Sang H. Kim, Ph.D.
Life begins from the first breath and ends with the last drop of breath. In between, we live. We were born to live long and Power Breathing is one way of promoting longevity and vitality. It will recharge your energy and help you perform better at work, at play and at rest.
Without being conscious of it, babies are masters of breathing, but somewhere along the way, we lose that naturalness. This hook is a reminder of your original, innocent way of breathing. Although the techniques may appear it bit complicated at first, the goal is simply to recover your natural sense of breathing and, of course, to empower your inner self
Mastery comes in all different forms. When a process is meaningful, the path of learning, discovering, and benefiting will set you free from being conscious of the road. To master Power Breathing, take the liberty to choose whatever subject or exercise you are interested in. That's the beginning. Then imitate. Through imitation, you'll find the method or technique that best fits your physical condition and skill level.
Be like a caterpillar: shed the layers of your old habits one at a time. Facing obstacles, he like water. Flow to the lowest level then fill up the space while building your foundation. In time, your strength will help you flow over your obstacles.
Happy Power Breathing!
Sang 11. Kim
Atalaya Mountain, summer 2008
To Cynthia and Jessica and Dixie and Emma.
Many thanks to my teachers in martial arts training for the past four decades, particularly to Grandmaster Park Yong-tak and Grandmaster Kim Do-bu. Learning seems to be the passage toward enlightenment of not knowing. It took only decades to appreciate what had been taught and render validity to my doubt. I also thank my students for their support and dedication.
Notes to the Readers
Personal well-being is a high priority for many people: to he free of disease, to be free of fear, to have it sense of inner strength and physical capacity. Power Breathing is geared to reducing the factors that obstruct our well-being and enhancing those that contribute to well-being. As you practice the exercises and techniques in this hook, keep in mind that a sensible approach and gradual, persistent progression are the keys to success. Should you have any medical concerns, consult your doctor before engaging in this program. If you feel dizziness or discomfort during an exercise, stop immediately and consult with a medical professional.
CHAPTER 8: 105
You may read this book from the beginning to the end, or flip to any page and practice a technique or exercise that interests you. If you are new to power Breathing exercises or to breathing exercises in general, begin with the basic exercises in Chapter 3 then progress to Gentle Breathing and finally, to the more strenuous Power Breathing methods. To get it better understanding of Power Breathing in action, you may also find it helpful to watch the Power Breathing, for Life DVD, which includes several Power Breathing workouts using the exercises in this book as well as detailed instruction on the five Power Breathing methods.
As you become familiar with the methods taught here, you can incorporate Power Breathing techniques into literally any activity that you do in daily life - walking, running, playing tennis, gardening, riding the bus - anything! As you progress, you'll find that you are adapting power Breathing techniques in ways that suit your body and your lifestyle.
FOR YOUR SAFETY: Power Breathing is a strenuous exercise. You should progressively increase the intensity and duration of practice for your safety. If you have a pulmonary, cardiac or auditory illness or any condition that might be adversely affected by the exercises presented in this book, consult your doctor before engaging in Power Breathing practice.
I folding your breath during condensing requires caution. Begin from your most comfortable level and gradually increase the length and intensity of condensing, conservatively adding one second at a time as you improve your capacity. Although we think of breathing as a natural daily activity, altering your breathing can be as stressful to the body as strenuous exercise and should be approached with the caution and common sense that you would approach any physically strenuous activity.
" When you pay undivided attention to your vital breathing, won't the body becomes as supple as a newborn baby?"