The Octopus of Global Control
Charlie Robinson
Text Copyright @ 2017 Charlie Robinson
All Rights Reserved
This book is dedicated to those seeking the "truth" about the world that we live in, in spite of the ridicule from friends.
To those who have ruined a Thanksgiving dinner by debating who the real villains were behind 9/11.
To those that have been fitted for a strait jacket by your family.
To those who contributed to my awakening.
To those who inspired me.
To those that educated me.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
~ Charlie Robinson
Table of Contents
What is the Truth, and Why Does It Hurt?
The Octopus
Military Control
The War on War
I Love You, You Love Me
The Original Dr. Evil
What a Dick
Thats Mr. Asshole to You
They Dont Call Her Killery for Nothing
Goose-Stepping to One World Government
You Register & Ban the Firearms before the Slaughter
Governmental Control
Elections Incorporated
Big Oil & Bigger Assholes
If You Want to Make an Omelet
How Deep is Your State?
RICO Suave
Covert Control
Does This Tin Foil Hat Make Me Look Crazy?
Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a Pirates Life for Me
Three Buildings with Two Planes
The Reservoir Dogs of 9/11
Maybe the Smartest Thing to do is Pull It?
Silencing Dissenting Voices
The War of Terror
Drill, Baby, Drill Boston, London, Paris, New York, & Norway
Physical Control
Censored, Surveilled, Watch Listed, & Jailed
Black & Blue and Dumb All Over
Solitary Confinement & Stock Options
Depopulation Agenda
The Most Interesting Man in the World
Agenda 2030
The End of America
The Revolution Will Be Televised, But Everyone Will Just DVR It
Rotten to the (Common) Core
Financial Control
As Federal as Federal Express
Youre So Money and You Dont Even Know It
Fractional Reserve Banking Leaves You a Fraction of Your Savings
The Real Psychopaths of New York City
The Coming Trillion Dollar Robbery
Spending Money Like a Redneck That Won the Lottery
Dirty Four-Letter Word
The Emergence of the Economic Hit Man
The Most Hated Corporation on the Planet
NGOs as a Tool for Regime Change
Media Control
Broken News
Tavistock is not a Music Festival
And Then There Were Five
The Psychology of Authority
Are the Voices in my Head Bothering You?
Everyone Must Check In
Youre Sending the Wolf?
Terrorism Built in America
The Whistle Goes Woooo!
Spiritual Control
My God is Better than Your God
Still Crazy After All of These Years
J-E-T-S Jets! Jets! Jets!
Death by Astonishment
All of These Spirit Voices Rule the Night
Welcome to the Jungle It Gets Worse Here Everyday
The Dark Side of Miseducation
Americas Hypochondriac Cousin
Student Body Right
Scientific Control
The Business of Sickness
Side Effects May Include Spontaneous Combustion
Drilling a Hole to Let the Evil Spirits Out
Herd Immunity Mentality
The Center for Disease Creation
Would You Like to Super-Size That Vaccine?
Marlboro Man & Autistic Boy
RoundUp These Maniacs
Does This Cancer Make Me Look Skinny?
NASA - Never A Straight Answer
So Now What?
Where Do We Go from Here?
What is the Truth, and Why Does It Hurt?
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Most of what we are told is nothing more than an elaborate lie. We have never had access to as much information as we do today, and yet there has never been a time when people have been as misinformed as we are right now.
Sadly, it appears that we live in a world of self-imposed ignorance. For the most part, we are content with that ignorance, in part, because it is familiar to us. Somewhere along the way, we struck a deal with our soul that we wouldnt seek the truth, as long as the truth promised to remain quietly in the background. For those brave enough to break that deal and seek the real truth, the process is utterly terrifying. Most people quickly run back to the safety of their old, familiar lives, and who can blame them?
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. Voltaire, author.
This book may severely warp your comfortable version of reality, especially if you have always thought of your government as the good guy, as your protector, or a sort of third parent who keeps you safe. You might find this experience to be difficult to comprehend, like finding out that not only is Santa Claus not real, but that he was actually the Night Stalker all along, the psychopathic killer who was slipping into houses at night and terrorizing Los Angeles residents during the mid-1980s.
You might even hate this book, not because you think that the information contained inside is false, but because you fear that it might actually be true. Once you know more about these very serious topics, you can never un-know them. This isnt something that everyone is prepared for, hell, this isnt something that the majority of people are prepared for, but this information will give you a greater understanding of the true nature of the world that we live in, both the good and the bad.
To fully comprehend this new version of reality, we are going to need to forget many of the things that we have always accepted as being true, discard our understanding about the way things work, and the reasons why they work this way. This is a massive undertaking, to be sure, but we owe this to ourselves and our family. We no longer have the luxury of delegating our thinking to those in power to make everything alright. They simply cannot be trusted any longer, and they dont even want the same things that are important to us anyway.
However, if you decide to venture down this new path, what you will discover is that the more you learn about the way things really are, the less likely that you will be fooled again. You will be able to read between the lines of your nightly news broadcast. You will recognize the signals of deceit from the corrupted politicians, captains of industry, and religious leaders. You will understand how the banking system works, and how the fiat currency game is rigged against you. And most importantly, you will understand the plan that those people in power have for you and (spoiler alert) it isnt good.
Dont expect your friends and family to willingly join you on this trip. In time perhaps they might, but you should prepare to make this journey all alone. The journey for this kind of knowledge requires you to burn your ship once you arrive onshore because there is simply no way of going back to the way you once looked at the world.
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. Joe Klaas, writer.
In order to fully understand the reasons for the dysfunction in our society, you must pull back far enough to get a view of the entire picture. Without this expanded perspective, the problems that we face seem disconnected and random. They are anything but random; they are deliberate, and they have been seeded decades in advance, a sort of planned functional obsolescence of humanity.
Truth, she thought. As terrible as death. But harder to find. Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle .
Perhaps you have heard that there are a small group of people that run our world? A shadowy group of Plutocrats lighting their cigars with flaming $100 bills, flying all over the globe in their private jets, running multinational corporations, controlling the media narrative, manipulating the money supply, influencing governments, generating chaos, and provoking wars in order to further their agendas.
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