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Amy D. Shojai - The First-Aid Companion for Dogs & Cats

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Amy D. Shojai The First-Aid Companion for Dogs & Cats
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Each at-a-glance entry tells you when to call the vet, which supplies or medications youll need, what immediate action you should take, and what you should do as follow-up care.By knowing what to do in an emergency and then acting quickly and confidently to take the proper steps, you could save your pets life. The next time medical help is not quickly available, reach for The First-Aid Companion for Dogs and Cats. Its a pet owners second best friend.

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This book is intended as a reference volume only, not as a medical manual. The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your pets health. It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your veterinarian. If you suspect that your pet has a medical problem, we urge you to seek competent medical help.

2001 by Amy D. Shojai

Illustrations by Randy Hamblin

Cover photographs 2001 by The Stock Market

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

Prevention for Pets is a registered trademark of Rodale Inc.

Cover designer: Joanna Williams

Interior designer: Richard Kershner

Illustrator: Randy Hamblin

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Shojai, Amy, 1956

The first-aid companion for dogs and cats : what to do now, what to do later; over 150 everyday accidents and emergencies; essential medicine chest; at-a-glance symptom finder; how to prevent accidents; illustrated, clinically proven techniques / by Amy D. Shojai.

p. cm.

Includes index.

ISBN 1579541976 hardcover

ISBN 1579543650 paperback

eISBN 9781605292571

1. DogsWounds and injuriesTreatmentHandbooks, manuals, etc. 2. CatsWounds and injuriesTreatmentHandbooks, manuals, etc. 3. DogsDiseasesTreatmentHandbooks, manuals, etc. 4. CatsDiseasesTreatmentHandbooks, manuals, etc. 5. Veterinary emergenciesHandbooks, manuals, etc. 6. First aid for animalsHandbooks, manuals, etc. I.Title. SF991.S55 2001

636.7'0896025dc21 00011856

Visit us on the Web at www.rodalebooks.com, or call us toll-free at (800) 848-4735.

For all the pets in our lives

May this book help keep them safe from harm,

speed recovery from illness and injury,

and save the lives of those in peril.

And especially for Seren, my furry daredevil,

this ones for youI pray you never need it!

Board of Advisors

C. A. Tony Buffington, D.V.M., Ph.D., professor of veterinary clinical sciences at Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Columbus

Karen L. Campbell, D.V.M., professor of veterinary dermatology and endocrinology at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine at Urbana-Champaign

Liz Palika, owner of the Dog Training with Liz obedience school in Oceanside, California; a columnist for Dog Fancy magazine; and author of All Dogs Need Some Training

Allen M. Schoen, D.V.M., affiliate faculty member in the department of clinical sciences at Colorado State University in Fort Collins; director of the Veterinary Institute for Therapeutic Alternatives in Sherman, Connecticut; and author of Love, Miracles, and Animal Healing

John C. Wright, Ph.D., a certified applied animal behaviorist; professor of psychology at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia; and coauthor of The Dog Who Would Be King and Is Your Cat Crazy?


Many people, thankfully, will never have to cope with a serious pet injury or illness. For those who will, however, the lack of preparation or knowledge can be crippling. And the time you lose through fear and uncertainty can be critical to your pets recovery. It can literally mean the difference between life and death.

I should know. As a professor specializing in emergency medicine, I see hundreds of cases pass through our veterinary emergency room every year. In many of those cases, prompt action on the owners part could have saved a beloved pet from a long and costly hospital stay or painful emergency procedures. That is where this book comes in.

The First-Aid Companion for Dogs and Cats is a comprehensive and easy-to-follow resource to guide you to quick and decisive action when your pet needs it most. In this book, you will find simple remedies for common injuries and ailments, and you will also find advanced methods of dealing with life-threatening problems. Most important, The First-Aid Companion for Dogs and Cats will help you distinguish minor problems from major crises and assist you in deciding when to involve your veterinarian. The information has been thoroughly researched and contains up-to-the minute instructions. The numerous illustrations will help guide you as you follow the directions for your pets first-aid procedures.

It was a great pleasure to be involved with this book, and I hope that it will not only help you keep your pet safe and well but also provide some peace of mind that youre now prepared for whatever you and your pet may encounter. I think that, for caring pet owners, The First-Aid Companion for Dogs and Cats is indispensable.

Shane Bateman, D.V.M., D.V.Sc., Diplomate ACVECC and assistant professor of emergency and critical care medicine in the department of veterinary clinical sciences at Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Columbus


This book would not have been possible without the help of many peopleand petswho offered their expertise, help, and inspiration along the way. Most especially my parents, Phil and Mary Monteith, who have always been my cheerleaders; my husband, Mahmoud, who supports my every dream; Seren, who is the best assistant a writer could have; and my furry muse, Fafnir, who remains always in my heart. I am blessed with my family, and can never thank them enough.

My colleagues, of the pet persuasion and otherwise, continually inspire me with their professionalism, friendship, and untiring support. Id especially like to thank the members of the Cat Writers Association and Dog Writers Association of Americayou make me proud to be a pet writer!

Heartfelt appreciation goes to the more than 80 veterinarians who offered their expertise for this book. I must also thank the countless veterinary teachers and researchers across the nation who gave freely of their time and talent to answer my endless questions over the years.

Grateful thanks to Matthew Hoffman, who shared my vision; to Ellen Phillips, who makes me look good; and especially to Meredith Bernstein, who does all the really hard stuff.

Finally, this book wouldnt be possible without all the cats and dogs who share our livesand the caring owners dedicated to keeping their furry family members safe. Without you, this book would never have been written.

Part One
Your Pets Essential Medicine Chest

I ts impossible to predict what sort of emergency might happen to your pet. And when your cat or dog is injured, quick treatment is vitalyou may not have time to conduct a search for the right remedy or tools. So its best to be prepared for the most common injuries and have the necessary supplies ready to use at a moments notice.

You can buy commercial first-aid kits from pet-supply stores and catalogs. These kits contain all the basic care items. Or you can put together your own, using the following list as a guide.


Information card with your veterinary emergency clinic phone number and the local or national poison-control number

Information card indicating your pets baseline temperature and weight

Commercial muzzle or length of fabric to make one

Bandaging materials

Sterile gauze pads and Telfa pads, various sizes

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