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Donald Palermo - Mom_s best friend

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Donald Palermo

Mom_s best friend


Mary Power looked at her reflection in the full-length mirror, saw her firm, full tits, saw her plain black nylon panties, her only remaining garment, made one final try to overcome temptation and failed. Pushing her panties down quickly, she turned and went to open the door to admit the source of her temptation King, her big German shepherd.

Seeing the woman naked, King knew what to expect, and his big tail wagged with excitement at the thought of mounting the woman's big ass and ramming his prick into her cunt for a magnificent fuck. At once, his snout went to her crotch to sniff and she rubbed his head as she talked to him.

"Yes, King, you're going to fuck Mommy again, you lucky dog. You really like my cunt, don't you? You don't consider me a pervert like the rest of the world would if they knew."

Mary knew it made no sense talking to her dog about her problems, but there was nobody else, had not been since her husband left almost a year ago. Even when he'd been around, there hadn't really been anyone to talk to. He'd had his beer and television and that was enough. The most intelligent sounds she'd heard out of him in the last couple years of their marriage were his seemingly unending beer farts.

Even when he'd gotten around to sex, it was no good. He liked to feel her up a little, until she began to get nice and horny, then he would give her his cock to suck. If she got it in her cunt two or three times a year, she had felt fortunate; otherwise it was suck, suck, suck.

It wasn't that she minded sucking a cock; she enjoyed it once in a while, but not as a steady diet.

What finally brought it all to an end was that Saturday afternoon when, full of beer and watching a football game, he called her to him at half-time, put a hand under her skirt and played with her crotch for a minute or two, then took his cock out and told her to go down on him as half-time entertainment. That was the day she told him to stick his cock up his ass, that she was finished.

He seemed to sense it and just before she turned and walked out of the room, she saw him jerking off, holding a beer can in his left hand to catch his jizz.

"That should be a perfect marriage," she told him sarcastically, and walked away.

But it wasn't the time for thinking of the old unhappiness or even of the unhappiness to come. King was sniffing at her crotch, trying to get his long tongue at her cunt, and she wanted it as much as he did, so she went to the bed, sat on the edge, then fell back, opening and raising her legs to give her cunt to him to be licked.

Sighing and panting, Mary felt her passion flaring as the big animal lovingly licked her twat. She knew it was going to be one of those days when he would lick her snatch all the way to a beautiful big come, a come she would feel all the way to the tips of her fingers and toes, and then she would be kneeling and he would mount her ass to give her a magnificent fucking with his man-sized cock.

Without warning, King stopped licking her snatch and then she saw him trying to mount her as she lay on her back with her crotch still wide open.

"Down, King," she scolded and he obeyed. "Just because you fuck a woman doesn't mean you're a man. Come on," she urged, a hand rubbing her cunt, "get back to licking my pussy for me. Lick my cunt and make me come."

The dog resumed his licking, and this time he stayed on the job until Mary felt the big orgasm getting ready to explode inside her. She caught her breath, held it, then she was coming, jerking her crotch away from the big animal and lying face down on the bed, her chubby, white ass bouncing as rubbed her pussy mound on the sheet in ecstasy. Sitting beside the bed, King watched her squirm and shiver all over the bed.

"Oh King, that was lovely," Mary said with a sigh as she got up. Then she went to crouch beside him on the carpet, a hand under him, grabbing his big prick and giving it a slow jerking, though she doubted that he needed to be set up to fuck her.

"Yes, King, you like it when Mommy plays with your big cock, don't you? What a lovely cock you have, you big beauty. It feels so good when you're ramming that beautiful prick up my cunt and fucking me. Are you all set now, lover?" she asked as she looked and saw the wet, red cock sticking out of the sheath and decided it was time to play bitch with him, to get down on all fours and give him her ass to ride and her hot cunt to fuck.

Releasing his cock, she smiled, patting the big animal on the head; then she was kneeling so that she could watch their reflection in the full-length mirror while he fucked her. The animal showed how well he had been trained by sitting obediently, his eyes feasting on her naked body until she gave the command for him to come and fuck her.

He got to his feet at once and bounded across the room to her. As he reached her, he took just one sniff of her cunt, then he mounted his human bitch, wrapped big paws around her and began jabbing a cock which grew alarmingly as the sheath peeled all the way back off his cock, a cock which was almost what Mary had called it man-sized.

Looking in the mirror, a profile view, Mary saw the big prick jabbing the air and loved the sight of it, thrilled to the sight of the big cock and the excitement of her dog; then the tip of his jabbing prick touched the edge of her cunt and Mary braced herself for what was to come.

The animal paused, she heard him panting, then he jabbed again, and this time his cock went straight and true, right up her cunt. There was never anything at all tentative about King. That first jab of his cock invariably sent at least half its length up her hole, and then he was panting as he fed the rest of it into her and made her know that her cunt was full of stiff cock.

"Oh yes oh yes oh yes," Mary panted as her big dog began fucking her, screwing as no man ever had, his banger pistoning up her snatch so fast that strokes couldn't be counted as they blurred into what became a magnificently thrilling fuck, one that went on and on.

As King continued to hump her big, white ass, Mary played the trick she always played, turning off her mind so that she had no concept of time, only of stiff, hard-driving prick in her cunt and a vague, powerful beast mounted on her ass, his rampant prick raping her as she knelt helplessly.

In her fantasy, she was tied over a padded bar, totally helpless, while the animal fucked her. Sometimes the beast had no definite identity; at other times he was a giant gorilla. Always, though, there was an audience on hand, a big audience of men and women who laughed at her, taunted her and urged the animal on with the fucking.

She saw the audience clearly this time. They were a fashionably dressed group, men in formal evening dress and women in low-cut gowns. And then she saw that the gowns the women wore were more than low-cut; they were topless, so that their boobs showed clearly little tits, medium-sized, big and beautiful, big and floppy, every type.

And then she saw something about the men that she hadn't seen before. They all had their cocks out and every cock was stiffly erect.

Terrified that all those men were going to follow the animal and fuck her to death, Mary asked if they were an going to screw her. One man replied, his voice ringing clearly through the room, telling her that they wouldn't think of sticking their cocks in her violated cunt. He told her that she was only good enough to be fucked by animals, that they were going to fuck their women decent, normal women who fucked men, not beasts.

The fantasy was going out of control, and Mary could find no way of stopping it; then the big dog began to twitch and jerk on her ass, and she felt his hot juice shooting up her snatch.

The fantasy clicked off instantly. She was alone in her room again, alone with her dog and he was panting in frenetic delight as he shot her a full load of sperm, then paused to rest against the smoothness of her ass. Finally, he dismounted and curled up on the floor to lick at his well-used cock.

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