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Henry Stevens - Hitlers Flying Saucers: A Guide to German Flying Discs of the Second World War New Edition

Here you can read online Henry Stevens - Hitlers Flying Saucers: A Guide to German Flying Discs of the Second World War New Edition full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2013, publisher: Adventures Unlimited Press, genre: Romance novel. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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    Hitlers Flying Saucers: A Guide to German Flying Discs of the Second World War New Edition
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Hitlers Flying Saucers: A Guide to German Flying Discs of the Second World War New Edition: summary, description and annotation

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WWII expert Stevens shows us the incredible and suppressed technology of the Third Reich and their desire to create highly advanced wingless aircraft-yes, flying saucers! Learn why the Schriever-Habermohl project was actually two projects and read the written statement of a German test pilot who actually flew one of these saucers; about the Leduc engine, the key to Dr. Miethes saucer designs; how US government officials kept the truth about foo fighters hidden for almost sixty years and how they were finally forced to come clean about the German origin of foo fighters. Learn of the Peenemuende saucer project and how it was slated to go atomic. Read the testimony of a German eyewitness who saw magnetic discs. Read the U.S. governments own reports on German field propulsion saucers. Read how the post-war German KM-2 field propulsion rocket worked. Learn details of the work of Karl Schappeller and Viktor Schauberger. Learn how their ideas figure in the quest to build field propulsion flying discs. Find out what happened to this technology after the war. Find out how the Canadians got saucer technology directly from the SS. Find out about the surviving Third Power of former Nazis. Learn of the US governments methods of UFO deception and how they used the German Sonderbuero as the model for Project Blue Book.

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Acknowledgements Thanks to David Childress and Adventures Unlimited for giving - photo 1


Thanks to David Childress and Adventures Unlimited for giving me support and encouraging me on my books.
Also, thanks to everyone who has worked on this important, and unusual subject. Your research matters!

Hitlers Flying Saucers Revised Edition by Henry Stevens Copyright 2003 2012 - photo 2

Hitlers Flying Saucers
Revised Edition

by Henry Stevens

Copyright 2003, 2012

ISBN: 978-1-935487-91-3

All Rights Reserved

Published by:
Adventures Unlimited Press
One Adventure Place
Kempton, Illinois 60946 USA


Books by Henry Stevens Hitlers Flying Saucers Hitlers Suppressed Still - photo 3

Books by Henry Stevens:

Hitlers Flying Saucers

Hitlers Suppressed & Still Secret Weapons

Dark Star











The Situation Within Nazi Germany

This book is a guide into the world of German flying discs. You may have picked up this guide because you are unfamiliar with the German production of flying saucers during World War Two. The basics of this production will be revealed to you in the following pages. An adventure awaits you.

On the other hand, you may be looking for nothing more than a rational explanation of the UFO phenomenon. The UFO phenomenon involves sightings of unidentified flying objects. This means that any unidentified flying object is a UFO, regardless of its alleged source. Because the object is unidentified, the objects source is also undetermined. Only a leap of faith can connect UFOs to an extraterrestrial source without first introducing proof. A radical hypothesis such as an extraterrestrial origin of UFOs requires overwhelming proof in order to be generally accepted. No such overwhelming extraterrestrial proof has ever been offered which has stood up to scrutiny. No crashed alien craft have ever been produced by anyone, inside or outside government. Likewise, no alien bodies have ever been found. No extraterrestrial culture, or alien technology has ever been uncovered by anyone. There is simply no actual evidence at all linking UFOs with an extraterrestrial source. Therefore, no such leap of faith should be made. We need to start all over again. All rational earthly explanations need to be exhausted before any extraterrestrial theories are even put forth.

Unfortunately, the simple truth is that, for the most part, UFO research has done a leap-frog to the extraterrestrial explanation without ever adequately exploring and exhausting a terrestrial origin. This statement is inclusive of everyone regardless of background or education. It applies to the charlatan UFO attention-getters as well as to former NASA scientists with Ph.D.s. This is simply the condition of our current state of affairs in the UFO world.

Let me expound on this. For over fifty years, the UFO research paradigm has been fundamentally wrong. A proper attempt to explain the UFO phenomenon would involve a gathering of evidence and then explanation by proceeding from simple solutions involving known facts and conditions and totally exhausting these as possibilities before postulating explanations, conditions, or entities not represented by fact. Only after known facts fail us can we move on to pustulate explanations beyond our realm of experience. Even then, an idea which may fit the observed facts but for which is not in evidence itself can not be accepted as fact until it is tested. This is nothing new. This is simply the way logic and science tests new explanations of reality. This method is the foundation of our modern western technological culture.

Unfortunately, research in the field of flying saucer phenomena has never been undertaken with this principle in mind. More and more frequently, UFOs are attributed to an extraterrestrial source by the media, or the witnesses, as a sort of a knee-jerk reaction. It seems if one sees something for which he has no prior reference, then it must be extraterrestrial as a matter of course. Over the years sightings have become encounters, then abductions. Such reports are increasing even as the use of regression hypnosis replaces the scientific method for finding the truth. The same individuals often have repeated experiences each of which becomes stranger than the last.

If no real research has ever been done on the UFO phenomena, then how has this extraterrestrial theory crept into popular culture? One simple answer is the media. The media loves extraterrestrials. Why? It is because the extraterrestrial hypothesis is marketable. It sells copy. Just look at the number of books, magazines, movies and television programs devoted to this explanation. Look at your check-out counter in the supermarket.

The government itself is another answer. The word government from here on will basically mean the government of the United States of America but will sometimes include other governments, as specified. The government has used flying saucers to cover its own testing of secret aircraft. It uses the UFO-extraterrestrial ploy superbly. When a UFO is seen by civilians, a controlled procedure is enacted. This procedure plants or encourages witnesses who expound an extraterrestrial origin in a given sighting. The government may even go so far as to fund television programming and magazines devoted to this explanation. After all, a huge part of the C.I.A.s budget goes into such covert conditioning of the American people. However, Americans are not the first to be fooled, as we shall see.

In most cases, any extraterrestrial hypothesis is acceptable to government manipulators, especially if it is so ridiculous that the witnesses ends up discrediting themselves. The government is so successful at this that the entire topic of UFOs has become somewhat of a joke. This is done deliberately. Thus, serious people with something to loose are afraid to stake their reputations on a public announcement of their UFO experience, no matter how real it may have been. At this point the government has achieved its purpose which is to discredit and suppress all serious inquiry into the UFO question.

Supposedly, UFO research has been left to large, well financed UFO research organizations. The largest of these is MUFON (Mutual UFO Network). This organization trains people to report sightings, then collects the data and allegedly organizes it using some sort of multi-variant analysis into something meaningful. Over the years MUFON has had the opportunity to collect and organize thousands of sightings into something meaningful.

In reality, the information is organized into gibberish. After a body of knowledge has been studied and organized, usually, certain facts or at least generalizations, can be gleaned from this kind of work. In its fifty years of existence can anyone name one new fundamental fact that MUFON has provided to us? They have provided us with nothing. Someone once said that MUFON is really a black hole into which information is attracted and does not have the power to escape on its own. We will return to MUFON and explain this reasoning at a later point.

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