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Kathy Andrews - What a hot mom!

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Kathy Andrews What a hot mom CHAPTER ONE Want some pussy darling Macks - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

What a hot mom!


"Want some pussy, darling?"

Mack's newspapers rattled.

"Do I want some what?" he asked.

"Pussy!" Judy smiled at him, her eyes soft, but hot. "I asked if you wanted some pussy. If you'd take your nose out of that fucking newspaper once in a while, you'd hear clearly what I said.?

Pussy " Mack said softly, eyeing his wife. "Since when are you giving out pussy, Judy?"

"Since anytime you want it," she replied.

Mack folded the paper and placed it on a lawn chair next to the patio table. He looked out into the back yard, seeing their daughter and son romping around in the pool. It was some time before he spoke.

"Judy, I don't understand you," he said carefully. "Do you know how long it's been since we fucked?"

"Ages," Judy responded, running her tongue over her lips.

"That wasn't my fault," he reminded her.

"I know, Mack. I know very well it's been me." Judy stroked her bare knee. Her legs were crossed. The tiny bikini enhanced her beauty, the slender beauty of her curvy body. "And I wish you wouldn't say that out loud. They may hear you,?

Anger started in Mack, but he swallowed it. "Would it be so terrible if they did hear the word? My God, Jusy, it wouldn't be right for them to become adults without knowing that word. Fuck, a beautiful word, but you always hated to hear it. Now you're sitting there asking me if I want some pussy. I'd say this is some change coming over you."

Her husband was telling her the truth. She had never wanted to hear him use those words. She thought they were gross, vulgar, and they had turned her off. Mack loved to use them when they were embraced, screwing hard. But as he would mutter them, her passion would cool, and despite the massive discharge he enjoyed, Judy was left frustrated and without release. She had simply turned her body from him, some time ago. She was sure he jacked off for release. She didn't think he found other women because when he wasn't at work, he was at home.

"I've been a bitch, Mack," she said. "I know I've been a bitch with you, and I'm sorry for it. I'm trying, in the only way I know, to make up for it."

Mack looked at her for some time.

Judy was beautiful as the day they had married. Her flesh was still smooth and satiny, unblemished. Her tits, thrusting inside the small halter of her bikini, made his mouth water. They had married when she was seventeen, and her body had not changed in fifteen years. Slim, yet with all the right curves and hollows; he wanted her powerfully.

"Are you talking about right now?" he asked, his voice turned husky.

She nodded, glancing at Jimmy and Susie. "I don't think we'd be disturbed."

"Are you sure, Judy? Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes, Mack," she whispered. "Please, let's do it now."

"Judy "

She stood up. "Now, Mack, please!"

He looked again at Susie and Jimmy in the pool, then back at Judy. She stood with her shoulders back, making her luscious tits push at the halter. He lowered his eyes to the front of her bikini, seeing the exciting bulge of her cunt. His cock began to stir and lift inside his trunks. Judy reached for his hand, pulling up. She looked down at his trunks, then smiled at him. "See, you want some pussy, darling."

"Judy "He whispered softly, squeezing her hand. "I've never heard you say pussy before. "

"So, you hear me say it now." She smiled, a little nervously. "I've got some pussy, Mack, and it's yours if you want it."

"Want it? Do I want your pussy?" Mack moaned softly. "Judy, I've been wanting your pussy for months!'"

"Come on," she said, pulling him into the house. "I wish I knew what's gotten into you," he said. "You're getting into me!" She grinned, shoving her halter to her waist, twisting it around and untying it. "You're getting into my pussy."

"The bedroom "Mack grunted, his eyes burning on her firm, thrusting tits, her long nipples, puckered with hardness.

"Here," she said, pulling at the tie strings of her bikini. "I want to right here, Mack."

The flimsy cloth slithered down her thighs, and Judy stood naked before him. His eyes moved from her tits, past her flat stomach, settling on the thick thatch of dark blonde hair that surrounded her cunt. His cock stiffened completely inside his trunks, outlined in hardness.

He swiftly shoved his trunks down, kicking them from his feet.

"Mmmmm, nice and hard," Judy purred as his cock swung free.

Mack stared at his wife, his passion exposed, but he was puzzled. She was acting strangely, and he didn't understand. It had been months since they fucked, and he knew Judy failed to come. He suspected she was becoming frigid, cold to the joys of sex. But this wanton display now, her use of the word pussy confused him.

Judy clutched his cock in her hand, squeezing it tightly, feeling it throb. The head bulged smoothly, his piss-hole opening, already moist for her. She pumped his cock a moment, then pulled him toward the couch. Still clinging to his cock, she sat down, then lay back, her head resting on the arm of the couch. She opened her legs, knees bent.

"God, Judy!" he gasped as he gazed at the pink slit of her cunt. The tip of her clit protruded from the wet folds of delicious flesh. Judy had the longest clit of any woman he had ever seen, and it excited him.

"Take it, Mack," she whispered, squeezing his cock hard. "Take my pussy now here on the couch."

Mack knelt between Judy's parted thighs. His cock throbbed up and down. He stared between her legs, gazing with passion at her cunt. Judy waited, her tits rising and falling as she breathed. Her green eyes held a new heat in them, a shining that Mack had never seen before.

"Jimmy Susie "

"I don't care," Judy hissed. "Do it now, Mack! Come on, put it in me now!?

You don't care?" he asked, glancing through the double sliding doors, seeing Susie and Jimmy clearly.

"No," she replied. "Just do it now!"

Mack leaned over Judy, the head of his cock brushing the lips of her pussy. Judy darted her hand down, pushing his cock into position. She gasped slightly as she felt his cock slid into her cunt. Her hands then moved to his hips, holding them as he pressed his cock completely into her. Judy smiled as she felt her cunt open and stretch about his hard prick. This time she could feel it very well, feel each ridge and groove of it. She knew why, but she wasn't going to tell Mack.

As Mack settled on her, between her thighs, she lifted her pussy toward him. Mack braced himself by placing his hands on the cushions at her shoulders. He used to hold her tits, or her ass, when they fucked, but Judy had not liked it very well. She had usually lain there without moving, letting him pump and thrust into her until he came.

This time it was different.

As he started stabbing his cock into her cunt, Judy moved with him, meeting his cock with her pussy. She moved her hands off his hips and over his ass. Sliding his cock in and out of her cunt, he looked into her eyes, a question in his.

"Mmmmm, I know," she purred softly. "But do what you like to do with me, Mack. Hold my tits or my ass, the way you always liked."

Still stroking in and out, Mack said: "First pussy, now tits and ass. Judy, I don't know what, you don't make sense, Judy."

"Just do enjoy it, darling," she whispered. "Hold my tits or my ass and fuck me!"

"Oh, God!" Mack moaned.

His hands darted down Judy's sides his chest crushing her firm tits. He closed his hands about the bunching cheeks of her ass, lifting her, driving deeply. Judy thrashed her hips about, up and down and sideways. She wrapped her long legs about him, squeezing and scissoring them up and down his flesh.

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