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ISBN: Print 978-1-64152-813-9 | eBook 978-1-64152-814-6
To my husband, Dan, and our adorable Harper, my best taste testers!
To all those looking to heal: May you find health, happiness, and joy through food and in all areas of your life.
Let food be thy medicine.
Ever since I can remember, Ive been interested in the healing powers of food. I spent many of my childhood years taking antibiotics and sitting out gym class and playground activities because of my life-threatening asthma and allergies. I lived in fear of the next asthma attack but yearned to be an athlete like my sister. As an alternative, my mom and dad encouraged me to share their love of cooking and to take an active role in the kitchen. I jumped in wholeheartedly. Soon I was roasting carrots, sauting string beans, and baking chocolate chip cookies (with some oats thrown in for good measure). From these early culinary experiences, I developed a deep love for the art of cooking and cultivated an interest in foods influence of on how you feel.
As my recipe repertoire expanded, my asthma eventually improved, and my desire to become an athlete became a reality. I joined my high schools cross-country team and, lets just say, Ive been running ever since! Although healthy eating was always a priority, bagels and Gatorade fueled most of my runs throughout high school and college. When I moved to New York City after graduation and started training for my first marathon, I quickly realized I needed to change my nutrition strategy. Cue the salads, smoothies, and soups! I said sayonara to artificial sweeteners, cut down on simple carbohydrates, and started cooking more frequently in my tiny apartment. If it came from the ground, it was in my kitchen!
Im not sure whether it was the copious amounts of beet juice I drank, which increases blood flow, or the countless miles I ran during training, but I ran the 2010 Philadelphia Marathon in 3 hours, 40 minutes, which qualified me for the Boston Marathon. I felt incredibly proud of my athletic feat, but also noticed a vibrancy that hadnt existed before. Gone were the days of antibiotics and inhalers, and I welcomed more natural ways of healing through what I put on (or left off) my plate.
In my clinical and private work as a dietitian today, I aim to mix my Western medical nutrition training with Eastern philosophies and share my belief that food can be incredibly healing. I truly believe that although there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to nutrition, everyone can benefit from more plants in their diet.
If youre seeking ways to improve your overall health and become more familiar with the nutritional value of plant-based foods, this book is for you! I profile 50 nutritional sources that contain powerful healing properties, walk you through how they function, and highlight how to integrate them into your daily life. I hope this book will inspire you to start exploring your own relationship with plant-based nutrition and healing. Lace up your shoes and let me guide you to a healthier and happier younaturally!
Food has many functions. It can be a source of fuel, a means of celebration, a way to promote growth and survival, and, of course, medicine. People turn to natural sources of healing for various reasons. Perhaps they have chronic conditions theyre struggling to manage through traditional medical treatment, or maybe theyre interested in preventing common problems associated with poor nutrition, such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. As a dietitian, I aim to share the power of the overall diet for wellness. I frequently prescribe specific foods to include or exclude in my clients daily lives, noting that each food serves a purpose and can be used to promote optimal health. In my opinion, a healthy diet is the most powerful tool you have for protecting your health! Food can affect how you feel physically, and control how genes are expressed, affecting everything from your brain and heart to your energy, hormones, and mood. Whether or not you are seeking to prevent or manage a particular condition, you can use food to be your best, healthiest, and happiest self.