if Jody or Sheri see us?"

"Will you stop worrying?" Craig said with a husky chuckle. "You know how our daughter and niece are whenever we come into the woods like this for a picnic they go traipsing off to explore the trails into the forest, and to talk about all the boys they have crushes on. The last thing in the world they want is to be around us old fuddy-duddies."

"Some fuddy-duddy you are!" Terri said, grasping her husband's cock and giving it a gentle squeeze. "That's something you could never be!" Her eyes swept over the man's tall frame, admiring the hard muscles of his arms, chest, and legs.

She continued to tug on his prick, feeling it harden in her hand as Craig moved his mouth over her neck and face. She moaned with desire. She ran her fingers through the dark hair on his chest and continued to pull on his cock.

Craig groaned and moved his hands over her tits, lifting one of them slightly. He worked his tongue around the woman's nipple as she threw her head back and moaned into the warm, spring air.

"Ohhh, darling, that feels sooo good! Suck my tit, Craig? Suck it?" she cried hoarsely.

Craig hungrily sucked on Terri's nipple and moved his hands up and down her naked body, touching her all over and feeling her squirm in response. And all the time, she kept squeezing his prick, feeling it grow harder and longer.

When he finally took his mouth off her nipple, she raised her face to his. They kissed and Terri moved against his body, with a steady erotic rhythm. The touch of her body against his made him feel even hotter on the warm, flat rock.

"Craig, darling," the woman muttered as she licked his face with her quick tongue, "I want to suck on your cock!"

"Are you sure that's what you really want?" Craig asked in a teasing tone.

"I'm sure all right! Besides, it's for your own good. Remember what your doctor said," Terri said with a grin.

"Well as long as it's for my own good okay. Go to it!" Craig said with a short laugh.

For a few more, seconds, Terri stroked her husband's cock, staring at its rosy head and feeling her pussy drooling with excitement and desire. She licked her full red lips and then she moved down over his twitching prick. She licked its tip and moaned, her body jerking slightly on the big rock.

When Craig and Terri had taken off alone, hand in hand, their daughter, Jody and her cousin, Sheri, had exchanged an excited grin. They were sure that the couple was going off to fuck, and their little pussies trembled at the lewd thought.

The two young teenagers sat on one of the ridges of the mountain, giggling excitedly. They were both wearing shorts, tee-shirts and climbing boots.

"What do you think your mother is doing to your daddy right now, Jody? Maybe sucking his cock?" Sheri asked huskily.

"Maybe," Jody murmured, flushing all over.

Terri worked her mouth over her husband's cock, making him groan loudly. He reached down and touched her long, dark hair. He watched her with lust-glazed eyes as her red lips moved around the head of his prick.

Her lips felt warm and wet. She slid them down his cock about halfway. Then she released her hold on the cock and moved down it farther.

"Mmmmmmmm," she moaned as she took his entire hard prick into her mouth. She felt it beating against the back of her throat and she whimpered with lust.

"Jesus, Terri, you sure know how to give head! Keep sucking me until I come!" Craig groaned.

When Terri felt his hand moving up and down her back and ass, she trembled and started to move up on his prick.

"Ohh, yeah, baby!" Craig cried, arching his back slightly.

Terri reached beneath his prick and took his balls into her hand. She played with those loaded balls as she moved her head up slowly, letting his hard cock in and slides out of her wet mouth.

She held just the head of his prick in her mouth. She worked her fingers up and down his cock, enjoying the way it pulsed beneath her hand. She took her mouth off the hard fuckrod and grinned at her husband. She held his prick in her hand and rubbed her cheek against the hard flesh.

"I love your cock, honey!" she purred.

Craig smiled at her and caressed her face with his fingertips.

Terri held his cock with one hand and moved her tongue over its head, licking slowly, as if his big prick were an ice cream cone.

"Ohh, unnhh, yeah, baby," Craig groaned.

On another ridge, Sheri suddenly pulled off her tee-shirt, enjoying the way her cousin's eyes widened with shock. She leaned back and felt the warm sun on her naked tits.

"You should try this, Jody," she said. "The sun feels so good on my tits!"

Jody blushed and didn't say anything for a minute. She just kept staring at her cousin's tits, thinking how beautiful and sexy they looked. Then, with a nervous little giggle, she pulled her own tee-shirt over her head. Now, as bare chaste as her cousin, she lay back on the ridge and felt the sun's warmth on her nipples.

"You've got very pretty tits, you know very nice," Sheri said a few minutes later.

Jody giggled again and the movement made her firm, high tits tremble and shake a little an her chest.

Sheri stared at her cousin's chest, enjoying the way Jody's tits were jiggling about. The wanted to reach out and touch those tempting tits. She could see that her nipples were getting hard too, and she licked her lips, wondering what it would feel like to run her fingers over those stiff nips. But she knew that Jody was far more innocent than she was, and that she would have to move very slowly, very cautiously.

But there was something about Jody that made her cousin think the young virgin had a special sexual heat buried deep inside her, a passionate heat that just needed to be released.

Sheri noticed that Jody was looking at her tits, too. When Sheri caught Jody's eye and winked, the girl giggled again, and her tits jiggled sexily.

"Y-You have really nice tits, Sheri," Jody said thickly.

"Thanks." Sheri smiled as she picked up her sketchpad and flipped through some of the pages.

Jody watched her, envying her cousin her artistic talent.

"How come you're lugging that big old sketchpad all over the mountain, Sheri?" Jody asked. "Isn't it a drag?"

"What's a drag is to see something I just have to draw and not having my sketchpad with me. Besides, I take it everywhere with me. Have you ever seen me without it since I got interested in art?" Sheri asked with a grin.

Jody thought for a minute.

"No, I haven't," she said, suddenly realizing that it was true. Wherever her cousin went, her sketchpad went too. "So see anything here you want to draw?"

"No, not really" Sheri began, her words trailing off as she realized that this could be her chance to loosen her cousin up. "But, you know what I've always wanted?"


"I've always wanted someone to draw me!" Sheri lied. Actually, the girl had never even thought of it before.

"Really? Why?" Jody asked curiously.

"Well, think about it. I'm always drawing everything and everybody. And, of course, I love it. But sometimes, I'd like to see what it would be like to be the one who's posing for an artist," she said, groping for the right words to convince her cousin. "So, why don't you draw me? You'd be doing me a big favor!"

"Me? I'm not the artist!" Jody cried, surprised by her cousin's request.

"Aw, come on, I've seen your drawings in school. You're good. Maybe not great, but good," she giggled and her cousin laughed with her. "Come on, do it. Draw me," she said, pushing her sketchpad and pencil into Jody's hands.

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