The Crisis of 2014
(In order of appearance)
MILE O UAMOUNO a two-year-old boy in Meliandou village, Guinea.
M ENINDOR ( F INDA N YUMA) botanist and healer in Kpondu village, Sierra Leone.
D R. H UMARR S . K HAN chief physician of the Lassa Fever Research Program, Kenema Government Hospital, Sierra Leone.
A UNTIE M BALU S . F ONNIE chief nurse of the Lassa ward at Kenema Government Hospital.
L ISA H ENSLEY associate director of the Integrated Research Facility (IRF), Fort Detrick, Maryland.
P ETER B . J AHRLING director of the IRF.
S IMBIRIE J ALLOH coordinator of the Lassa research program, Kenema Government Hospital.
D R. P ARDIS S ABETI genomic scientist at Harvard University and the Broad Institute.
L INA M . M OSES scientist with Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans.
D R. L ANCE P LYLER chief of emergency medical operations for Samaritans Purse, ELWA Hospital, Monrovia, Liberia.
D R. K ENT B RANTLY chief physician of the Ebola ward, Samaritans Purse, ELWA Hospital, Monrovia, Liberia.
M ICHAEL G BAKIE biosafety officer and epidemiologist, Lassa research program; deputy to Humarr Khan.
A UGUSTINE G OBA director of the Lassa Laboratory (the Hot Lab) of the Lassa research program, Kenema Government Hospital.
N ADIA W AUQUIER epidemiologist with biotechnology firm Metabiota.
S AHR N YOKOR ambulance driver, Kenema Government Hospital.
D R. T OM F LETCHER WHO doctor; scientist at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, U.K.
L UCY M AY nurse, Kenema Government Hospital.
I YE P RINCESS G BORIE nurse, Kenema Government Hospital.
M OHAMED Y ILLAH epidemiologist in the Lassa research program, Kenema Government Hospital. Brother of Auntie Mbalu Fonnie.
A LEX M OIGBOI senior nurse, Ebola ward, Kenema Government Hospital.
L ARRY Z EITLIN cofounder and president, Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc., San Diego.
G ENE O LINGER scientist at the IRF, Fort Detrick, Maryland.
G ARY K OBINGER chief of pathogens at the National Microbiology Laboratory, Winnipeg, Canada.
D R. T IM OD EMPSEY WHO doctor; professor at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, U.K.
A LICE K OVOMA nurse, Ebola ward, Kenema Government Hospital.
N ANCY Y OKO nurse and later supervisor of the Ebola ward, Kenema Government Hospital.
D R. J OHN S CHIEFFELIN WHO doctor; pediatrician with Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans.
N ANCY W RITEBOL medical worker with Samaritans Purse.
The Crisis of 1976
(In order of appearance)
S ISTER B EATA ( J EANNE V ERTOMMEN) midwife at Yambuku Catholic Mission Hospital, Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo).
F ATHER S ANGO G ERMAIN priest at Yambuku Catholic Mission, Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo).
D R. J EAN- J ACQUES J . J . M UYEMB- T AMFUN virologist at the National University of Zaire, Kinshasa, Zaire.
S ISTER M YRIAM ( L OUISE E CRAN) nursing sister at Yambuku Catholic Mission Hospital.
D R. J EAN- F RANOIS R UPPOL head of the Belgian medical mission in Zaire.
D R. K ARL M . J OHNSON head of the Special Pathogens Branch of the Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
P ATRICIA A . W EBB virologist at the Special Pathogens Branch of the CDC.
Occasionally Used
CDC = Centers for Disease Control
ELWA H OSPITAL = Eternal Love Winning Africa Hospital
HEPA FILTER = high-efficiency particulate air filter
IRF = Integrated Research Facility
NIH = National Institutes of Health
PPE = personal protective equipment
USAMRIID (pronounced You-SAM-rid) = United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases
WHO = World Health Organization