Masterful Focus
33 Tips to Improve Concentration,Work Smarter, and Be More Productive
By I. C. Robledo
Masterful Focus: 33 Tips to ImproveConcentration, Work Smarter, and Be More Productive Copyright 2014 by Issac Robledo.
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Table of Contents
Before You Continue
#1. Make a Schedule
#2. Be a Single-tasker
#3. Use To-do Lists
#4. Make Action Plans
What Should You Not FocusOn?
#5. Find a Quiet Environment
#6. Use the Power of No
#7. Keep a Tidy Work Space
#8. Limit Your InternetDistractions
#9. Reduce NonproductiveThinking
#10. Deal with DisruptiveIdeas
How Can You Train YourFocus?
#11. Find the Sweet Spot ofChallenge
#12. Use Brute Force Focus
#13. Avoid AutopilotSyndrome
#14. Practice Meditation
#15. Practice Mindfulness
#16. Be an Active Reader
#17. Play Games
#18. Learn Fun and ChallengingSkills
How Can You Keep Your FocusDay after Day?
#19. Implement Sustainable WorkHours
#20. Take Smart Breaks
#21. Take Care of Your Body
#22. Make a Calming Routine
How Can You Get Your WholeLife into Focus?
#23. Find Your InternalMotivation
#24. Know Your Top Three Goals
#25. Take Stock of BigAccomplishments
#26. Have a Mission Statement
#27. Use Reminder Notes andQuotes
How Can You Make Sure You StayFocused?
#28. Hold YourselfAccountable
#29. Use a Reward System
#30. Seek Mentors
#31. Record Your Time Use
Final Thoughts
#32. Stay Positive
#33. Practice Your Focus
Favorite Tips
A Final Reminder
Thank You
An Invitation to Join the Top 1%Club
More Books by I. C. Robledo
An Introduction to Masterful Focus
What it Means to Lack Focus
When you dont have focus, life canfeel much more difficult than it needs to be. You may find thatwithout being able to pay attention to something, you wontremember it. If you dont remember important things, it becomeseven more difficult to be productive, make good choices, or even beresponsible. A lack of focus can quickly make your life spiral outof control. You may miss meetings, fail an exam, or even get firedfrom a good job. Of course, no one wants this.
There are many reasons you may lose focus.It could be poor sleeping or eating habits. It could be a poorability to prioritize what is important. You may not have examinedyour life closely enough to figure out what truly matters to youand is worth focusing on. Another issue is that you may try to takeon too much in too little time. Focus has its limits. You cantforce yourself to focus on everything at once. There are many morereasons you could lose your focus, more than I can list. Whatreally matters is that whatever your reason is, its possible towork on it and improve your focus.
I believe most people who lack focus lack itbecause they havent learned the right habits necessary to build itup. If you cant focus, its not because there is anything wrongwith you. It is something that you can work on to improve if youwere just shown how. You may be surprised at how much progress youcan make when you learn to improve your abilities.
Who Am I?
Imsomeone who has had his share of troubles with staying focused. Ialways thought there was something wrong with me, and that I wasthe only person who couldnt focus. I was completely wrong. Its afairly common issue to have. The good thing is it can be improved.To give you an example of how bad my focus used to be, up untilhigh school, I would sit through classes unable to pay attention.Usually I would space out and by the time I realized I had lostfocus, the teacher was on another topic and I was lost. When it wastime to do homework, I often had no idea where to start. Id haveto go home and try to teach myself from the textbook. It was veryinefficient and I failed to improve.
In college, I decided I needed to takeaction to improve my focus. The classes were tougher and theprofessors werent interested in hearing any excuses. If I failedto focus, I would simply flunk out. I began to experiment with myschedule, my time management, and generally pushing myself harderto stay focused. I found that I was capable of much more than Ithought when I rose to the challenge. This was the point when Ibegan discovering some of the tips which you will read about inthis book.
Since my college years Ive made it a dailyeffort to improve my focus. At one time it was difficult for me toconcentrate on my work for more than a half hour at a time, but Ican now go all day if I allow myself periodic short breaks.
You might think of focus as a specificmuscle in your brain, a big and important one (this is just ananalogy). You have to train it to improve it. Someone who wants toimprove their fitness hits the gym. If you want to improve yourfocus, you hit the mental gym. Well get to how you can increaseyour ability to focus more in the third section of this book, Howcan you train your focus?.
Ive always been interested in doing what Icould to improve my mental abilities. It just so happens that focusis something that can be improved with practice. Focus is in factone of the most important mental abilities you have. Without focus,you wont remember important things or be able to apply what youlearn. Also, it can be quite frustrating to not know how to directyour focus. It can make you feel like youre on a hamster wheelrunning in circles. Nobody wants to be in that position.
Id like to share a bit more of mybackground with you before we move on. I used to work as aresearcher in a psychology lab. At the time I had to manage coursework, read the latest research, conduct my own research, and writearticles and book chapters. The stakes were higher there than incollege. If I failed to focus I would fail myself and my labmembers. I would lose a stipend and a fellowship (my source ofincome) as well. Ultimately, I was able to bring my focus to ahigher level during my time as a researcher. Those hard-earnedfocus-enhancing techniques that I picked up are in this book.
I no longer work in research. Im now anindependent author. These days, I feel like I have more structureand focus in my life than if I had a 9-5 job with a boss to directmy attention. Ive learned to exercise and expand my focus on adaily basis, and you can too. I dont take it for granted. Myexperience of needing to prioritize and direct my own focus on aregular basis has provided me with useful tips and tools you canuse to improve your focus and accomplish the goals you set foryourself.
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