The Complete Guide to Massage
A step-by-step guide to achieving the health and relaxation benefits of massage
Edited by Mary Biancalana, MS, CMTPT, LMT, CPT
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Avon, Massachusetts
Copyright 2016 by F+W Media, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.
Published by
Adams Media, a division of F+W Media, Inc.
57 Littlefield Street, Avon, MA 02322. U.S.A.
Contains material adapted from The Everything Massage Book by Valerie Voner, CRT, CTM, RMT, copyright 2004 by F+W Media, Inc., ISBN 10: 1-59337-071-7, ISBN 13: 978-159337-071-8.
ISBN 10: 1-4405-9401-5
ISBN 13: 978-1-4405-9401-4
eISBN 10: 1-4405-9402-3
eISBN 13: 978-1-4405-9402-1
The Complete Guide to Massage is intended as a reference volume only, not as a medical or fitness manual. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions in this book are intended to supplement, not replace, the advice of a trained medical professional. Consult your physician about any condition that may require medical attention before adopting the suggestions and programs in this book. The author and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this book.
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Cover design by Sylvia McArdle.
Cover photographs by and Deana Travers, Home Town Photo.
Interior photographs by Deana Travers, Home Town Photo.
From the dawn of humankind, humans have recognized the importance and comfort of touch. Massage is the natural inclination to touch, to soothe, to rub, or to take away or ease whatever ails you. Massage is also a form of communication; you can use it to actually talk to someone without words. When you are gently rubbing the tired arms and hands of a beloved partner, you are expressing your feelings through the compassion of your touch. This book will show you how to use massage on yourself and to share its gifts with others.
Touch through massage is a way to share yourself with others. A relationship of honor and trust is established through the give-and-take of caring touch. To receive massage is to trust the giver, and to give massage is to honor the receiver. The knowledge you gain from this book will contribute to improving your relationship with yourself as well as with others. You are opening a door to whole wellness as you study educated touch, visualizing your hands as tools of healing. Massage takes away aches and pains while providing comfort in the most basic of our instincts, touch.
Massage is used today in a variety of settings. Everyone from athletes to infants to businesspeople can benefit from massage. Massage is used in physical therapy and in specific treatment of certain medical conditions. Massage has become popular in many areas of healing, including nursing care and spa treatments. It is used by doctors to alleviate problems in the least invasive way, and without drugs.
We discuss in this book the different strokes and movements within a massage, and explore the variety of massages available, giving you an array of choices. As you develop an informed touch, your fingers will know what to do on the body you are massaging.
Massage can be as fancy or as simple as you make it. Giving a massage is pleasurable and can be done anywhere; it takes only two peoplea giver and a receiver. Whether you are outside or indoors, at home or at work, have a free afternoon or a quick lunch break, performing and receiving massage is nearly always a possibility.
Through the study and examination of massage, you find that the physical and emotional relaxation you experience as a receiver and a giver frees your spirit. Welcome to the world of joyous giving.
Part 1
The Fundamentals
Chapter 1
What Is Massage?
Understanding What Massage Is
Massage is the manipulation of soft tissue and muscle in the support of natural healing, using hands, arms, and fingers as the tools. Anyone thinking about massage usually conjures up a mental picture of one person relaxing and another person applying smooth, steady strokes to promote further relaxation. The skin is the perfect palette for massage. In fact, your intuitive response to pain, whether physical or emotional, is to rub the offending area in an effort to soothe away the pain. Massage is simply an organized expression of your own natural instinct and ability.
Massage promotes holistic health, which is the balance of body, mind, and spirit in a healthy, drug-free environment. This systematic application of healing touch creates an environment of balance that in turn fosters good health. Massage may provide relaxation or stimulation, depending upon the techniques used. Massage encourages joy and happiness, for both the receiver and the giver. In short, massage is a key to enhancing your well-being.
Massage for Self-Healing
Our bodies have an innate giftthe capacity to promote our own healing. Touch is an effective tool for triggering this natural healing response. Massage enables the body to relax, creating a therapeutic environment for the healing functions of the body.
The Stimulation of the Senses
Our greatest sense receptor, the skin, is the obvious target in touch therapies like massage, yet massage affects some of your other senses, too:
- The use of warm scented oil on skin activates the sense of smell, further promoting relaxation. If the oil also has medicinal properties, as is the case with many essential oils mixed within a plain carrier oil, the bodys natural healing abilities are stimulated, helping the individual toward greater balance.
- Receiving massage with your eyes closed allows you to mentally visualize the soothing effectsseeing through feeling.
- Hearing soft calming music lulls us to an even deeper space of relaxation, allowing us to release all tension. The healing touch combined with gentle sound sends messages of trust to our brain, allowing the body to relax further.
Nerve and Tissue Response
Soft tissue responds to massage. The act of massage releases tension from tight muscles and supports the flow of oxygen throughout the body. As the circulation of oxygen and blood is stabilized, the body is encouraged to operate properly. Tight muscles can press on nerves and blood vessels, causing pain and reduced circulation. Massage helps to relax muscles, reducing these problems.
The Purpose of Pain
Pain is a natural signal alerting us to a malfunction within the body, an early warning not to be ignored. The pain response is present to sound the alarm, guiding us to seek the proper attention. Pain alerts us to begin the hunt to find the cause. Massage can be part of a holistic plan to eliminate pain.
Pain can have a negative effect on a persons quality of life and can slow recovery from injury. Massage can help reduce the pain from headaches, lower back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, and more.