Striving to Become an Eminently Qualified Human
With Dave Berke and Sarah Armstrong
Copyright 2020 Jocko Willink
The Code. The Evaluation. The Protocols.
Striving to Become an Eminently Qualified Human
Kindle Version
Published by Jocko Publishing
Layout and Design by Jon Bozak
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Jocko Willink
The Code. The Evaluation. The Protocols.
Striving to Become an Eminently Qualified Human
Downloadable via Kindle
LCCN: 2020900497
1. Mind and Body
2. Self Help
First Edish
ISBN 13: 978-0-9816188-3-8
Unmitigated Daily
in all things.
It is the only Way.
the code.
Without an objective,
the objective will not be reached.
Without a goal,
the goal will not be achieved.
Without a standard,
the standard will not be met.
Without a mission,
the mission cannot be accomplished.
Without an ideal,
the ideal will never be realized.
Without a clear path,
The Path cannot be followed.
Yet, we, as human beings, often go through life without any of these.
And so, we wander.
We wander aimlessly, moving without making progress.
Days, months, and years pass us by.
Time is wasted, which means life is wasted.
And potential is wasted.
Our own potential, squandered.
Meandering through life, instead of becoming who we could be instead of attaining our highest possible manifestation of being, we simply become whatever we become.
We fall short.
In so many ways, we fall short.
But this need not be our fate. We can prevail over mediocracy. We do that by chasing the ideal.
Our ideal.
An ideal that we must define. An ideal that we must codify in no uncertain terms so we know what we are striving for. We must have a code to follow.
The Code.
I will take care of my physical health by exercising, eating properly, and getting the rest I need to recover and rebuild. I will take care of my physical surroundings, keeping them in order.
I will develop myself mentally by reading, writing, drawing, building, creating, and engaging in other activities that sharpen and expand my mind.
I will not waste time. Time is precious.
I will not waste money and I will make prudent financial decisions. Money is hard to earn.
I will set goals that I will strive toward.
I will excel in my job because work is integral to life.
I will be humble and not allow my ego to negatively impact my decisions.
I will control my emotions and not allow my emotions to negatively impact my decisions.
I will put others before myself. I will help other people and protect those that cannot protect themselves. I will take care of my friends and family and treat other people with respect.
I will be ready to protect my friends and family. My gear will be ready. I will train and prepare to defend myself and others.
This Code is not perfectly suited to everyone. But it is not unalterable. You can modify it if needed. Customize it for you and your life. While it isnt perfect, it is a good place to start.
And while we may never be able to live up to this code, we will be better for having tried.
We will get stronger, smarter, faster.
We will build a better career.
We will be better mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, daughters, and sons.
We will be healthier. Our lives will be better.
And we will make the lives of those around us better .
And to do that, we must strive.
We must strive to be better in the things that matter.
The Code sets a standard,
the highest possible standard.
The highest possible standard
reveals and delineates.
The Path we must follow.
What is the Path?
The Path is how you become what you want to be, who you want to be, and what the world needs you to be .
It is how you reach your potential.
It is The Path of Discipline that leads to Freedom.
The Path is :
A war against weakness, so it leads to
A war against ignorance, so it leads to
A war against confusion, so it leads to
The Path is your LIFE.
And so, The Path is different for everyone. It is your goals, your dreams, what you want to become.
The Path is YOURS.
But at the same time, much of The Path is the same for everyone.
The Path is how you strive to become an
Eminently Qualified Human.
How Do I Find the Path?
Finding The Path isnt as hard as you think.
Some of it is clearly defined in The Code. The rest of The Path comes from simple questions you can ask yourself:
What do you care about?
Who do you want to be?
What matters most to you?
What are the most important things in your life?
Who are the most important people in your life and what do they need from you?
Answer those questions, then write down what you need to do to achieve them.
Those things that you need to do, that you are supposed to do, that you know you must do.
Those things are The Path.
The Path is in your head waiting for you to
follow it.
How do I stay on The Path ?
Once you see The Path, you must begin to walk down it.
This can be the most difficult part of the journey to break free from the gravitational pull of weakness, habit, and fear.
The best way to start, is to start. Dont hesitate. Dont wait. Dont analyze or plan or research.
Just start. Now.
Once you begin down The Path, you will soon realize, it is not an easy path. The Path is fraught with obstacles and distractions.
Laziness, ego, weakness, and immediate gratification will all try to pull you off The Path every day.
You must fight them. You will even have to fight people who dont want you on The Path.
But you can fight.
And you can win.
Every moment you are alive is made of choices you get to make.
Little, tiny choices that alone mean nothing, but when combined together, mean everything.
You have to make the right choices. The hard choices.
You have to deny immediate gratification and pushback against weakness.
You must impose
Unmitigated Daily Discipline
in all things.
That is how you stay on The Path.
We must stay on The Path if we are to become an Eminently Qualified Human.
But what does this Eminently Qualified Human look like?
What are the attributes of this person?
An Eminently Qualified Human is a person who has achieved mastery in every facet of life.
This person has reached their full potential in every measurable way.
This person lives The Code.
But in order for us to live The Code, we need to clearly define its parts so that we can evaluate our progress every day.
We need an evaluation system to grade ourselves as we attempt to follow The Code.
And it should be hard.
The bar must be set high.
It should be near impossible.
But just in striving, we will become better.
And, we must implement discipline.
We must aim to implement
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