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Kathy Andrews - Mom without panties

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Kathy Andrews

Mom without panties


Richard squirmed in his seat next to his mother, waiting to be seen by the doctor. It was his annual physical, and although he fought against coming, he seemed quite content now.

The pretty receptionist with blonde hair sat at her desk, in no hurry to leave. Richard was the last patient of the day, and the doctor would be calling him in soon. The blonde girl smiled at Richard every so often, giving his mother a glance.

The desk she sat at was open in front, and Richard was enjoying himself as he waited to be seen. In fact, he could have sat there the rest of the night. He felt no shame about peeking at the girl's legs under the desk. It excited him to the point that his cock was now quite hard. He could see her pretty knees, and her short, white dress was high on her thighs. When she moved a certain way and it seemed to Richard that she moved often he caught peeks of her creamy thighs above her nylons, and once he saw the crotch of her panties. The view was almost enough to make him come in his pants.

Glancing at his mother sitting beside him, he wondered if she could see under the desk, too. But his mother was thumbing through a magazine. He turned and looked at the girl again, and now his cock jerked. The girl had her legs spread wide under the desk, and the crotch of her pink panties and garterbelt were totally exposed. A moan came from Richard and he couldn't take his eyes off the exciting view. He had his hands in his lap, pressing on his hard cock. The blonde girl seemed to know he had a hard-on; her blue eyes teased him. When the girl began to slowly close and open her knees, Richard was sure she knew what she was doing.

Karen, his mother, saw it all from slitted eyes. At first she was disgusted with the girl, then decided maybe she didn't know she was showing herself. But as she watched, it became obvious that the girl was teasing Richard. She glanced at her son and saw how he was pressing his fists into his lap, then looked back at the girl. She was seeing what he saw. The response that came over Karen surprised her. A twitch between her legs made her jump in surprise.

Karen saw the doctor in the doorway. They smiled and greeted each other as Karen led Richard into the office. Karen had been bringing her son to Dr. Sissy Reed for the past three years. She liked the woman, had a great deal of respect for her medical knowledge, and Sissy was also very good with her son.

Sitting in a comfortable chair, Richard next to her, Karen realized how attractive Sissy was. The doctor perched on a high stool, a clipboard and pen in her hands, braced on her knees. While Sissy questioned Richard about his health, Karen looked the doctor over.

Sissy was an unusually beautiful woman, tall with a very good figure, long dark hair and almond-shaped eyes, her skin was unblemished, very soft and creamy looking. She was the picture Karen would have of a young female doctor. Sissy wore a long lab coat over a becoming silk blouse and cotton skirt.

The long slit on the left side of her skirt drooped to reveal an expanse of well-tanned flesh. Karen wasn't listening to the medical questions directed at her son; she was fascinated by Sissy. After all this time, Karen was seeing the doctor as a very desirable woman.

Karen crossed her legs and noticed a glance from Sissy, but Sissy had glanced at her legs, not her face. Karen felt, or sensed, a definite attraction between them. Used to men and women giving her admiring looks, Karen paid no attention.

"Have you been visiting your father," Karen heard Sissy asking Richard.

"He doesn't much care for his new stepmother," Karen answered for her son.

"I see," Sissy murmured. "I bet Richard is a mother's boy, right?"

"Not in the derogatory sense," Karen went on. "He's all guy, but I think he loves me very much."

Richard looked up at his mother with a smile, then back to the doctor. "I'm always gonna be with my mom. I ain't never gonna leave her, like my dad did."

"Good!" Sissy exclaimed.

While Sissy continued the questions, Karen noticed the doctor's knees were parting. They moved slowly away from each other, as if Sissy was too absorbed to notice. Karen saw the creamy inner softness of the doctor's thighs, then noticed that her son was seeing it, too. Again, his hands were shoved between his thighs, but he was bold, never flinching his eyes from Sissy's slowly parting knees. Karen's breath caught when she saw the tight crotch of Sissy's panties. She wondered if she should let the woman know, since she was so preoccupied with her questions. Richard was answering in grunts now.

Sissy lowered one foot, the creamy smoothness of her thigh becoming more exposed. Then Sissy reached for something on her desk. Her thighs parted wide, and strands of her cunt hair flashed quickly. Karen heard her son make a stifled moan, and saw him press his wrists harder into his crotch.

"Okay, honey," Sissy said, sliding from the stool. "Hop up on the table. You know the routine by this time."

Karen was amused to see her son trying to conceal his bulging cock as he climbed onto the examining table. Usually Sissy asked for her help, but this time she unbuttoned Richard's shirt and removed it herself. Karen thought Sissy was caressing her son's bare chest more than examining it, but knowing nothing of medicine, she wasn't sure. When Sissy began listening to his chest, Karen noticed that the doctor was very slowly and lightly rubbing one of her tits against Richard's upper arm. She knew that was not part of an examination.

"Sounds great," Sissy announced, standing in front of Richard, lifting his arms. She put her hands on his shoulders. "Hold your arms toward me."

Richard shoved his hands out as if reaching for Sissy's swelling tits. Karen watched, more interested than surprised, as Sissy brought Richard's shoulders forward, causing his outstretched hands to cross. Her gaze followed her son's hands, and saw them brush over Sissy's tits. She thought she saw the woman tremble slightly.

"That's good, Richard," Sissy said, her voice suddenly quite low, a throaty sound. "Now, lie back and let's see what's going on in your tummy."

Karen watched Sissy probe her son's stomach in a professional manner. Then when she began to unbuckle Richard's pants he suddenly grabbed them.

"Hey, fella," Sissy grinned. "You're not turning bashful on me now, are you?"

Karen knew why her son grabbed his pants; his cock was still hard and he didn't want to have it exposed. There was a playful tug of war between Sissy and Richard, with Sissy tickling him, making him giggle and squirm.

At the right opportunity, Sissy jerked Richard's pants to his knees. Richard flung an arm over his eyes bashfully as his cock reared up in throbbing hardness.

"You don't have anything to be bashful about, Richard," Sissy said, her voice unmistakably husky.

The woman's long fingers moved up and down his thigh in a caressing manner, and it seemed to Karen that the woman gazed hungrily at his upstanding cock. Karen found that she was becoming aroused, her cuntjuice seeping into the crotch of her panties. Her eyes were glowing as she gazed at her son's hard cock and the way Sissy stroked her hand up and down his thigh. Karen felt heat between her legs, and squeezed them tightly. She was leaning forward slightly, watching the way her son's cock jerked. Sissy was standing on the opposite side of the table, facing Karen. Sissy glanced at Karen, and the two women stared into each other's eyes for a long moment. There was a tense atmosphere in the office.

"This is normal," Sissy said, indicating Richard's beautiful hard-on. "He's of the age now where it will happen quite often." It was an unnecessary explanation, and Karen knew it. "Richard is remarkably well developed. We've got to see if there are any lumps in his bal testicles."

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