Other Books by Joseph P. Farrell:
Roswell and the Reich
Nazi International
Reich of the Black Sun
The S.S. Brotherhood of the Bell
Secrets of the Unified Field
LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy
The Cosmic War
The Giza Death Star
The Giza Death Star Deployed
The Giza Death Star Destroyed
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Adventures Unlimited Press
SS Brotherhood of the Bell
Copyright 2006
by Joseph P. Farrell
All Rights Reserved
Published by:
Adventures Unlimited Press
One Adventure Place
Kempton, Illinois 60946 USA
Joseph P. Farrell
Many people have made this book possible. I would like to thank first my friend Richard E Wood, BSC, for assistance and research he undertook at my request on the internet for certain items that appear here and, hopefully, will appear in a subsequent book. I am also profoundly grateful to Mr. Igor Witkowski for such quick and timely answers to my inquiries, and for allowing me to use some of the many photos that appear in his excellent book, The Truth About the Wunderwaffe. I would also like to thank him for first breaking the story of the Bell, which may be the most important story of suppressed science and technology in the 20th century. I hope that my own book will stimulate interest in Mr. Witkowskis superb research in his The Truth About the Wunderwaffe.
Id also like to thank Mr. Henry Stevens of the German Research Project and author of Hitlers Flying Saucers, for loaning me a copy of the story recounted on pages 181 and 182 here. I believe that this story may be the first account of the Bells operation and test environs, and I am very grateful to Mr. Stevens for bringing it to my attention. Stevens, like Witkowski, has been a tireless researcher into the realm of exotic Nazi technology and more importantly has kept alive the Nazi origin of some UFOs through his voluminous research.
And as always, thanks to my publisher David Childress, especially for being there when it counted.
Finally and most importantly, thanks to my mother, who put up with me in her basement while I was writing this, during a difficult transition period in my life.
In the preface to my previous book on wartime German secret weapons, Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons and the Cold War Allied Legend, I mentioned my youthful reaction to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and my perplexity with the subsequent findings of the Warren Commission and its lone nut magic bullet theory. I then proceeded to mention another curious anomaly of the history I had learned in school, namely, the fact that the U.S. military had not tested the uranium shot-gun atom bomb it had dropped on Hiroshima. The mention of those two odd events in that Preface was not accidental nor merely a whim, for the two events are not unrelated. Indeed, they are not even loosely unrelated, as there are direct threads and in some cases whole cables connecting both.
I am not the first author to draw attention to the pervasive Nazi connections lurking in the background of the JFK assassination, nor, I imagine, will I be the last. The well-known conspiracy theorist and JFK assassination researcher Mae Brussell was perhaps the first major alternative researcher to speak out about this aspect of the assassination. Others followed in her wake, adding a detail here or a story there, but it was Brussell who first courageously unearthed the most sensational details. Notwithstanding her ability to ferret out the detailed connections of conspiracy, however, even she managed to miss perhaps the most important lynch-pin connecting Nazis, the Roswell episode, and one possible motivation for the JFK assassination: Nazi technology.
However, to the average reader, even one predisposed to believe in some sort of conspiracy involved with the cold-blooded murder of President Kennedy, the idea that there is a Nazi connection must seem to stretch credulity. Even Brussell urged that to draw such connections would have been beyond the wildest yarn of Robert Ludlum, popular and well-known writer of espionage thrillers throughout the 1970s and 1980s. But to maintain a connection between all that and to Roswell, the establishment of the MAJIC-12 group, and indeed, the establishment of the whole national security intelligence apparatus of the U.S. government, would seem to stretch credulity to the snapping point. But that, indeed, is what I believe in part to be the case. And that case is what this book is, in part, about.
But here, as in Reich of the Black Sun, the focus is not only on the implications of Nazi survival and the possibility that its secret weapons projects were continued independently of any of the governments of the post-war world. We shall also continue the detailed comparison of the wartime development of exotic physics and technologies by the Nazis, with the technologies of recovered craft outlined in the MAJIC-12 documents that was begun in Reich of the Black Sun, for new documentary evidence has come to my attention since its publication, and this in turn compels further investigation, an investigation that was begun in chapters 16 and 17 of the previous book. As will be seen in the main body of this work, these documents almost nowhere evidence the type of contradictory data-sets encountered in the MAJIC-12 documents examined in Reich of the Black Sun, but rather, speak more directly to a terrestrial, though unknown, origin for the recovered craft. And in at least one instance, a MAJIC-12 document clearly points the finger to Nazi Germany, and even casts an aura of suspicion on the all-too-convenient death of General Patton. When these details are compared with the known developments of Nazi secret weapons research, the picture is quite disturbing. Even more disturbing is why such documents and their terrestrial origin implications continue to be ignored by the North American UFOlogy community.
As such, this book is, like the previous one, a book about the exotic weapons the Nazis were developing, but unlike the previous one, it is more about the underlying, and quite monstrous, physics they were developing as a basis for these weapons. Likewise, this book is also about the implications of that physics and those weapons for recent politics and history. As we shall see, this physics has strong ties with the scalar non-linear electro- acoustic waves and thinking developed first by Tesla, and subsequently elaborated by Nazi and Soviet physicists, and also to the type of physics I have posited was the basis underlying my three books on the Great Pyramid and the weapon hypothesis, The Giza Death Star, The Giza Death Star Deployed, and The GizaDeath Star Destroyed. The scientists and mathematicians in Nazi Germany that began the groundbreaking and revolutionary work in this type of physics were in the uttermost lofty reaches of the classification system of the SS. The group of scientists and engineers investigating this monstrous new physics and its implied technologies were an elite band, a brotherhood within the black brotherhood of the SS that I call simply the SS Brotherhood of the Bell. Their credo, forced on some by the Nazi ideology and readily embraced by others, was the development of a whole new paradigm of physics, free of the constraints of relativity and Jewish physics. And develop it they did.
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