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Kathy Andrews - Two mothers, too hot

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Kathy Andrews Two mothers, too hot

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Kathy Andrews

Two mothers, too hot


Linda Williams sat and watched as Amy David wiggled from her gown.

With her legs crossed, a cocktail in her hand, she pulled her gaze from the tall, amazingly beautiful woman and glanced at her knees. Her own skirt was halfway up her legs, and the creamy flesh of her thighs was exposed.

When Amy stood with nothing but her bikini panties on, Linda glanced up, and, as she looked at the woman, she felt the familiar tingle starting to burn between her thighs. Every time Amy undressed in front of her, Linda's cunt would start quivering, her clitoris swelling.

The two women had known each other for years, going all the way back to high school. They had always lived close, had always shared secrets. They had consoled each other through a rocky marriage, then a stormy divorce. They had talked of the problems they had with their sons, gossiped about neighbors.

In high school, they had been so close that touching and fondling each other had occurred during overnight stays. But it had never gone any farther than that until a few months ago. Linda did not consider herself a lesbian, and

she knew Amy was not a woman lover, either, They had, after an evening of drinking and talking about the frustrations of being single, suddenly found themselves in bed together. At first it was as it had been in high school. They held each other comfortingly, stroking a firm tit, even kissing few times. It was nothing they had not done as teenagers, and they thought nothing of it.

But it got out of hand.

Before either knew what was happening, they had pressed their mouths into hairy cunts, sucked and licked each other to fantastic orgasms. Their surprise at what happened was not nearly as great as their pleasure however.

After discussing what had happened, they licked each other's cunt again, this time deliberately and with a great deal of enthusiasm.

They laughed and giggled wickedly about it later, talking as though eating pussy was the most natural thing in the world for them, two women without husbands, both having an intense erotic nature.

Now, watching Amy move about in her bikini panties, Linda knew they would suck each other again. She didn't mind; she found it enjoyable. She was bothered though, because it was happening so frequently now.

Amy stood in the middle of the floor, looking

at Linda with glowing eyes. Her moist pink tongue ran over her bottom lip as her gaze settled on the velvety flesh of Linda's exposed thighs. Her hips moved in a gentle sway from side to side, her firm, arching tits jiggling in that tight, exciting way. Her nipples were rigid with desire.

Linda felt herself becoming warm, knowing she would soon be boiling with erotic eagerness. The bikini panties were very tight on Amy's hips, slung low. Curling hair could be seen above the waist band, and the fabric from which they were made was so sheer that the dark shadow of her triangled cunt hair was a teasing mound there.

Amy cupped her naked tits and fondled them, making a soft gurgle of pleasure, her eyes burning on Linda. Her hips moved, and the slow bump and grind caused Linda to gasp with delight. Amy turned, arching her shapely ass, wiggling her ass lewdly. The white flesh of Amy's ass cheeks was an erotic contrast to the golden tan of her thighs. A lurching sensation came to Linda's pussy as she watched that ass writhe.

While still shaking her ass, Amy began to slide her bikini panties down, slowly and tantalizingly. She was looking over her shoulder at Linda, watching the expression on her friend's face. Both of them were trembling

slightly with anticipation."

"It looks like we're going to be eating cunt again," Linda smiled. "Every time you undress when I'm here, Amy, we always end up with our faces against a hairy cunt."

Amy straightened and turned, her panties stretched just above her knees. She cupped the dark hair of her pussy and grinned lewdly at Linda. Linda gazed at the pink moistness of Amy's cunt as the woman parted the strands of hair, seeing the tip of that succulent clit gleaming in the dim light.

"Mmm, we sure do," Amy murmured, stroking her clit with the tip of a finger.

She moved toward Linda, her hips arched out. Linda knew what was expected of her. She placed her drink down and leaned forward as Amy came close. Pressing her lips against Amy's cunt, she kissed wetly, running her hands up the smooth thighs and around, clasping the tightly shaped cheeks of Amy's ass. Her tongue slipped outs and she licked up and down the nub of Amy's clit. As always, once she had her lips and tongue against that wet, hairy pussy, Linda's cunt began to boil with urgent desire. She gripped Amy's ass cheeks tightly as the woman began to press and grind against her face. Soft mewls bubbled from them both. Linda swirled her tongue about the swollen clit, then dived her tongue below to

work as best she could into those slippery hot pussy lips. Fucking her tongue in and out of Amy's cunt, Linda pulled her dress up, shifting her ass until her skirt was about her waist. She spread her knees and wormed her own hand underneath to squeeze her bubbling, twitching pussy.

Amy shoved her face back, leaning down and pressed her lips against Linda's wet cunt lips. Her tongue licked about for a moment, then Amy whispered in a husky voice, "Take your fucking clothes off, Linda."

With Amy's hands helping her, Linda undressed. Naked, she stood and pressed her body against Amy's. Both women were of equal heights, and their tits smashed against each other as they began to kiss and suck on each other's tongue with bubbling heat. They clawed at each other's ass cheeks, their moans growing until they became loud. Amy's panties had dropped to her feet, and the dark curls of her cunt mingled with those of Linda. They squirmed together, grinding hairy pussies into each other.

With unspoken agreement, they sank down to their knees, still sucking hungrily at tongues, their hands feverish now as they felt about each other's naked skin. Linda sat down, then leaned back on the floor. She spread her long thighs wide and stared with liquid

hot eyes as Amy straddled her face; The hairy cunt seemed to be winking an invitation at her as Amy squatted above Linda's face. The pink pussy lips twitched-and. Amy's clit seemed to throb visibly. Linda placed her hands on the smooth curves of Amy's ass when the woman leaned over, and Linda felt that wicked, wet, hot tongue moving about the curls of her own pussy.

Arching her cunt up into Amy's face, Linda shot her tongue out and fucked it into the tight heat of Amy's cunt. Amy closed her hot, creamy thighs about Linda's head, and Linda, lifting her knees, returned the pressure with her thighs against Amy's face. She sighed with pleasure as Amy's hands clutched the cheeks of her ass, drawing her cunt tight against her face. Linda closed her fingers about the spreading cheeks of Amy's ass, fucking her tongue deeply into that seeping cunt above her face. She felt her nose pressing against Amy's asshole, but she didn't mind that at all. It was enjoyable, to be truthful.

Linda yelped in a muffled way as Amy began to lick and suck strongly upon her inflamed clit. She banged her hips up and down, grinding her hairy cunt into Amy's face, her own tongue fucking swiftly and deeply. Thrusting her tongue as deep as she possibly could, Linda swirled it about, tasting the

satiny walls of Amy's cunt. She held her lips very wide, sucking Amy's cunt as her tongue fucked in and out. She felt the lower stomach of Amy crushing against her tits, and even that thrilled her. Her own nipples were burning. Just as she could feel Amy's nipples burn against her flesh. As the excitement increased, Linda began to claw and squeeze Amy's naked ass above her face, her fingers brushing the tightly puckered asshole. When she felt Amy's finger rubbing upon her own asshole, Linda's mouth and tongue went wild.

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