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Kathy Andrews - Hot mom and sis

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Kathy Andrews Hot mom and sis CHAPTER ONE Kathy leaned under the open hood - photo 1

Kathy Andrews

Hot mom and sis


Kathy leaned under the open hood of the car. She had no idea what she was looking for, she knew nothing about motors. All she knew was that a car, especially a new car, was supposed to run.

She glared at the maze of wire and doe-dads, cursing under her breath. She was sweating in the heat, and that pissed her off even more.

"Sonuva fucking bitch!" she hissed at the engine. "Stan, you cocksucking asshole!"

"You say something, Mother?" Sharon asked, leaning out the window.

"No. I didn't say a damn think," Kathy answered, bringing her head from beneath the hood, banging her fist against the metal. She stepped back and gave the tire a vicious kick.

"Owwww, you bastard!"

Sharon giggled.

"And you can shut up, too!" she glared at her daughter.

She shoved her head back under the hood, trying to make sense of the troublesome engine. She had to do something. Her white skirt lifted on her thighs, revealing golden tan flesh almost to her ass. A small puff of wind lifted it higher, and her pale-green panties were exposed briefly. Kathy ignored it.

Sharon sat back in the car. The heat didn't bother her. It never did. What bothered her was her brother, Jimmy, sound asleep in the back seat. Not his sleeping, but the bulging of his cock inside his shorts. She turned and watched it with excitement, giggling softly. Her beautiful blue eyes seemed to glaze as she stared at the tent-like projection. Getting onto her knees, she leaned over the seat, her small hand stretching toward him. With a feather-light touch, she poked at the tip, where his cock strained. Again she giggled, glanced to see if her mother was still under the hood. She lifted the leg of her brother's shorts slightly, and saw his balls. Jimmy never wore shorts under those things, she had discovered a few days ago.

Sharon held his shorts open, gazing at his balls, her eyes becoming brighter, her breathing becoming faster. Lifting the leg of his shorts a bit more, she saw the base of his cock. There was that strange sensation between her legs again. Her compact, tight, young ass clenched and a soft whimper came from her. There was an itch in her hand, an itch that wanted to touch his cock, to grasp it, feel it, play with it. Giving in to the urge, she sneaked her other hand toward him and touched the base of his cock lightly, then his balls. The burning, sweet feeling increased inside the tight crotch of her white shorts, and Sharon closed her eyes for a moment.

"Stan, you bastard!" she heard her mother say angrily.

Sharon jerked her hand back quickly and turned round. She watched her mother at the side of the car.

"Slit!" Kathy snapped, stamping a sandaled foot against the ground. "Shit! Shit! Shit!"

She looked up and down the highway, seeing nothing but the shimmering waves of heat. Sweat tickled down her neck, into her sleeveless blouse. She felt it between her tits. She couldn't understand how Jimmy could sleep in this fucking heat. He didn't seem to be sweating, either, and that pissed her off, too. She felt like crying just sitting right down on the scalding dirt and bawling her eyes out.

"Of all the places to get stuck!"

There was nothing as far as the eye could see in either direction. She had passed through a small town ten miles back, and she had no idea how far it was to the next. It was too far to walk in this stifling heat, anyway.

She heard the distant sound, and looked down the highway. A shimmering form materialized, then took on the shape of an approaching car. Kathy stood in the middle of the lane, waving her arms frantically.

"Stop!" she yelled. "Oh, please stop!"

The car tore past in the other lane, the lash of wind whipping her dress about her thighs, lifting it high. Kathy turned, thrusting her finger at the retreating car.

"You fucking asshole!" she yelled.

Again she kicked the tire, but feebly this time. She leaned back under the hood, one foot lifting high, and stared at the lifeless engine.

She didn't hear the truck as it began to slow. The young man driving the tow truck saw her shapely leg lifted and began to brake. A gust of hot air caught the hem of Kathy's pleated skirt and it blew up over her ass this time. The man saw her tantalizing, slender thighs, the tight fit of her green panties, the white cheeks of her ass.

He grinned in appreciation.

The truck had pulled up behind her stalled car before Kathy was aware of it. She pulled her head from the hood, banging it sharply.

"Dam it!" she yelled in pain.

The young man stepped out of the truck.

"Got a problem?" he asked.

Kathy saw a man perhaps twenty, twenty two. He was tall but thin, not bad-booking. His jeans and blue work-shirt were greasy and torn. His hands were covered with oil and grease.

"Oh, I'm so glad you stopped," she cried with relief. "I don't know what's wrong. My car just up and stopped on me for no reason."

The man saw a beautiful woman with rich auburn hair; he saw the green eyes, the small nose, the full, moist lips, the unblemished skin. He saw, too, the way her firm, full tits pressed at the thin material of her blouse, her nipples protruding. She had a small waist, with rounded hips and legs that seemed to go on forever. The sight of her dress up and her green panties caused his balls to twitch. He felt his cock standing to lift.

"Let's take a look," he said, having trouble keeping his eyes off her.

Sharon leaned out the window to watch the man. But she was more interested in watching the front of his pants than what he was doing. "Here's your trouble," the young man said, pointing at a mysterious hose attached to more mysterious objects. "It's a vapor lock. Quite a few cars get vapor locks in this heat."

"Can you fix it?" Kathy asked anxiously.

"Well," the young man said, looking speculatively at Kathy. "I could, but it wouldn't last a mile, I don't think."

"Shit!" Kathy stamped her foot like a spoiled child.

"Listen, I'll hook you up and tow you to the garage," the man said. "I can fix it just fine there. You won't have any more trouble once I fix it, guaranteed."

"How far is it?"

"Oh 'bout twenty miles."

"I don't have much money," Kathy told him. "I think the warranty is still good, though."

"Aw, hell," the man said. "Let's call it my good deed for the day."

Kathy watched him hook the car up. There was something appealing about him. She grinned behind his back. She appreciated what he was doing, but she liked to pay her bills. She had very little money on her if the warranty had expired, she thought of a way to pay him, and she would call it her good deed for the day, too.

"You can ride in the truck with me if you want," the man said, his eyes saying he hoped she would.

"Okay," Kathy grinned.

The man opened the door, and helped Kathy in. He stared hungrily at her ass when it arched toward him. He saw half of her thighs, and his cock tingled wildly.

In the car, Sharon was again leaning over the seat and gazing at her brother. It was exciting to be towed, but it was more exciting to stare at her sleeping brother's cock. Now that she didn't have to worry about her mother catching her, she became balder.

Lifting his shorts to one side carefully, she exposed Jimmy's cock and balls. She held her breath with excitement as she stared at them. His cock looked very long and thick to her, and his balls hung loose in the heat. The fuzz at the base of his cock was almost as thin and sparse as her own.

Gazing hotly at him, Sharon unzipped her tight shorts, shoving them down to her thighs. She wore no panties, and her succulent pussy slit was moist. She pressed her hips against the back of the seat, rubbing her cunt there. Stretching her hand out to her brother's cock and balls, she ran the tips of her fingers very lightly over them. His cock was very hard, and she felt the throb of it. With a soft sigh, she closed her fingers around the hardness, barely touching it.

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