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Kathy Andrews - Here comes mom

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Kathy Andrews

Here comes mom


Donna stood waiting near the chain-linked fence as the commuter plane screamed in for a landing. She felt the anxiety building within her slim body.

It had been nine months since she had seen her son, Paul, and she knew he had grown in that time. She waited with anticipation as the plane taxied to a stop about a hundred feet away. After him being with his father all this time, she would now have him for the summer.

Dressed in a white pleated skirt, a cream colored blouse, with nylons not panty hose and high heeled shoes, she knew how tantalizing and delectable she looked. Donna was a very attractive woman. Her almost-black hair was loose and was allowed to blow in the slight breeze, and her dark-brown eyes sparkled with excitement.

Men standing nearby looked at her from the corners of their eyes, some openly. They speculated on her beauty and desirability. Her tits thrust out sharply into points beneath her blouse, obviously indicating her pleasure at not wearing a bra. Her nipples could be seen boldly outlined, slightly dark beneath the light-colored blouse. Her skirt, although flaring with the sharp pleats, was still tight enough about her hips to reveal the teasing swells of her shapely ass the high heels on her feet emphasized the curves of her legs.

She was aware of the way men looked at her and she enjoyed it. Being a sensual woman with an erotic mind, she loved to exhibit herself. She wondered what they would think if they knew she was completely naked under her clothing. All she wore was the outer garments, her nylons, and a black garter belt.

Her heart began to beat faster with excitement as the doorway swung down. A few men climbed off, a woman, and then she saw her son.

"Paul!" she called, waving and dancing about. "Here I am, darling!"

When her son saw her, his face split in a huge grin of pleasure as he lifted his hand to wave to Donna could not wait for him; she darted through the fence and began to run toward him.

A sudden, unexpected gust of wind tugged at her skirt, then a devil wind lifted it. Donna's white skirt went high, billowing above her slender, creamy, smooth thighs. The skirt seemed to pause halfway up, then the power of the wind sent it flying past her head.

Donna felt no embarrassment. She paused as she fought the skirt down. But that brief time her skirt had been over her head, the men at the fence had seen the sweetness of her shapely, swelling ass, totally naked. The loud whistles of appreciation caused her to smile. As she smoothed her skirt down, she saw that her son had stopped walking toward her. She knew Paul had seen her hairy cunt, the dark curls of her pussy hair and the garter belt. He seemed dazed.

"Oh, baby," she cooed happily as she wrapped her arms about him. "My, you're taller!"

He stood almost as tall as she was, with the same coloring, but with the facial features of his father. She pulled him tight against her tits, feeling her nipples tingle. Pulling her head back, but keeping her lower body pressed forward against his, she laughed happily, then pressed her lips down onto his for a moist kiss.

Then she took his hand and led him past the admiring men and to her car. He tossed his suitcase into the back seat and scooted in. Donna climbed under the wheel, her skirt hiking to mid-thigh.

Paul stared at his mother's thighs openly.

She giggled softly and pulled her skin down before starting the car. Driving from the small parking area, she said in a soft, throaty voice, "Darling, this summer is going to be so much fun. I've been thinking about it and planning it so long. Oh, baby, I can hardly wait!"

Paul sat beside her, twisted to gaze at his mother's exquisite beauty. His gaze rested most of the time on her shapely tits, remembering last summer. He was just as anxious as his mother if not more so. He recalled I it with clarity, and found his prick becoming hard.

Donna, too, noticed the swelling bulge of his pants, and a lewd smile formed on her full, moist lips. With a significant look at the bulge, she stuck her tongue out playfully at him and pressed a little harder on the accelerator.

"You kept your promise, didn't you, darling?" she asked softly. "You didn't say anything to your father?"

"Golly, no, Mom." Paul looked at her eyes. "He wouldn't let me come here if I told him."

"Good," Donna replied. "I'm afraid your father is a bit Victorian some times. He would never understand."

As she wheeled the car through the light traffic, Donna was bubbling with eagerness. Her nipples against her blouse were very sensitive, and her cunt was steaming so hotly that she felt close to orgasm already.

"Did you like what happened at the airport?" she asked softly.

"What happened?" he asked.

"My dress, silly." Donna glanced at her son. "When my dress blew up."

"That was something, Mom," he laughed. "Sure I liked it, and so did all those guys standing there."

"Was I pretty?"

"Very much. I almost got hard then."

Donna laughed in a husky tone. "I wish you had. It would have been beautiful, darling. But I see you're getting a nice hard-on now."

Paul ran his hand over the lump in his pants, spreading his knees. "Are we going to have fun like last slimmer, Mom?"

"More than ever, baby," she promised. "You're older now and we can do it."

"Oh," he groaned and pressed his hand hard against his hard cock. "Are we, Mom? Are we really gonna do it now?"

"I promised, didn't I?"

"Go faster!" he said quickly.

Donna went a bit faster, laughing in her sultry, arousing way. She dropped her right hand from the wheel and slipped her skirt up her thighs. Paul gazed at her nyloned legs, seeing the creamy whiteness above them. His cock throbbed with hot eagerness and he pressed his hand harder.

"Oh, baby," she gurgled. "Be careful with that thing. I don't want you to come off in your pants. Wait until we get home, please!"

"Then we better hurry," he grunted. "I know," she murmured. "Oh, God I know!" The drive was short, taking about twenty minutes, but to Donna it seemed years. Her cunt was boiling hotly and she writhed her ass against the seat. But soon she pulled into the drive and set the brake. Before she could get out, Paul grabbed his mother's hand and placed it on top of his bulging hard-on. Donna felt the throbbing of his prick against her palm, and she moaned with hungry eagerness. Pressing her hand against his cock, she leaned over and kissed him again, this time stabbing her tongue into his mouth. Paul began to suck it as he reached for his mother's tits, squeezing them and making his mother whimper with a hot desire.

She wrapped her fingers about his cock as best she could and squeezed hard, and then pulled away. "We better go in the house, darling," she said. "We could be seen."

It was only a bit after noon, and the sun was hot. As she climbed from the car, she looked around to see if any of the neighbors were about. But apparently they, were all inside their air-conditioned homes. As she unlocked the front door, Paul retrieved his suitcase and, looking at his beautiful mother, entered the house behind her. As soon as he had his suitcase on the floor and she had the door closed, they went into each other's arms, hugging tightly. Her hands moved down his back, past his waist, and clutched the tightness of her son's ass cheeks, grinding her lower body against him. His hard cock did not quite reach her cunt, but the feel of his prick against her upper thighs sent her into shivering pleasure. Grinding against him, she sucked at his tongue as he thrust it in and out of her hot, wet mouth.

"Has it been a long time, baby?" she asked in a husky voice as her tongue slipped free. She ground against his cock as she held his ass cheeks tightly. "Did you jack off and think about me?"

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