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Kathy Andrews - Mom gets it on

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Kathy Andrews

Mom gets it on


Sandy Henderson sat next to her husband, Rob, high on the bleachers. The basketball game was nearing half time, and she was already pissed off.

One of the reasons for her feeling was that her son, Joey, would not sit with them. He had gone to the lower benches where he sat with a few friends. To Sandy, Joey was not yet old enough to run off by himself in crowds. Another reason she was pissed was the fact she knew very well that Joey was intensely interested in one of the girls belonging to the cheerleading team. And she was pissed because Joey would not listen to her arguments that the girl was too old for him.

Sandy had to admit, privately, that Lori Layne was certainly something to look at. Lori was the most beautiful girl in the school. Without trying, Lori actually radiated sexuality. She had honey-blonde hair that bounced and swirled about her exceptionally beautiful face. Her pale-blue eyes sparkled with merriment, flashing in a flirty manner that came across innocently, as if she had no idea of what she was doing. Her mouth was full, always moist, with soft, warm lips. Her manner was friendly, with a smile for everyone.

Sandy looked at the girl standing off to one side, surrounded by the other girls in the team. Lori stood out, although she was dressed identically to the others. Her perky, saucy tits strained against the top of the uniform, and the short, skimpy skirt, full with pleats, only emphasized the swell of her tight ass. Lori's thighs were slender, yet full and creamy smooth in texture.

Sandy was not jealous of the teenager's sexual attraction. She could place herself up against the girl any time and come out the winner, or at least her equal. The real difference in their appearances, other than normal facial characteristics, was that Sandy was approaching the age of thirty, and her hair was a deep chestnut color. She was perhaps an inch or so taller, but she had swelling tits and a round ass that were as tight as Lori's. Her legs were just as slender and smooth, and Sandy suspected that her cunt was hungrier than that teenaged girl's.

Sandy also had been a cheerleader while in school, surrounded by horny, panting boys. Even now she was mistaken for a teenage girl often. Another reason she was pissed was the fact that Rob seemed to be taking a strong interest in the girl, too. Sandy had seen him looking at Lori with a gleam in his eyes. And she was pissed because Rob had not fucked her in three days. And if Sandy wanted anything in this world badly, it was fucking. She thrived on fucking, thought about fucking all the time. If she didn't get a hard cock up her cunt, she used her fingers.

Half-time came, and Sandy watched her son below. He sat with his elbows on his knees, his chin cupped in his hand, staring hotly at Lori as the girl bounced and wiggled, thrashed about and screamed her head off. Sandy had to admit the girl was exciting to watch. Lori apparently made the most out of her skimpy costume and body, flashing her inviting thighs, making sure the short skirt flew about her waist, giving peeks of the tight panties that cupped her firm ass.

She also noticed that Rob was watching Lori with a hot interest, confirmed by the fact there was a bulge in his pants. The knowledge that this teenage sexpot could make Rob's cock hard made her anger deepen. Yet, when she contemplated upon this fact, she felt that tonight she would get fucked, hopefully. It didn't really matter what girl caused his hard on, as long as she got fucked. Sandy had never been jealous of other women, but she was jealous of Lori Layne.

Most of the jealousy was because Joey was so interested in her, and Sandy didn't like the idea of him getting involved with a girl a few years older than he was. And she was jealous because Rob had never cared to go to these school games until he had seen Lori. Now he never missed a single one.

Sandy wondered if her son was sitting down there with a hard on, too. But of course he is, she thought. She could tell his cock was very hard simply by the way he gazed at the bouncing, twirling girl.

A sudden, unexpected burst of pleasure filled Sandy's cunt. For a moment, she was startled by the sensation. When warm pleasure spread out, radiating between her thighs and making her cunt twitch and quiver, Sandy almost moaned aloud. She had been surprised at the feeling and could not understand. Usually she became hot and ready by slow stages, but this came over her swiftly, making her feel as if she were about to come.

Very slowly, a warm flush spread over her lovely face. She knew, suddenly, what had caused that sensation.

She had been gazing down at her son, and in her mind, he had been naked, sitting there with his cock hard, his fist wrapped about his prick, jacking off and staring at Lori!

Sandy had not realized the image had been in her mind. The realization did not frighten her, but it confused her.

Sandy did not see the rest of the game. She sat next to her husband, gazing straight ahead, but she didn't see anything at all. Her thoughts were tumbling over in her mind with blinding speed, and now and then she would shiver. When the game ended, she found she had been sitting there with her thighs tightly clamped, and her cunt was throbbing powerfully.

Getting to her feet, she found her legs wobbly, weak. She had to cling to her husband's arm to balance herself.

"Is something wrong with you, Sandy?" Rob asked, showing concern.

"No, I'm all right," she replied, unable to keep the quiver from her voice.

They walked to the car, trying to beat the crowds. When Rob opened the door for her, Sandy felt such a weakness come over her she had to hang on to the door, unable to sit down. A small moan bubbled from her mouth, and she clutched at her lower stomach. She could not believe what was happening to her. But it was happening, most definitely so.

Sandy was coming!

Her legs trembled, and she closed her eyes tightly, fighting to stay upright. The orgasm was very strong, very powerful, and she seemed to come and come. This had never happened to her before, not ever.

She was aware of Rob standing next to her, holding her arm, looking at her with puzzled concern. "Something is wrong, Sandy," she heard him say. "Are you ill? Does your stomach hurt? Maybe we should go see a doctor."

Somehow she managed to reply. "No, no, I'm okay, Rob. Just help me get in the car. I'll be okay, don't worry. It's nothing."

She sat in the car, waiting for him to get in. A smile, soft and warm, was on her beautiful face. The dome light came on again when he opened his door, and Rob saw the expression on his wife's face, but he didn't recognize or understand the expression.

"I think we should find a doctor, Sandy," he said, looking around to see if his son was on his way. "Where in the hell is Joey?"

"He'll be here in a minute," Sandy said, not worried about her son. That's strange, she thought, because I always worry about him being alone. An image flashed in her mind of Joey being with Lori, his hands on her swelling tits. A soft groan came from her, but she quickly silenced it by placing her fingers on her mouth. She had almost come again!

Rob started to get out of the car. "I'll find Joey, then I'm finding a doctor for you. You are ill, Sandy."

She quickly grabbed his hand, holding it tightly to prevent him from getting out of the car. "No! Stay with me, darling. I don't need a doctor. I need you!"

"But I don't know anything about medicine," he protested. "I'm an engineer."

"Oh, Rob!" she sighed. "You can be a real fool at times. Can't you see it look at my face, darling!" He looked, but nothing told him a thing. "You look fine to me, Sandy. Your eyes are a little bright. Perhaps you have a fever."

"I have a fever, all right!" she snapped at him, jerking his hand up and placing it on her tits. "But that fever is inside me on my tits, in my pussy! Oh, darling, I want to get fucked!"

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