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Jim Morekis - Moon Georgia

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Savannah native Jim Morekis offers an insiders view of Georgia, whether its playing a round of golf on Jekyll Island or hiking up the Appalachian Trail. Morekis provides unique trip ideas for all interests, including Mountains to Marsh (as well as Musical Georgia, Presidents Tour, and Literary Georgia). Packed with information on dining, transportation, and accommodations, Moon Georgia has options for a wide range of travel budgets. From taking the CNN Studio Tour in Atlanta to whitewater rafting down the Chattooga River to visiting the Golden Isles, Moon Georgia gives travelers the tools they need to create a more personal and memorable experience.
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Moon Georgia - image 1 HANDBOOKS



Co - photo 2
Coca-Cola Gone with the Wind Martin Luther King Jr Jimmy Carter James - photo 3
Coca-Cola Gone with the Wind Martin Luther King Jr Jimmy Carter James - photo 4

Coca-Cola Gone with the Wind Martin Luther King Jr Jimmy Carter James - photo 5 Coca-Cola. Gone with the Wind. Martin Luther King Jr. Jimmy Carter. James Brown. Ted Turner. Jackie Robinson. The Allman Brothers. Ray Charles. Uncle Remus. Hank Aaron. R.E.M. How many states have offered as many iconic names to the world as Georgia?

The influence of Georgia goes far beyond its region. Its effect on the American experience, and indeed the worlds, has been profound but also difficult to qualify. A Deep South state with one of the nations most cosmopolitan cities, a physically immense place with a tight-knit, small-town feel, Georgia defies easy labels.

Georgia, it seems, is comfortable doing double duty as both the prototypical Southern state of Sherman-scarred legend and Scarlett OHara-derived myth, as well as one of Americas engines of lasting change and innovation.

For example, you could make the case that the states history of racial intolerance is more than balanced out by its role as epicenter of the American civil rights movement and birthplace of its key leader, Dr. King. One person might laugh at the derisive portrayal of North Georgia bumpkins in James Dickeys Deliverance, both in print and on film, but another could just as easily point to the long list of truly world-changing global initiatives spawned in Georgia, such as Habitat for Humanity, the Ted Turner Foundation, or the Centers for Disease Control.

However Georgias main export to the world is its culture specifically it - photo 6
However Georgias main export to the world is its culture specifically its - photo 7However Georgias main export to the world is its culture specifically its - photo 8

However, Georgias main export to the world is its culture, specifically its folk culture, born from hard knocks and a deeply felt historical perspective. There are few corners of the planet that havent been touched by the rhythms and melodies of the Peach States musical titans, who often came from poverty and suffered from outright discrimination. There are few university students who havent studied the works of Georgias great writers and poets, most of whom struggled, successfully or not, with a host of personal demons and with the often-contradictory demands of regional and national identity. The common theme of Georgia arts, music, and letters is the conflict between the urge to transcend ones surroundings and the desire to celebrate ones roots.

Its still hard to say why so many big names have come out of this place. But theyve no doubt left their mark, and no matter where they might travel to, Georgia has left its mark on them... as it likely will on you.

WHERE TO GO Atlanta Theres always something to do in one of Americas most - photo 9WHERE TO GO Atlanta Theres always something to do in one of Americas most - photo 10

Theres always something to do in one of Americas most dynamic and progressive cities, a burgeoning multi-ethnic melting pot that also has a friendly flavor of the old South just beneath the surface. For every snarled intersection, a delightfully bucolic neighborhood tantalizes with cafs, shops, and green space. Adventurous restaurants and quirky nightlife venues are particular specialties here.

North Georgia

The Blue Ridge Mountains are the backdrop for this inspiring, scenic area full of waterfalls, state parks, and outdoor adventures for the whole family. While not the best place to visit in winter, North Georgia in spring and summer provides a welcome respite from the states scorching temperatures. Its accessibility to Atlanta is a convenient advantage.


Green, rolling countryside and classic antebellum architecture are the calling cards here, where old meets new on a daily basis in what was once a center of Georgias old Confederate power structure. The University of Georgias influence around Athens and the culture of the Savannah River valley in the Augusta area reign supreme.

Middle Georgia

From Macon to Columbus, the rhythmic heart of Georgia is the soulful cradle of the states incredibly rich musical tradition... and where its best barbecue is located! Its therapeutic value isnt only found in the legendary Warm Springs that gave solace to FDR. Middle Georgia is a place to take stock mentally and spiritually as well, by getting in touch with some of the Souths most cherished roots.


Georgias grand old city isnt just full of history, though thats certainly very much worth exploring. It has found new life as an arts and culture mecca and world-class destination, with as many or more things to do on any given day than cities two or three times its size. Come prepared for high tea or a rowdy party; either way Savannahs got you covered.

The live oak is an iconic image of the region South Georgia The states - photo 11

The live oak is an iconic image of the region.

South Georgia The states agricultural cornucopia and home of former President - photo 12
South Georgia

The states agricultural cornucopia and home of former President Jimmy Carter offers quite a few surprises among the peanuts and pecans, including the mighty, mysterious Okefenokee Swamp. The states most sparsely populated area is also its largest, so be prepared to do some driving. Youll be sure to come across some pleasant, unexpected discoveries.

The Golden Isles

History and salt-kissed air meet in the marshes of Georgias chains of relatively undeveloped barrier islands. The feeling is timeless and tranquil. The Golden Isles comprise one of Americas hidden vacation gems, and one of the most unique ecosystems in North America.

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