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Kathy Harris - Niece without panties

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Kathy Harris

Niece without panties


Trish Barkley was awakened by a sound somewhere in the big old house. Had she really heard something, or had she been dreaming? The sound came again and, startled, Trish jumped up in bed.

But who could it be? Her husband, Len, was sleeping soundly next to her in their big kingsized bed. Her niece, Libby, who had arrived just that morning to spend a few weeks with her Aunt Trish and Uncle Len and their family, was sleeping in the guest room right next door to Trish's and Len's master bedroom. And, listening now, Trish could tell that all was quiet from within the guest room.

That left her children, whose separate bedrooms were farther down the hall of the second floor, Doug, Diane, and Stu. The three teenagers each had their own bedroom so Trish knew it wasn't the sound of them talking or roughhousing that had awakened her.

Her breath quickened and her heart hammered in her chest as she rose and threw on her robe and stepped out into the hall to investigate.

As she walked down the hall toward her kids' rooms, Trish felt a quickening in her pussy and, once again, she realized just how horny she was. She and Len had a marvelous fuck life but that evening, they had quarreled and had gone to sleep without their usual torrid fuck session.

And now Trish was paying the price for that quarrel. She moved her right hand down between her legs and almost unconsciously began to rub her hungry cunt as she moved toward the bedrooms. In his room down the hall, Stu Barkley was jerking himself off. He had been super horny all the day, ever since his sexy cousin, Libby, had arrived. He had never seen such a gorgeous, sexy chick! And, when he had accidentally stepped into the bathroom while she was toweling off after her shower, the boy had seen her huge tits and golden fleece of cunt hair, and he had had a raging hard-on ever since.

Now, as he jerked himself off, he found himself thinking about not only Libby and her beautiful little pussy, but his sister, Diane, and her little cunt. And, now, he was even going so far as to dream about fucking his own mother! Even though the young boy had never fucked anyone before, he found himself wishing fervently that he could fuck and suck all three of the beautiful females who were, right that moment, sleeping not far away from him.

That is, he thought they were all sleeping. What Stu didn't realize was that, as he jerked himself off, one of the objects of his lust-filled fantasies was making her way quietly toward him.

Stu was lying back on his bed, his face flushed, his breathing uneven, his eyes tightly closed. Even though he was only a boy, his body was reacting just as a full-grown man's would. And the teen had the build of someone much older, too tall, lean, and muscular. He was already the object of many sex-filled fantasies enjoyed by his female classmates, and even a few of his teachers!

Stu worked out with weights which just added to his naturally muscular, sturdy build. His chest was broad and strong and already very hairy.

The muscles in his well-developed arms rippled with the movements of his hands as they closed around the thick, long, eight-inch prick that was now hard with desire.

Unknown to Stu, his mother, Trish, stood in the doorway, rooted to the spot, watching him as he teased and stroked his prick. The sight of her boy's beautiful, big cock etched itself into her feverish, horny mind. She didn't move, didn't make a sound except for the thudding of her wildly beating heart which rumbled through her brain.

Oh God, she thought, he's my own son, and only a boy at that! I can't stand this! He's making me so hot! I should get out of here before he sees me!

Stu's face was contorted into a mask of need and desire as his head thrashed from side to side on his pillow. His hands move faster and faster, trying to relieve the aching lust in his groin. They pumped lewdly up and down on the shaft of the boy's young, hot, throbbing prick. His eyes were still tightly shut, and he was unaware of his mother's presence as, almost against her will, she stepped quietly into his room.

Trish could hardly believe what she was doing. Her mind had surrendered to the commands of her horny body, and to the hungry lust that lurked in her juicy, hot pussy. She spoke them in a voice choked with emotion and need.

"Stu," she whispered. "Stu, honey."

She had to call out once more before her husky voice penetrated the young boy's lustcrazed mind. His eyes opened wide in shock, and he jumped suddenly from the bed, in a frenzy of panic.

His hands groped wildly, trying to cover his huge hard-on, and he felt like running, wanting to get as far away as possible from his mother and the shame that consumed his entire body. He tried to speak, to find some words to explain to her, but his young voice only cracked and his mouth worked soundlessly as he stared helplessly at his beautiful, sexy mother.

"Stu," Trish cried out softly when she saw the shame in her son's eyes.

Realizing that this experience could set the tone for the rest of his sexual life, she resolved to handle it the best way for her beloved son. She could not turn away now. That would probably traumatize the boy for life. He would always think of sex as dirty and shameful. She cared too much about her youngest child to do that to him. Instead, she would have to convince him that there was absolutely nothing wrong with what he had been doing.

"Honey," she murmured, reaching out to him. "Don't worry, Stu. There's nothing wrong with what you were doing."

Stu moved toward his mother and fell into her arms, shuddering and beginning to sob convulsively. Again and again, his body shook with surprising force against the fullness of his mother's heaving tits, his voice tortured with terrified moans.

"Darling, Stu, it's all right," she crooned to him, wanting to console him and, at the same time, wanting to feel the throbbing heat of the boy's young body as it trembled against hers.

She led him to his bed and sat down beside him, cradling his head against her huge, firm tits, unaware that she had opened her robe to let her son's tear-stained face rest against the softness of her warm, full flesh. She just wanted to make the boy feel better, to take away his agonizing shame.

She only wanted him to feel safe with her, to know that she hadn't meant to frighten him or invade his privacy. She wanted to cry out to him that he had done nothing wrong, that everything would be all right.

Instead, all she could feel was the heat of his young, manly body against her, and suddenly she leaned back with him, just to hold his quivering body against hers.

Accidentally, her hand brushed against the thickness of his young, hard cock, jutting out obscenely and gleamingly moist from his hairy crotch.

Oh no! her mind screamed silently. Please no! Not with my own young son! He's only a teenager, just a kid!

"Stu, honey, don't cry! Don't feel so bad. It's all right, believe me," she heard her voice cooing to him. "You haven't done anything wrong. It's completely normal to jerk yourself off sometimes. I even do it all the time myself!"

Stu gasped and his cock lurched and hardened even more. And, hearing his mother's lewd words, he stopped crying and almost laughed outloud. For, now he realized that his mother thought he was so upset just because he had been jerking himself off! If she only knew, he thought with amusement how many times he had made himself come over the years. He had long ago come to terms with that part of his life!

What his mother didn't understand was that the reason he had been so upset was not because he had been jerking off but because she had caught him jerking off! And because he felt guilty for having such lewd fantasies about fucking his own mother! He was really more embarrassed than ashamed.

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