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David Foster Wallace - The David Foster Wallace Reader

Here you can read online David Foster Wallace - The David Foster Wallace Reader full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2014, publisher: Little, Brown and Company, genre: Romance novel. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Where do you begin with a writer as original and brilliant as David Foster Wallace? Here--with a carefully considered selection of his extraordinary body of work, chosen by a range of great writers, critics, and those who worked with him most closely. This volume presents his most dazzling, funniest, and most heartbreaking work--essays like his famous cruise-ship piece, A Supposedly Fun Thing Ill Never Do Again, excerpts from his novels The Broom of the System, Infinite Jest, and The Pale King, and legendary stories like The Depressed Person.
Wallaces explorations of morality, self-consciousness, addiction, sports, love, and the many other subjects that occupied him are represented here in both fiction and nonfiction. Collected for the first time are Wallaces first published story, The View from Planet Trillaphon as Seen In Relation to the Bad Thing and a selection of his work as a writing instructor, including reading lists, grammar guides, and general guidelines for his students.
A dozen writers and critics, including Hari Kunzru, Anne Fadiman, and Nam Le, add afterwords to favorite pieces, expanding our appreciation of the unique pleasures of Wallaces writing. The result is an astonishing volume that shows the breadth and range of one of Americas most daring and talented writers (Los Angeles Times Book Review) whose work was full of humor, insight, and beauty.

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The characters and events in the fiction section are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Copyright 2014 by The David Foster Wallace Literary Trust

Cover design by Mario J. Pulice

Cover art by Karen Green

Author photograph by Giovanni Giovannetti

Cover copyright 2014 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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Little, Brown and Company

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First ebook edition: November 2014

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ISBN 978-0-316-32917-0


The Broom of the System Girl with Curious Hair Infinite Jest - photo 2

The Broom of the System

Girl with Curious Hair Infinite Jest A Supposedly Fun Thing Ill Never - photo 3

Girl with Curious Hair

Infinite Jest A Supposedly Fun Thing Ill Never Do Again Brief - photo 4

Infinite Jest

A Supposedly Fun Thing Ill Never Do Again Brief Interviews with Hideous Men - photo 5

A Supposedly Fun Thing Ill Never Do Again

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men Everything and More Oblivion - photo 6

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

Everything and More Oblivion Consider the Lobster - photo 7

Everything and More

Oblivion Consider the Lobster McCains Promise - photo 8


Consider the Lobster McCains Promise This Is Water - photo 9

Consider the Lobster

McCains Promise This Is Water The Pale King - photo 10

McCains Promise

This Is Water The Pale King The purpose of this David Foster Wallace - photo 11

This Is Water

The Pale King The purpose of this David Foster Wallace Reader is simple to - photo 12

The Pale King

The purpose of this David Foster Wallace Reader is simple: to gather in one volume a selection of the most celebrated, most enjoyable, funniest, and most remarkable work by this always-remarkable writer. It is a Greatest Hits collection of novel excerpts, short fiction, and essays that we hope will delight readers who know Wallaces work already and show those new to him the amazing breadth of subjects, characters, ideas, interiors, landscapes, emotions, and human interaction in his writing. We also believe that teachers will find here an ideal introduction for students.

Assembling this book was a collaboration between the executors of the David Foster Wallace Literary Trust and Wallaces editor at Little, Brown and Company. We agreed on a core group of excerpts, stories, and essays that were essential to any collection of Wallaces work, argued over others, and sought broader suggestions from writers, critics, and colleagues. Those who kindly aided in the process are listed below. A few took the further step of writing an afterword to a piece they recommended. Brief biographies of these contributors appear at the books end.

Nearly everything in this Reader has been published previously in Wallaces novels, story collections, and essay collections, and the versions here are the original, full texts, rather than the shortened versions that were sometimes created for magazine publication. There are two new works. One is the first story in the book, The Planet Trillaphon as It Stands in Relation to the Bad Thing, which was published in the Amherst Review when Wallace was an undergraduate there. It is an astonishing exploration of psychological pain and self-consciousness. The other is a selection of teaching materials. Wallace taught undergraduate creative writing classes at Emerson College, Illinois State University, and Pomona College, and poured enormous care into creating syllabi, reading lists, and pop quizzes to help his students learn to write well. This section is introduced by his mother, Sally Foster Wallace, with whom he shared a boundless love of grammar and linguistic rigor.

We hope we have gathered here a representation of the range, depth, and layers of Wallaces creationsthe complexity of thought and emotion, and the desire to disturb and tickle and demolish and annoy, even to break hearts, that lived alongside his intent to astonish and entertain. This collection could easily have been two or three times as long as it is, and we forced ourselves to leave out many excellent works in an effort to keep to a manageable length. There is writing in all of Wallaces books that is every bit as powerful as whats included here, and we hope you will be moved to read those books in full.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Sam Freilich, Victoria Matsui, and Mario J. Pulice for their work and care in creating this book, and Marlena Bittner for her kindness and support in everything connected with David and his books.

Bonnie Nadell

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