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Kathy Andrews - Two naughty mothers

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Kathy Andrews

Two naughty mothers


Susan Holcomb leaned back on the redwood lounge chair, enjoying the way the sun burned down on her bare thighs. On the small table next to her was a frosted bottle of imported beer. She was not much of a drinker, but on days as hot as this, she enjoyed a beer.

On the soft grass was her son, Robert. He was wrestling with his friend from next door. Robert was not yet in high school. He would be starting this coming fall. His friend, Tom, had just completed his first year in high school. Susan thought it strange that they should be such good friends. Although there was only a year difference in their ages, the social structure of teenagers usually prevented one from associating with someone in a lower class.

Susan shifted her position on the lounge chair, and her skirt slipped higher on her long, creamy thighs. She watched the boys with half-closed eyes, feeling dreamy and lazy. The sun was at its peak, and the afternoon was going to be even hotter. She could feel sweat at her armpits and between her thighs. Unknowingly, she spread her feet farther apart. Closing her eyes to the rays of the sun, she let her mind drift. She began thinking about sex, something she thought about a lot.

Susan was an extremely sensual woman. She enjoyed and loved sex for sex's sake. It was something she could easily separate from love.

Although she had remained faithful to her husband until the divorce, it had not prevented her from imagining all sorts of erotic situations, with herself the center of attention.

Even now she could feel her tits swelling inside her thin blouse, her nipples tingling with sensation. There was a throb of anticipation between her thighs, inside her cunt. Her pussy twitched and quivered, the hairy lips puffing up. Her clit burned with the need to be touched, and she considered going into the house and fingering her cunt to an orgasm.

She did not notice when Karen Mason entered the yard.

Karen was Tom's mother, a year older than Susan's thirty-two. Karen was an extremely beautiful woman, tall and slender, with deliciously shaped curves. Karen's tits arched and swelled out in perfection, and her ass was a delight to look upon. It was tight and curvy, and flexed when she walked. Karen was as sensual as Susan, if not more so. She knew she was attractive, and dressed to show off her inviting body. She wore a halter over her tits, and the nipples were outlined clearly. She also wore a pair of very brief shorts, with slits up each side almost to her waist.

"My, my," Karen said quietly.

Susan opened her eyes. "Oh, hello, Karen."

"You want to know something, Susan?" Karen said, sitting in a padded chair. "You're giving those boys of ours quite a nice show."

"What do you mean?" Susan said, sipping at her beer, which had become warm.

Karen pointed a finger. Robert and Tom were sitting on the grass facing the women, their eyes wide and hot looking.

"I still don't understand," Susan said.

"Look at your skirt, honey."

Susan looked, and saw that her skirt had come almost to her hips. "Oh, God!" she cried, quickly closing her thighs and smoothing her skirt down.

"It's too late, baby," Karen laughed softly.

"They were sitting there staring at your panties. I saw it when I came through the gate. Did you know there's hair sticking out at the crotch?"

Susan's face flushed. She sat up quickly, placing her feet firmly on the patio.

Karen laughed again. "They sure got themselves an eyeful, Susan. Me too, for that matter."

"Stop it, Karen," Susan said, but she wasn't angry.

"I'm sure those two boys of ours have delicious hard-ons about now."

"Oh, Karen!" Susan sighed. "Must you always talk like that?"

"Why not?" Karen replied. "A hard-on is a hard-on, you know. I simply love a cock when it gets up so hard, don't you?"

Susan blushed again, and she knew it would only encourage Karen. Still, despite her shyness, she found it very enjoyable to listen to Karen. It excited her in a way that she didn't fully understand. She looked at Karen. The woman was sitting in the chair, her knees apart. Susan swallowed when she noticed the dark curls of cunt hair along the crotch band of the tight, very brief shorts. Then it dawned on her that the shorts were white, thin, and the shadow of Karen's pussy hair was plainly visible through them.

"I just bought them," Karen said, realizing what Susan was thinking. "Do you like them?"

"They show everything, Karen," Susan said in a low voice. "I could never wear anything like that. I'd die with embarrassment."

"Not me," Karen laughed. "I've got to attract a man somehow. If I don't get fucked pretty soon, I'll go out of my mind."

"You attract every man around here," Susan said.

"I know, and every one of them with some little wife lurking about, keeping her eye on her man." She made a face. "No, baby, I don't want any of these married guys. That's trouble."

"Then look someplace else," Susan suggested.

"I have."

"Oh?" Susan looked at her friend. "Have you settled on any particular man?"

"I sure have," Karen laughed, her tone throaty and suggestive.

Excitement bubbled up in Susan. "Who is it? Do I know him? Come on, Karen, tell me!"

Karen pointed a finger. Susan gasped. "You're joking!"

"Why would I joke about that?"

Susan glanced at her son, who was still sitting on the grass. He was whispering to Tom.

Looking back at Karen, she couldn't tell by her expression if she was fooling around or not. "You can't be serious. Why, Robert isn't even old enough to know about that. Come on, Karen!"

"He's old enough," Karen said. "You just haven't been paying attention."

"But Karen," Susan said, "that would be like fucking your own son. You've known Robert and me for five years. Shame on you."

"What's so shameful about it?" Karen replied, taking one of Susan's cigarettes. "I've considered Tom, too. I mean, look at that kid. He's getting pretty big, and you can bet he's got a nice cock on him."

"You're horrible!"

"Not at all, baby," Karen said, blowing smoke. "Why go hunting when I can have it tight in my own house?"

"You wouldn't," Susan whispered.

"I've certainly thought about it," Karen said, looking at her son. "I saw him just the other day in the shower, and his cock sure looked good to inc. No, I'm not kidding at all I don't think."

Susan made no reply. She lit a cigarette, noticing her fingers were shaking. Surely Karen wouldn't fuck her own son. But she might fuck Robert. Susan drew a mental picture of her son, his cock very hard, stabbing it into Karen's dark haired cunt. She was surprised at the sudden boiling sensation between her thighs.

She quickly changed the subject. Karen was gazing at her with her dark eyes, eyes that held a strange expression in them. They looked hot, excited, and Susan wasn't sure. She stood there, holding the unopened bottle of beer, gazing back with her own blue eyes. She felt a shiver ripple through her body, a shiver of anticipation, of desire.

She watched Karen's face come closer, and she felt frozen to the floor. Her legs started to tremble and she felt weak.

Then Karen had her moist, warm lips against hers. Susan whimpered as the woman kissed her, and her eyes closed. She felt Karen's hands caressing up and down her bare arms, and then she fell Karen's arching, pointed tits pressing against her own.

Karen drew back. "Oh, baby, baby!" she murmured softly, looking directly into Susan's eyes. "I've never done anything like this in my life, but somehow I" And again she closed her lips against Susan's mouth.

Susan felt the tip of Karen's tongue move about her lips, and she moaned when she found her lips parting to accept the moist tongue. As Karen thrust herb tongue into Susan's mouth, Susan found herself sucking at it. Then she felt Karen's arms go about her and draw her tightly, her tits flattened against Karen's tits. She felt the hot hands of the woman move down her back, then they were clutching at her swelling ass. Karen was grinding her hips against Susan's, and shivers raced up and down her body.

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